3-28-05to alle OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Agenda Brookview Community Center Monday, March 28, 2005 7:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Roll Call Chuck Cahill Kelly Kuebelbeck Jerry Sandler, Chair III. Agenda Changes or Additions James Heine Tom Kuelbs Jim Vaughan, Vice Chair IV. Approval of Minutes — February 28, 2005 V. Golden Valley Girls Slow -pitch Softball Update VI. Recreation Report — Barbara Bailey VII. OSRC By-laws VIII. Old Business a) Envision b) Regional Trail Update c) Brookview Performance Area IX. Adjournment Jim Johnson Roger McConico Tom Zins �Y 11ey OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, February 28, 2005 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Chuck Cahill, Jim Heine, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant; Kris Tovson, Brookview Golf Course Manager; and Jeanne Andre, Assistant City Manager. Absent: Liz Elder, Jim Johnson, and Tom Kuelbs. 111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Additions to the agenda by Jacobson: 1) Commission Re -appointments 2) The passing of George Murad IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— January 25, 2005 MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Zins to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. ENVISION RESPONSE — Jeanne Andre Andre explained that the Envision process resulted in a challenge from the Council to the Commission to relate their mission to the Vision Guide. She explained that the City Council is interested in getting feedback from the Commissions in response to Envision. This Commission would address the vision for the City's recreation programs and open space. One idea would be for the Commission to do an inventory of existing recreation programs to make people aware of what kind of opportunities the Park and Recreation Department is currently offering, and then get ideas from the Commission about new opportunities that would benefit the community in terms of recreation and open space. Andre then discussed the goals of the City Council for 2005/06, explaining that one of the goals is to develop a master plan for Golden Valley's parks and open space areas. Cahill asked if the City has considered a 3-1-1 program. Andre said the City is looking at having a program on our website to take citizen questions and track responses. Sandler suggested at each month's meeting, the Commission brainstorm both short and long term ideas for Envision. Andre said the Council is giving the Commission's six months to submit ideas and thoughts. VI. BROOKVIEW GOLF UPDATE — Kris Tovson Tovson stated the course had a nice fall in 2004, which helped the financial picture in light of poor weather earlier in the season. The course closed November 19th. Tovson said improvements to General Mills Boulevard, which had minimal impact on the 3`d hole, did not get finished last fall and will be completed this spring with the replacement of trees, a new keystone wall and chain link fence. Tovson feels the work should not interfere with play. She also discussed improvements to the 14`h hole. She explained that due to the large amount of mitigation and restriction they were under with the wetlands, they would have had to do a lot of dredging on other holes, which would have major impact on the course. She explained that the dredging of the pond in the southeast corner of Hwy. 55 and 169, upstream from the golf course, may be helpful for additional water storage. She then said the 14'h hole will continue playing as a Par 4, with the option to play it as a Par 3 if necessary. Tovson then discussed new things happening at the course this year. She said they are in the process of getting a new cash register point-of-sale system which will provide better reports and more information on revenue. Tovson said they plan to create a golfer loyalty program to keep customers coming back. She also explained they will be offering lessons for beginners where the participant will have their final class on the Par 3 course with the instructor to provide a real golf course experience. Tovson then distributed and discussed the new Brookview Golf Course brochure and explained they will be distributed to potential tournaments and local businesses in an effort to generate new business in 2005. Sandler asked if the golf course did mailings. Tovson said they mail coupons and promotions to their patrons and e-mail to those who have it. She also said they advertise in the City newsletter and will look into sending promotions with the City utility bills. VI1. OLD BUSINESS A. Golden Valley Smoking Ordinance Tovson was asked if she felt the new smoking ordinance would have an impact on the golf course. She explained that they have heard from several individuals with very strong feelings against the new ordinance. She said the Brookview Men's Club wrote a letter to the Council and that residents have called to discuss the issue. She also said if a league or individuals leave Brookview due to the new ordinance, more than likely they will not be back. The question was asked about enforcement. Jacobson said when people violate the ordinance; staff would make the initial contact with the possibility that the Police Department could eventually be called. Sandler feels we are potentially damaging the economic success of one of our recreation facilities by passing such an ordinance. He stated that even though he is very supportive of no smoking, he feels this is one time there is not a real problem since it is outdoors in a large area with people spaced apart. The Commission concurred with Sandler's comments. They commend the