10-24-05 Joint PC-EC Minutes e e e GOLDEN VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION Joint Meeting Minutes October 24, 2005 Present: Environmental Commission - Rich Baker, Tracy Anderson, Dawn Hill, Alan Kuentz, Jon Pawluk; Planning Commission - Steve Schmidgall, Les Eck, Don Keysser, Peggy Rasmussen, Dave Cera, Gregg Hackett; Others - Barry Petit, Petit & Associates Absent: Environmental Commission - Christopher Kaisershot; City Staff - AI Lundstrom, Environmental Coordinator; Lisa Wittman, Administrative Assistant City Staff: Jeff Oliver, City Engineer; Mark Grimes, Director of Planning & Development; Bob Shaffer, City Council Member; Tracy Pharr, Administrative Assistant Joint Meetina I. Design Standards, Presentation bv Barry Petit of Petit & Associates Grimes introduced Barry Petit of Petit & Associates. Petit's presentation was entitled, "Designing Our Communities." Petit stated that there are four important topics for community vision: 1. We (as staff and commission members) are the Board of Directors for our community, and as such, we are entirely responsible. 2. Making decisions at 10:00 pm (as in a meeting) is a lousy way to do business. Creativity rarely takes place in a public, late night venue. 3. Many of our decisions last for generations, while policies often change with a change of regime. 4. Bad design lasts just as long as good design. Therefore, designing your community should be serious business. Petit outlined the process for coming up with "good" design: 1. Create the appropriate design document. 2. Work with the developer's architect. 3. Submit design critiques to staff for distribution. 4. Ongoing design workshop with boards and commissions. Time was allotted for questions after Petit's presentation. 1 e Keysser asked what the enforcement powers are to affect a decision. Petit answered that case law is incredibly specific in substantiating the City's role in enforcement of their requirements. Eck asked how agreement can be reached with so many varying tastes. Petit replied that the City and its boards and commissions should decide what is trying to be achieved as an appropriate architectural style for the community. He also noted that there are laws of architecture, governing standards in material and physics. Hill asked if there should be one general reviewer for development plans. Petit stated that great architecture is achieved through collaboration, and that lack thereof is a problem. Shaffer asked how these ideas impact the 60-day rule for review of development proposals. Petit responded that staff and commissions need to understand the rules in advance of the 60-day period to begin with. The Commissions broke into their own respective groups at 7:00 pm to continue individual commission agenda topics. Individual Environmental Commis ion Meetin e 7:03 pm. II. 27 2005 No changes. MOVED by Kuentz, seconde the minutes of the June 27,200 III. Deer Po ulation Stud (information from Park Oliver made note of t nts from the Sun Post. Baker asked if the Director of th ark & Recreation epartment uld address this topic at the next Environment ommission meeting. liver will inqu as to the Park & Recreation Ick Jacobson) availability or the November 8 meeting. Dis ssion ensued as to whether or n t the Commission wish to pursue this topic for rther study. Commission Members a reed to hold off on makin his decision until (after hearing from Jacobson. . 2