2-27-06MNOMIley OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, February 27, 2006 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Chuck Cahill, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeanne Fackler, Senior Coordinator; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary; Don Anderson, Golden Valley Rotary; Paul Snyder, Golden Valley Rotary; Jackie Wells, Harriet Betzold, Joann Burkholder, Sharon Jansen, Golden Valley Women's Club. Absent: Jim Johnson 111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Jacobson added Honeywell Little League area accessible parking. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 23, 2006 MOTION: Moved by Cahill and seconded by McConico to approve the minutes of the January 23rd meeting. Motion carried unanimously. V. BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA Snyder explained that the small shelter area at Brookview is being considered for the performance area sight. He presented three different structures, all of which incorporated a new shelter into the performance area structure and would be approximately three times the size of the current small shelter building. Due to size of the proposed structure, it was suggested building a performance area where the small shelter currently exists and moving or building a separate small shelter in another are of the park. Discussion then focused on different options and structure specifics. Anderson said that the drawings and ideas generated by the Commission would be brought to the Performance Area Committee for discussion, then come back to the Commission. VI. RECREATION REPORT — Jeanne Fackler, Senior Coordinator Fackler introduced herself and shared her professional background. She discussed her senior programs and mentioned changes she has made. Fackler also discussed upcoming programs, trips and classes that will be offered. VII. COUNCIL GOALS Jacobson reviewed the Council's goals as they pertain to Parks and Recreation. One of the goals is to develop a Park Master Plan. Jacobson explained that funding for the Park Master Plan had been reduced to $25K in the C.I.P. which now will be the funding source for a professional city wide survey which will include several questions on park facilities, as well as all other city services. He said the Council is planning on the Commission being involved with the Park Master Planning process as discussed at the joint Council/Open Space and Recreation Commission meeting in November. Sandler mentioned he started a list of survey questions that can be discussed at the next meeting. Vill. OLD BUSINESS a) Deer Task Force Update Jacobson said the Council appointed an AD HOC Deer Task Force. McConico, Vaughan and Sandler along with four members from the Environmental Commission and three Golden Valley residents have been chosen to participate on the task force. Jacobson explained the mission and responsibilities of the task force. He said the first meeting is scheduled for March 13'h. b) Regional Trail Update Jacobson reported that the Three Rivers Board of Commissioners and the Golden Valley City Council have passed resolutions dealing with the building of the Luce Line Trail through Golden Valley. Three Rivers Park District will be hiring a consultant to fmish the design. c) Little League Honeywell Park Accessibility Jacobson explained the City and Honeywell could not reach an agreement on the handicap accessible parking lot. He discussed ADA regulations and said the plan is being drawn up and will be rebid. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Cahill and seconded by Kuebelbeck to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.