4-24-06i;in e 11ey OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Agenda Brookview Community Center Monday, April 24, 2006 7:00 p.m. I. Call to Order I. Roll Call Chuck Cahill Jim Johnson Bob Mattison Roger McConico Jim Vaughan, Vice Chair Tom Zins III. Welcome and Introductions IV. Agenda Changes or Additions V. Approval of Minutes — April 3, 2006 VI. Park and Recreation Facility Study A. Description of History, Process and Goals B. Break-up Into Small Groups 1. Establish Tasks and Goals 2. Set-up Meeting Schedule C. Return to Large Group for Wrap-up VII. Adjournment Kelly Kuebelbeck Jerry Sandler, Chair 1*04MIley OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, April 3, 2006 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Chuck Cahill, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeanne Andre, Assistant City Manager; Jeanne Fackler, Senior Coordinator; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor; Sue Cook, Recreation Supervisor; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary; Paul Snyder, ATS&R Architects and Golden Valley Rotary; Bob Gunderson, ATS&R Architects; and Diane Nimmer and Sharon Janzen, Golden Valley Federated Women's Club. Absent: Jim Johnson 111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Jacobson announced the city received the Governor's Fit City designation. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— February 27, 2006 MOTION: Moved by Mattison and seconded by McConico to approve the minutes of the February 27th meeting. Motion carried unanimously. V. BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA Snyder gave an overview of previous proposed performance area structures, which were additions to the current small picnic shelter. He explained no decision had been made on previous proposals and the Commission asked ATS&R to get recommendations from the AD HOC Committee. The AD HOC Committee felt none of the plans were appealing. They recommended doing something in conjunction with the large picnic shelter that would work into the existing landscape between the shelter and the pond. Gunderson then presented the current proposed plan. The plan includes a bowl -shaped, natural sloped landscape of concrete and grass facing the pond and a simple staging area which could be designed with or without a cover. The plan also includes a natural, bowl -shaped entry located on the north end of the large shelter off the large parking lot which would coincide with the curved -shape theme of the performance area. The trail from the large parking lot to the large shelter would be made wider and would travel down to the side of the staging area to accommodate an unloading/loading area. Gunderson said the proposed performance area will be able to accommodate a couple hundred people. Sandler asked how much land would be graded. Gunderson said grading would be kept to a minimum. Vaughan expressed concern over youth using the performance area for skateboarding. He suggested designing the area so it will discourage such use. Cahill asked about views of the performance area from different angles. Snyder and Gunderson said the area would be set up to be visually pleasing from various angles. They also explained how plantings would be situated around the area. The Commissioners and guests all agreed they like the new proposed plan. The proposed plan will now be going to the Performance Area Task Force for their input. VI. PARK AND RECREATION FACILITY STUDY Jacobson reviewed a draft of the proposed Citizen Participation Plan/Inventory of Recreation Facilities, which includes recruiting additional citizens to assist the Commission with work in presentations, survey of youth sports associations and a general citizen survey. Andre then talked about the professionally administered citywide survey which will include questions on all city services with several of the questions pertaining to park facilities. The plan is to have the survey completed by the end of 2006. Sandler explained the commitment needed from the Commission in the participation of the surveying process and the different committees needed to get the process accomplished. Discussion then focused on deciding who was going to participate on each committee, as well as ways to survey citizens and Youth Athletic Associations. Having neighborhood meetings or open houses at city parks was suggested. Vaughan asked if city staff would be present at the neighborhood meetings and Jacobson said they would. The Commission discussed ways to make citizens aware of these meetings. The City Newsletter, the SunPost, inserts in utility bills and an advertisement at the parks were options discussed. Discussion then focused on individual responsibilities within the three committees. Commissioners volunteered for committees as follows: l) Survey Youth Athletic Associations — Cahill, Mattison, McConico; 2) Survey Citizens — Johnson, Kuebelbeck, Zins; 3) Presentations in the Parks — Sandler, Vaughan. A work session has been scheduled for Monday, April 24t'. Sandler thanked the Commission for their efforts and participation in the surveying process. VII. OLD BUSINESS a) Deer Task Force Update Vaughan reported that the task force has met once and the next meeting will be Thursday, April 6t'. They have been discussing aerial survey counts, deer/vehicle collisions, resident feedback, adjacent cities policies and a time table for reporting back to the Council. Vaughan added that the DNR has final authority before certain actions can take place. A representative of the DNR will be invited to a future meeting. Mattison said within the last three weeks there have a large number of deer in his area. b) Regional Trail Update No information to report. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Kuebelbeck to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.