4-9-12Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes April 9, 2012 Present: Hilmer Erickson, Brenda Hayle, Elissa Heilicher, Chris Monroe, Diane Nimmer, Connie Sandler and Toots Vodovoz. Also present: Joanie Clausen, Council Liaison and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Dan Blumb and Katie Hart Call to Order: Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. No addition or changes to the agenda. March 12 minutes: Erickson moved and Vodovoz seconded the motion to approve the minutes from March 12. The motion passed unanimously. Run the Valley: The duty/assignment sheet was passed to members. Volunteers were confirmed. The route has been certified and new maps were created. Race day logistics were discussed. Calendar review: Golf Classic will be held on Friday, July 13. The brochures have been updated and are ready to distribute. Taste of Golden Valley date has not been set. Sandler has talked to the GVCF for possible co-sponsorship and adding to the Golden Valley Hall of Fame as part of the event. Other Business: Community Foundation: Sandler reported the CF is working on guidelines for the first set of grant applications and actively fundraising. GVHSF members discussed what businesses the CF should not contact since the GVHSF contacts specific businesses for their events. Valley Days: Valley Days will be held on May 19. Members will decide at the May meeting if they will man a table at the event. Farmer's Market: Nimmer displayed the reusable tote and presented price information. Members were pleased with the product. Hayle will check with another supplier for prices. Sandler announced the date and time of the Commission Dinner, encouraging members to attend. Monroe announced that she and Blumb will be leaving the GVHSF as their terms are ending. Members thanked them for their years of service and hoped that they will continue to support the GVHSF in other ways. Sandler encouraged members to look for people willing to serve on the GVHSF. Adjournment: Sandler reminded the members the next meeting is May 14 at 6:45 p.m. Heilicher moved to adjourn the meeting, Monroe seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler GVHSF Staff Liaison