10-23-06alley OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, October 23, 2006 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Roger Bergman, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Park and Recreation; Sheila Van Sloun, Park and Recreation Administrative Assistant; and Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor. Absent: Jim Johnson and Roger McConico. III. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Bergman made the following corrections to the minutes: 1) Addition of the word Valley under those present; Jackie Wells, Golden Valley Federated Women's Club 2) Under Brookview Performance Area; change the word the, to then, in the first paragraph, third sentence. 3) Under Brookview Performance Area; change the name Sadler to Sandler in the third paragraph, second sentence. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —September 24, 2006 MOTION: Moved by Bergman and seconded by Vaughan to approve the September 24th meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. RECREATION REPORT — Brian Erickson Erickson discussed program numbers from this past summer and explained that attendance was consistent with previous years. Overall numbers were up due to higher field trip attendance and the addition of a few new programs. He then gave details on the new programs, which include: Pens, Pencils, Markers and More, Summer Survivor, Kids' Korner II and an evening Pitch By Coach program. He added that these programs were well received. Erickson said the staff was great and included a lot of returning people. VI. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Jacobson included a copy of the Park Section of the reviewed and updated Comp Plan from 1999 in the agenda packet. He said he added it so the Commission can begin looking through and prepare to update the park section. He said the Metropolitan Council needs the plan by September 2008. He added the City has set a target date of late 2007 to have it updated. He explained that ultimately the facility survey would be folded into the Comp Plan. Sandler suggested the Commission look through and make notes on things that are needed or need to be reevaluated. Minutes of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission October 23, 2006 Page 2 Sandler asked Jacobson to highlight the items that have been achieved so they can discuss them at the next meeting. VII. PARK AND RECREATION FACILITY STUDY SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Sandler recommended City staff brainstorm needs and submit them to the Commission. He feels City recommendations are very important because they work directly with the facilities. Jacobson said they could do that. Mattison, with the Athletic Association Committee, explained they would like to meet with each association and/or board after submitting them the questions in advance. They would like to have a meeting to go over the questions and have maps available to get a good comprehensive picture of what each association needs. He said they would like to have the meetings as soon as possible. Kuebelbeck, with the Citizen Survey Committee, said she created a computer program for tallying the survey result and is currently working with Park and Recreation staff to input all the data. Jacobson said about 12,000 surveys were mailed. Sandler, with the Open House Committee, said attendance was comparable to other area open houses and the people that came were interested, asked questions and stayed awhile. He feels it was worth doing. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Deer Task Force Update Vaughan explained the task force met with the Council to review the management plan. He said the Council agreed there was a need that had to be addressed. He also said the management plan will be on the next Council agenda for approval. B. Regional Trail Update Jacobson explained that construction has started on the railroad corridor section from Boone to Winnetka. Then, Winnetka to Pennsylvania is next. Jacobson also said Xcel Energy has been working to relocate phone poles for the construction. C. City Phone Survey Jacobson discussed the upcoming phone survey. If approved by the Council, surveys are scheduled to take place the week after Thanksgiving. Jacobson said 400 random phone surveys will be made. Copies of the survey were distributed. Jacobson said the Council would like final suggestions or changes. After overview and discussion, Open Space and Nature Areas was added to list of facilities used during the past year, and in the same list, (Meadowbrook) was added to Davis Community Center. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Kuebelbeck and seconded by Mattison to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.