Meeting Minutes
Brookview Community Center
Monday, January 23, 2006
7:00 PM
Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Bob Mattison, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins,
Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor; and
Jeff Oliver, City Engineer.
Absent: Kelly Kuebelbeck
Vaughan added Youth Basketball team selection. Sandler added Jim Heine resignation and the Mayor's
meeting with the Commission Chairs.
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — November 27, 2005
MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Vaughan to approve the minutes of the November 21"
meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Oliver explained the on -street bike route system and its purpose. He said it was established in the 1970's when
the city didn't have much of a bike/pedestrian system. Over time, the signage and designations for the on -
street system have disappeared, leaving a minimal number of signs currently existing. He explained the
Sidewalk/Trail Committee reviewed the idea and given the potential cost to reestablish the system and the
addition of many sidewalks and asphalt trails, they made a recommendation to eliminate and remove from the
map, the on -street bike route system. The idea is being taken to the Commissions for review and to get
Cahill said he would like alternatives discussed to show the City is still bike accessible and encourages biking
in a safe manner on our existing trail system. He suggested a biking club that could do fundraising to get
biking signs out that can be posted on our existing trails.
MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Zins to approve and accept the recommendation to
eliminate the on -street bike route system. Motion carried unanimously.
Oliver explained work will take place in the neighborhood west of Sweeney Lake and north of the Union
Pacific Railroad. Several residents requested sidewalks along Golden Valley Road, near the intersection of
Toledo Ave. and on a portion of Toledo to help bring people to Scheid Park. Homeowners submitted a request
to the City Council, which was then forwarded to the Sidewalk Committee. The Sidewalk Committee
reviewed the request and agreed if the budget permits in the 2006 Pavement Management, sidewalk would be
constructed on the north side of Golden Valley Road from Scheid Park to the Highway 100 frontage road.
Oliver explained that it was agreed that a sidewalk along the east side of Lilac Drive would be included in the
Capital Improvement Plan for future consideration.
Oliver said that due to concerns with traffic flow and parking at Scheid Park, the City has proposed the
construction of a parking bay on the northwest side of Golden Valley Road between St. Croix and Regent
Avenues. He said a new parking lot at Scheid is not part of this project.
Oliver said the Pavement Management Program also includes improvements to intersections in and around
Scheid Park.
Another project includes the city owned lot at the south end of Adeline Lane. Oliver said the City has proposed
an eight foot paved trail down to the edge of the wetland where there will be an elevated boardwalk that will
go out to a seating area with a bench that will be adjacent to the lake.
Oliver then answered project questions from the Commission.
Sandler said he received a letter from Mayor Loomis regarding the Governor's Fit City Program. After
discussion, Commissioners agreed the City is already meeting a lot of the criteria and feels it's something we
should get involved in.
MOTION: Moved by Cahill and seconded by Vaughan to move forward with the City's participation in
the Governor's Fit City Program. Motion carried unanimously.
a) Youth Basketball Team Selection
Vaughan expressed concern with the procedure for team selection. Jacobson said after similar issues with
youth soccer, a policy was approved by the Commission and put in place that teams would be formed
randomly, coaches would coach their child's team and requests for carpooling purposes and specific
friends and coaches would not be honored. Discussion then focused on different options for team
b) Report on Mayor's meeting with Commission Chairs
Sandler said a meeting was called on November 28, 2005. The meeting focused on amendments, the city
code pertaining to Commissions, by-laws, guidelines and chair responsibilities. Sandler said the Council is
now requesting Commissions to develop an annual report and schedule a time to discuss it with them.
a) Deer Task Force Update
Jacobson said names of volunteers have been submitted to the Council. The Council would also like two to
three from the Open Space as well as the Environmental Commissions and up to four citizens at large to be
on the task force. The goal of the group is to review aerial deer surveys and car/deer accidents, review
educational materials as well as the possibility of joint efforts with neighboring cities, coordinate with the
DNR, recommend standards for an acceptable number of deer in Golden Valley, and if deemed necessary,
consider options for the control of deer.
b) Regional Trail Update
Jacobson said the City and Three Rivers have come to an agreement and are taking the proposed
agreement to their respective Council's for approval.
c) Park Master Planning
Sandler reviewed with the Commission the discussion of the Park Master Plan/Comprehensive Plan
update. He explained to the Commission that the original request for funding a Comprehensive Park
Master Plan was reduced to $25,000.00. Sandler then explained that this money will now be used for a city
wide phone survey of approximately 400 households covering all city services with some questions
directed towards the area of park programs and facility needs. Therefore, the Commission would be more
involved in helping to complete a needs assessment which could involve surveying youth athletic
associations, coaches, etc. Discussion followed regarding the process and to what extent and how the
Commission can help complete the task.
d) Brookview Performance Area
Sandler gave an overview of the progress. He said the site of the small shelter is an option being explored.
MOTION: Moved by Mattison and seconded by McConico to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Motion carried