5-14-12Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes May 14, 2012 Present: Hilmer Erickson, Katie Hart, Brenda Hayle, Diane Nimmer, Connie Sandler and Toots Vodovoz. Also present: Joanie Clausen, Council Liaison and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Elissa Heilicher Call to Order: Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:52 p.m. No addition or changes to the agenda. April 9 minutes: Erickson moved and Vodovoz seconded the motion to approve the minutes from April 9. The motion passed unanimously. Election of Chair/Vice Chair: Vodovoz moved to nominate Sandler as Chair and Nimmer as Vice Chair. Hart seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Run the Valley Evaluation: Run the Valley was discussed. Members felt the event was very successful and heard many positive comments. Adding a $15 children's 12 and under price was suggested. 2013 date is tentatively set for April 6 at Brookview. Fackler will contact the Golf Course, Public Works and Public Safety staff as well as Anderson Race Management to make sure the date works for everyone. Upcoming Events: Golf Classic will be held on Friday, July 13. The brochures have been updated and are being distributed. Sponsor letters and brochures will be going out next week. It was suggested to offer lasagna and chicken alfredo for lunch. Taste of Golden Valley date has not been set. Sandler stated the GVCF is onboard to share the event adding the Golden Valley Hall of Fame as the program part of the event. Discussion centered on: is the Hall of Fame a good fit for the Taste? Will it get people to come? Is a silent auction and Hall of Fame a good mix? Need to decide what kind of event the group wants and find a location that will work. Hayle and Nimmer talked about events they had attended that had a theme with corporate levels of support. Have a fee with the option of giving more. If a silent auction is held, have bigger items. Add a theme or option of a costume. Sandler asked members to come to the next meeting with ideas for the event Other Business: Community Foundation: Sandler reported CF members met with Tom Burt, City Manager. Discussion centered on the CF. How can they best serve Golden Valley residents? How can the CF, GVHSF and Valley Days can work together to raise money and allocate funds to residents and businesses? How can the CF raise awareness to volunteer in the community — for commissions and/or community groups? The question was asked how/when does the GVHSF receive the funds that have been designated by the residents and/or businesses through the solicitation letter? Sandler stated the CF board is working on guidelines for fund distribution. Valley Days: Valley Days will be held on May 19. Members decided to place golf tournament information at the Park and Recreation table. Farmer's Market: Nimmer contacted the Market manager. Tents and tables will be provided at no cost to non-profit agencies up to three times during the season. The manager thought a better idea for the GVHSF to raise funds would be through selling hot dogs and soda. The commission agreed and Nimmer will send in an application to the market for July 15, August 19 and September 16. Fackler will bring Health Department information to the next meeting. Funding Application: Fackler passed out the Funding Application and asked members to bring suggestions/changes to the June meeting. Sandler reminded the group about the Commission Dinner, encouraging members to attend. Adjournment: Sandler reminded the members the next meeting is June 11 at 6:45 p.m. Assignment for member is to bring ideas: ❖ An alternate event for Taste of Golden Valley/Golden Valley resident recognition ❖ Farmer's Market fundraiser ❖ Funding Application suggestions/changes Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Hart seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler GVHSF Staff Liaison