Council for taking action on the issue of second hand smoke, but feel the smoking policy for the golf course should be reconsidered. MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Heine. Due to economic competitive disadvantages with other golf facilities and difficulty of enforcement, we ask the Council to reconsider the smoking ordinance on the outdoor portions of public golf courses in Golden Valley where people are not in close proximity to one another. Motion carried unanimously. B. Regional Trail Update Jacobson said City staff recently met with Don Devoe from Three Rivers Park District and that Three Rivers is currently doing more design work with the trail. The plan is to get a section of the trail under construction this year. C. Brookview Performance Area Jacobson explained that funds for the project have been budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan for 2006, with a stipulation that a majority of the funds be raised from outside sources. Jacobson explained that the Golden Valley Rotary Club and the Golden Valley Federated Women's Club have offered to help raise money for the project. D. Commission Re -appointments Due to business commitments, Liz Elder has resigned from the Commission. The Council is in the process of interviewing to fill the Commission vacancy and notifying those Commissioners whose terms are expiring. E. Passing of George Murad Jacobson announced that George passed away at the age of 80. Jacobson said George had been an Open Space and Recreation Commission member, was involved in numerous City committees and was a strong golf course advocate. VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Heine, seconded by McConico to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. BY-LAWS OF THE OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY Article I: Mission Statement The Open Space and Recreation Commission has been established to advise and make recommendations to the City Council. Specifically, the Commission shall: Revise the Comprehensive Plan relating to open space needs, park and recreation programs and trail systems; 2. Propose policies and plans for park and recreation programs, use of open space, and trail systems; 3. Periodically update an assessment of current programs regarding open space, parks and recreation, and trail systems; 4. Periodically update an assessment of future needs regarding open space, parks and recreation, and trail systems; 5. Propose policy and cooperative agreements with other public and private agencies, groups or individuals relative to recreational programs and facilities; 6. Provide advice regarding policy matters of budget and capital outlay for parks and recreation, Brookview Golf Course, and the park improvement fund. Article II: Membership, Meetings and Attendance Membership a. The Open Space and Recreation Commission membership shall consist of nine (9) members who shall serve three-year staggered terms. Emphasis in appointments will be based on knowledge of open space and recreation issues and their relationships to the quality of life in the City. 2. Meetings a. The Commission will hold monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. b. A quorum consisting of a majority of the membership is necessary to transact the business of the Commission. C. The Commission may hold special meetings to complete or initiate business at the call of the chairperson or at the request of three members. d. Each member shall be notified at least 48 hours notice of a special meeting regarding the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. e. All meetings will be open to the public. 3. Attendance Attendance is required at all meetings. Absences in one year should not exceed three consecutive meetings or more than 25% of the total meetings for the year. Absence from 25% per year or more of regular or special meetings shall be cause for recommendation for removal from the Commission. Members are responsible for notifying the staff liaison or chairperson if they cannot attend a meeting. Article III: Appointment, Terms and Vacancies Appointments The Council shall appoint members to the Commission at its second meeting in April of each year. Terms shall begin at the first meeting in May of each year. 2. Terms Members will serve three-year staggered terms. 3. Vacancies If a vacancy occurs before the end of the term, interim appointments may be made by the Council. Article IV: Officers, Elections, and Duties 1. Officers The Open Space and Recreation Commission will have two officers: a chairperson and a vice chairperson. 2. Election of Officers The Commission will elect officers at the May meeting each year. Officers will serve until the next election. 3. Duties of Officers The Commission Chairperson will: • Work with staff liaison to develop meeting agendas. 2 • Conduct and preside over monthly meetings in a productive, timely manner. • Monitor and ensure the progress of the Commission. • Report to the City Council. • Assure that the Commission conducts its activities within its mission and by-laws. The Commission Vice Chairperson will: Preside over any meeting in the Chairperson's absence. Article V: Amendments and Revisions The Commission will review these by-laws annually at the May meeting with a majority of members present, and members will present recommendations for changes and amendments. These by-laws can be altered or amended at any regular Commission meeting, provided that notice of the proposed changes and amendments is mailed to each member at least ten business days before the meeting. The Council shall approve any changes to these by-laws. 3