9-25-06"bol i"alley OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Agenda Brookview Community Center Monday, September 25, 2006 7:00 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call Roger Bergman Kelly Kuebelbeck Jerry Sandler, Chair III. Agenda Changes or Additions IV. Approval of Minutes — July 24, 2006 V. Brookview Performance Area Chuck Cahill Bob Mattison Jim Vaughan, Vice Chair VI. Park and Recreation Facility Study Subcommittee Reports VII. Old Business a. Deer Task Force Update b. Regional Trail Update VIII. Adjournment Jim Johnson Roger McConico Tom Zins ae OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, July 24, 2006 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Roger Bergman, Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Park and Recreation; Jeanne Fackler, Senior Citizen Coordinator; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor; Sue Cook, Recreation Supervisor; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant; Paul Snyder, ATS&R Architects and Golden Valley Rotary; Bob Gunderson, ATS&R Architects; Don Anderson, Golden Valley Rotary; and Diane Nimmer and Sharon Janzen, Golden Valley Federated Women's Club. Absent: Roger McConico 111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS No changes or additions. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —June 26, 2006 MOTION: Vaughan made a correction to the minutes stating his name was missing from the absent list. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Bergman to approve the June 266' meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. V. BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA PRESENTATION Gunderson explained sketches of the structure and gave details on specific features. Gunderson also discussed the construction involved. Sandler asked about removal of existing trees. Gunderson explained that only a few trees would need to be removed. Gunderson explained that fifteen parking spaces would be added to the large parking lot. Snyder said the stage would be able to accommodate eighteen performers, plus a conductor, and have the capability to expand the group outside the stage area onto a hard surface on either side of the stage. Snyder explained that additional restrooms are not part of the proposed plan. Jacobson explained the expense involved in adding restrooms. It was suggested that if additional restrooms are necessary, portable units could be brought in. Gunderson explained the structure would be designed to be low maintenance and ADA accessible. Snyder presented a computerized sketch of the proposed plan and then discussed the cost involved. Nimmer explained the Golden Valley Federated Women's Club and the Golden Valley Rotary would be `raising the funds. She also said the Golden Valley Orchestra may be willing to help. Sandler asked the Commission to share their thoughts on the proposed plan. Bergman expressed he would like the structure to be larger. Sandler explained that the structure would be built to fit proportionally with the large picnic shelter and the space available. He also said that cost is a factor. After discussion, the Commisison agreed upon a motion. MOTION: Moved by Kuebelbeck and seconded by Mattison to recommend to the Council approval of the Brookview Performance Area concept plan between the large picnic shelter and the pond. Motion carried unanimously. Don Anderson mentioned that the committee was invited to meet and give a presentation at the August 8"' Council Managers workshop. Sandler thanked Snyder, Gunderson and the Golden Valley Federated Women's Club and the Golden Valley Rotary for all their time and efforts with the proposed project. The Commission concurred. Johnson also said City staff does a great with the parks. VI. PARK AND RECREATION FACILITY WORK SESSION Jacobson distributed samples of the postcard that will go to all residents and businesses of Golden Valley advertising the open houses. He showed samples of maps that will be displayed at the open houses and described the layout of the materials. Kuebelbeck, who represents the surveying sub -committee, explained she met with Decision Resources to discuss the survey, its process and the process of tallying all of the results. She also said they discussed what to do with the results of the survey. She said she will be checking on the cost for a Consultant to analyze the survey data. Surveys will be available at the open houses, via internet and also inserted in the City Newsletter. Mattison, who represents the athletic association sub -committee, said they plan to interview Youth Athletic Association Presidents and send surveys to all coaches and board members. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Deer Task Force Update Vaughan gave details on the informational meeting that was held at Brookview on Thursday, July 13th. He said the meeting had good attendance and explained the consensus was that residents want the deer population in Golden Valley controlled. Vaughan also said he gave a presentation on St. Louis Park deer control along with a presentation from Brian Leuth of the DNR. B. Regional Trail Update Jacobson explained that Three Rivers board of Commissioners is in the process of approving the design plan. Once approved, bids will go out this fall with anticipation of construction beginning next spring. VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Bergman and seconded by Mattison to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. K