2-27-12 (Joint Meeting)4
Joint Meeting
Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road
Council Conference Room, Monday, February 27, 2012
7:00 PM
Joint Meetin_g
1. Park Turf Management Proposal (Lundstrom)
2. EAB Update (Lundstrom)
3. Adjourn to individual commission meetings
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city of
Date: February 22, 2012
Z 1-6-1 1:1111k "L
Public `Abrks Department
763-593-8030 / 763-593-3988 (fax)
To: Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works
From: AI Lundstrom, Park Maintenance Supervisor
Subject: Park Turf Management Proposal
C: Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation
Bert Tracy, Public Works Maintenance Manager
Staff has assessed the new Isaacson Ball Field Complex in addition to Golden Valley's existing park
turf management areas and has developed the following recommendations:
1. Develop a plan to mow, irrigate, fertilize and provide herbicide treatment as necessary
for the new Isaacson Ball Field Complex on Sandburg Lane (6.31 acres).
2. Consider reducing the weekly mowing schedule in various non-active recreational
areas of the City's park open space system that do not meet recreational
programming needs and are difficult to manage due to grade and access (4.5 acres).
Management of the new Isaacson Ball Field Complex will require significant additional staff time
and resources to maintain the facility. Several similar landscape maintenance projects have been
added to the Public Works Department's workload over recent years while realizing a reduction
in staff resources at the same time. Therefore, staff is recommending eliminating high
maintenance turf management in various park locations to offset the increases while at the same
time naturalizing areas of the parks system that are not used as active recreational spaces.
Staff has identified a few locations to consider eliminating regular weekly mowing and allowing
the turf to grow to a natural status. Many areas within the park system are not used on a day-to-
day basis for park programming or active recreation due their grade, access and location. Staff
recommends ceasing or minimizing the weekly mowing of these areas and let them naturalize.
Evaluating and minimizing higher turf management practices can have economic and
environmental benefits as well. The economic benefits include lowering fuel costs, extending the
G:\Park Maintenance\Memos\Park Turf Management Proposal.docx
life span of equipment and offsetting the need to increase staff levels. Environmental benefits
include lower fuel emissions, stabilizing soils on slopes, reducing erosion and providing additional
wildlife habitat.
Staff will work with a professional native vegetation management company to monitor these
locations and request management recommendations as necessary. Staff anticipates the grasses
in these areas would grow from an average of 1 to 3 feet depending upon the dominant grass
type. Beneficial volunteer native trees, shrubs and grasses would be evaluated and encouraged to
grow while noxious plants would be controlled on an as needed basis.
If staff is directed to move forward with the turf management proposal, a communications plan
would be developed that would include letters to surrounding neighbors in addition to website
information and City newsletter articles.
Isaacson Ball Field Complex Map (1 page)
Recommended Turf Management Reduction Areas (5 pages)
G:Wark MaintenanceWtemosWark Turf Management Proposal.docx
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Print Date: 2/16/2012
Hennepin County Surveyors Office for
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Markhurd for 2 -Foot Contours (2008).
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Print Date: 2/13/2012
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Markhurd for 2 -Foot Contours (2008).
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Print Date: 2/13/2012
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Hennepin County Surveyors Office for
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Tennis Courts Markhurd for 2 -Foot Contours (2008) e
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Disclaimer: This is not a legal certificate of survey. Feet