2-28-05e Open Space & Recreation Commission Agenda Brookview Community Center Monday, February 28, 2005 7:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Roll Call Liz Elder Roger McConico Chuck Cahill Jim Vaughan Jim Johnson James Heine III. Agenda Changes or Additions IV. Approval of Minutes — January 25, 2005 V. Envision Response —Jeanne Andre VI. Brookview Golf Update — Kris Tovson VII. Old Business a) Golden Valley Smoke Ordinance b) Regional Trail Update c) Brookview Performance Area VIII. Adjournment Tom Zins Jerry Sandler Tom Kuelbs, Jr. e OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Tuesday,, January 25, 2005 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Tom Zins, and Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Absent: Liz Elder, James Heine, Tom Kuelbs, and Jim Vaughan 111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —September 27, 2004 MOTION: Moved by Johnson and seconded by Zins to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. JOINT MEETING WITH COUNCIL AND CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Sandler opened up discussion by asking the commission to give their thoughts on the meeting. The commission concluded that this presents a unique opportunity to give input to the Council on recommendations for parks and open space. It was requested that Jacobson arrange for a City staff member who was involved with the Envision process to come and give greater detail at the February meeting. VI. GOLDEN VALLEY SMOKING ORDINANCE Jacobson explained the ordinance in greater detail for the commission. He stated that the ordinance will take effect March 31, 2005. The question was asked if the golf course grounds were included in the ordinance. Jacobson answered yes. After some discussion, it was the feeling of the commission that they support the smoke-free policy in general, but question the impact it may have on the course in light of the fact it includes a large outdoor area with users scheduled several minutes apart. It was asked if the City has received any negative comments regarding no smoking on the course. Jacobson answered that a couple letters have been received along with a couple editorials. It was requested that the course manager attend a future meeting for more discussion. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Regional Trail Update Jacobson said that there have been several meetings with Three Rivers Park District and things are moving ahead. He said that funding has been identified in the Three Rivers capital plan for construction in Golden Valley over the next three years. A Joint Powers Agreement for the project is currently being worked on. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Jacobson reported that the Jewish Community Center may be reconstructing their athletic field this fall and may be using South Tyrol Park a few hours in the afternoon for some of their elementary school aged athletic activities. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by McConico, seconded by Cahill to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. �.Golden Valley Goal/Project Ideas For boards and Commissions When setting its 2005 goals, the City Council had a long list of ideas to choose from. Many of the goals/projects relate to a sense of community that does not require leadership by a governmental body. The Council decided to forward some of the ideas to the City Boards, Commissions, and the Connection Project to see if there is general community support and desire to implement a related project. • Develop a community bike ride, including the City Council, to highlight trails in the � city. • Facilitate bringing various celebrations and events together to create higher profile in the community (such as girls' softball tournament, HRC ethnic -religious -racial diversity event, Courage Center, Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council, Run the Valley, Golden Valley Arts and Music Festival). • Study the current block club structure and consider ways to expand its mission and build community participation. • Establish a community garage sale (the week before clean-up day). • Develop a "Community Reads" program, selecting a book with a diversity theme, and consider speaker and/or forum to promote participation. • Study ways to promote and highlight arts in the community (ie, Establish Arts Commission, link to Perpich Center). • Request the Planning Commission to identify entry points to the city with the intent of developing a program to develop entry monuments. • Select a plant -of -the -year to encourage its planting in the city. Maintain city stock of plant and sell at reduced price. • Evaluate the joint meeting with the Boards and Commissions and compare it to alternative strategies for communicating with them. City "Golden � 7800 Golden Valley Road }� Golden Valley, 55427 ji 763-593-80101 4 Valley www.ci.golden-valley.mn.us Golden galley 2005 Goals Each year, the Golden Valley City Council assesses long-term community needs and selects a set of priorities that will be the focus of its work. These goals are comprehensive and may overlap past and future priorities; funding needed to achieve the goal is considered as part of the 2006 budget process. This year's goals reflect the community's aspirations as outlined in the Envision Golden Valley results (highlighted by category below). • Conduct a census of current businesses in Golden Valley to assist in evaluating land use, redoing the Comprehensive Plan, encouraging economic development and encouraging HRA involvement in economic development. • Develop a master plan for parks and open space that includes a needs analysis conducted with participation of citizens, youth associations and adult programmers. Consider multiple uses for spaces (e.g. cross country skiing on the golf course) and ways to incorporate native plants and sustainability into the plan. Work with other agencies and jurisdictions to improve traffic safety and road/bridges in Golden Valley with special consideration of pedestrian access along and across major corridors, highway beautification and improving transit options. Develop ways to use Council to effectively lobby in this area Relationship To Envision Community Engagement • Engage business in helping to define economic development issues and how the City can retain and support business. • Engage all citizens and recreational associations in identifying recreational needs and how they can be reflected through park master planning. Transportation • Collaborate with other agencies and communities to develop innovative approaches to transportation needs, including: the upgrade of county roads, replacement of aging bridges, expansion of transit options, providing for pedestrians along major arterials and beautification of rights-of-way. • Develop a City legislative position on transportation issues. Recreation • Work with citizens and recreational associations to assess recreational facility needs in the city. • Develop park master plan to support recreational needs and incorporate native and sustainable materials in park redesign. Environment • Consider how City can support and improve transit options to decrease emissions. • Work with citizens and other agencies to beautify rights-of-way. • Incorporate native and sustainable materials in park master planning. Development • Prepare for update to Comprehensive Plan by inventorying business and park uses in the city, and identifying major transportation issues. Work on park master plan. • Use business inventory to identify economic development strategies and ways to work with and support small business. Government • Use comprehensive planning to enhance the community and reflect citizen aspirations for the community. • Work with all levels of government to develop and fund transportation solutions that enhance the quality of life in Golden Valley. 7800 Golden T Golden ltalle4