11-22-04 PC Minutes
Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 22,2004
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall,
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday,
November 22, 2004. Vice Chair Waldhauser called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Those present were Commissioners Eck, Hackett, McAleese, Rasmussen, Schmidgall
and Waldhauser. Also present were Director of Planning and Development, Mark
Grimes and Administrative Assistant, Lisa Wittman. Chair Keysser was absent.
I. Approval of Minutes
October 11, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting
Eck referred to the first paragraph on page four and said to strike the word "asked". He
referred to page five and noted several typographical errors.
Waldhauser referred to the third paragraph on page two and clarified her question
regarding access to the property being discussed.
MOVED by Rasmussen, seconded by Eck and motion carried unanimously to approve
the October 11, 2004 minutes with the above noted changes/corrections.
October 25, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting
Waldhauser stated that Commissioner Hackett was listed as present but was absent.
MOVED by ECk, seconded by McAleese and motion carried unanimously to approve the
October 25,2004 minutes with the above noted correction.
Presentation of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2005-2009 - Don Taylor,
City Finance Director
Don Taylor, City Finance Director, explained that the Planning Commission reviews the
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) annually to make sure that what is being planned for
the future complies with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. He stated that there are
seven sections in the CIP and that the last three sections: streets, storm sewers and
water & sewer required a special meeting with the City Council to prioritize projects. He
explained that approval of the CIP does not mean that all of the individual projects listed
in the CIP would be receiving final approval from the Council.
Taylor referred to page 22 and discussed the tax rate that the City is levying to pay debt
and its relationship to the City's total tax rate. He said as a past request from the Planning
Commission, staff now relates the current CIP to the previous CIP and that it is a way to
analyze projects from year to year.
Waldhauser referred to the tax rates on page 22 and asked if a cost inflation assumption
is used or the costs at current dollars are used for the projected costs. Taylor said they
use 3% as the yearly inflation factor for operations when they forecast for the future.
Minutes of the Planning Commission
November 22,2004
Page 2
Eck referred to page 22 asked how Golden Valley compares to other first ring suburbs
regarding the bonded debt tax rate and the other figures listed. Taylor said he thinks
Golden Valley's debt tax rate is relatively high right now compared to other cities primarily
because of the Pavement Management Program (PMP). He s,aid that 80% of the PMP is
financed with tax levies and 20% is financed with assessments against the benefiting
properties. He added that Golden Valley levies over 2 million dollars per year to repay
bonds that finance the PMP. He added that the City will be paying debt service on streets
until 2029 or 2030.
Waldhauser asked if the expectation is that the whole pavement management process
won't have to start over again until 2029. Taylor said that the earliest streets in the PMP
were reconstructed in the early 1990s so if maintenance is done and the weather
cooperates streets could last 40 to 50 years. Grimes added that a lot of times utilities are
also redone or replaced at the same time as the streets. Hackett asked if soil is replaced
as well. Grimes said yes and stated that the initial installation of streets did not always
have an adequate sub-base. Taylor added that that is one reason it is hard to compare
cities and that it costs Golden Valley in excess of one million dollars per mile to
reconstruct a street. He said that the Pavement Management Program doesn't bother the
City's bond rating company (Moody's) because they like to see a long term plan to
replace infrastructure.
Eck asked if the Highway 55/ Boone Avenue project has been taken out of this CIP.
Taylor said yes, and explained that the project was in last year's CIP because
construction started in 2004 but will be completed in 2005 so they did not put it in this CIP
because it was too hard to divide it up between 2004 and 2005. Grimes asked if the State
contributed some money to that project. Taylor said the City will receive approximately
$550,000 from the state and that the rest of the project was financed with storm sewer
revenue bonds and tax abatement bonds.
Waldhauser asked if the cost of ponds in included in the street section. Taylor said those
costs are put in the storm sewer section of the CIP.
Eck asked about the status of the City's water situation. Taylor stated that all three cities
in the Joint Water Commission have agreed to approve a contract with Minneapolis at a
rate of approximately $1.75 per 1,000 gallons this year for the wholesale cost of water
with a possible increase in 2005. He explained that building a water treatment facility in
Golden Valley could still be looked at in the future.
Waldhauser said it appeared that a lot of spending was front ended into 2005 and 2006
and tapered off in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and asked if that is just a reflection of what we
don't know about those years. Taylor said yes, and that staff gets together and decides
which projects can be delayed to future years.
Rasmussen asked how many buildings the City owns. Taylor said there are 10 fairly good
size buildings and 7 park buildings. Rasmussen asked it there is someone who looks at
all of the buildings regarding maintenance needs. Taylor explained that the Environmental
Minutes of the Planning Commission
November 22, 2004
Page 3
e Coordinator is in charge of the City's buildings. On occasion he will hire consultants to
inspect the city's buildings, as he did recently for roofs.
Eck asked what a "trunked" radio system means. McAleese explained that it means the
radio system assigns radio frequencies and channels automatically.
Rasmussen referred to the phone system and voice mail system and asked if they are
one in the same. Taylor said they could be the same system in the future, but right now
they are separate systems. He stated that the City is looking at different options including
leasing a system. The City bought its' current system in 1996.
Eck referred to the new public safety command vehicle and asked what thatdoes for the
City that the existing one can't do. Taylor explained that because of the new police
e computer system and the new radio system they need an updated command vehicle.
Waldhauser asked if the cost of equipment that is not used frequently is shared with other
cities that also have a limited need for it. Taylor said the City is a member of a number of
mutual aid groups for Police, Fire and Public Works.
Waldhauser asked about the renovation of the firearms range. Taylor said that it needs to
be renovated because it doesn't meet the air handling requirements. He added that staff
has discussed the possibility of leasing our facility out to other cities.
McAleese asked if there is still a sidewalk committee. Grimes said there will be people
reappointed to the sidewalk committee and that someone from the Planning Commission
is always on the sidewalk committee. He added that the Vision Guide really stresses
sidewalks and connections and that is something that is important to the Council.
MOVED by Schmidgall, seconded by Eck and motion carried unanimously to recommend
approval of the 2005-2009 Capital Improvement Program as it is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan.
III. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
No reports from other meetings were discussed.
IV. Other Business
No other business was discussed.
V. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.