Meeting Minutes
Brookview Community Center
Monday, April 25, 2005
7:00 PM
Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chuck Cahill, James Heine, Jim Johnson, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Jim
Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Sheila Van Sloun,
Administrative Assistant; Brian Erickson, Recreation Supervisor; Don Anderson, Golden Valley
Rotary Club Contributions Committee Chair/Past-President; Diane Nimmer, Golden Valley
Federated Women's Club President.
Absent: Tom Kuelbs.
No changes or additions made.
MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Heine to approve the minutes. Motion carried
V. BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA — Don Anderson & Diane Nimmer
Anderson explained that the idea for a performance area started with Golden Valley Federated Women's Club
(GVFWC) participating in the Envision -In -A -Box session. The GVFWC then asked the Golden Valley Rotary
Club to join them in helping to fulfill the vision of creating a performance area in Golden Valley.
Anderson said Paul Snyder, a Rotarian on the committee and an Architect, is currently putting together a site
study recommendation for the construction of the performance area in Brookview Park.
Jacobson pointed out sites on a map of Brookview Park where the venue is being considered. Discussion then
centered on pro's and con's of the potential sites.
Anderson talked about parking and restrooms saying that in addition to parking lots in the park, people also
walk and bike to the park and may use the pedestrian bridge over Hwy. 55 to get to the park. He said to help
keep costs down, they do not recommend additional restrooms as part of the performance area.
Anderson talked about additional considerations for the performance area, such as; secure area for performers
valuables, covered vs. uncovered, lighting, etc. He explained that they want something that will fit the site and
budget. Decisions will need to be made as to what can be included.
Johnson asked how big the stage area would be. Nimmer said they would like enough room to accommodate a
group as large as the Golden Valley Orchestra, which has 35 pieces.
Jacobson stated 75-150 people currently come to the Concerts -in -the -Park on a weekly basis.
Anderson added that the Council asked to have representatives from the Commission work with the joint -
committee. Kuebelbeck, McConico and Johnson volunteered to serve on the committee. Council member
Schaffer will also serve on the committee.
MOTION: Moved by Johnson and seconded by Cahill to accept the concept of a performance venue in
Brookview Park and move forward with the study. Motion carried unanimously.
Jacobson explained that open houses for the 2006 Pavement Management Program have been scheduled.
Included in the Pavement Management Program, at the end of Adeline Lane, is the City owned site which in
2000 was studied for improvements including drainage, trail upgrade and seating area near lake. Neighborhood
meetings were held and a site plan developed. Implementation of the plan was delayed so it could be done in
conjunction with street improvements. Plans for the site will be part of the open houses.
Erickson talked about the 2004 skating rink season and about some concerns on the length of the season.
He highlighted 2005 programs and gave details on new program offerings, such as: a knitting class, a field trip
to the Science Museum, Skyhawk SNAG Golf Camp and new day camps.
Erickson said he has 27 regular summer staff employees and 3 substitutes. He said 21 of his staff are returning
from last year.
Erickson stated Golden Valley will be hosting the annual Bike Rodeo on Wednesday, May 4`h at City Hall and
that the program is done in conjunction with the Cities of Crystal and New Hope.
Kuebelbeck asked what factors determine the length of summer programs. Erickson said it's determined by
when kids get out of school, staff availability and the fact that August has proven to be a really slow month for
participation in programs.
A. Envision
Sandler asked the Commission to brainstorm more ideas to give to the Council.
Thoughts/ideas that were presented:
1) Pesticide use in the city
2) Performance Area
3) Recycling in parks
Kuebelbeck brought up the lack of restrooms in parks. Jacobson said portable toilets will be going in at all
community parks May 2nd and will remain until Labor Day.
B. Regional Trail Update
Jacobson said a meeting is scheduled between the City and Three Rivers staff.
C. Valley Days
Jacobson talked about the schedule of events, including the addition of Friday night events and the
Saturday parade.
McConico suggested the Golden Valley Little League march in the parade like they have in years past.
Sandler said he would pass on the suggestion to the Little League President.
D. By Laws
Jacobson said the Council is reviewing documents pertaining to Council guidelines to Commissions, as
well as the City Code pertaining to Commissions. He said the Council will be looking for the
Commission's input on these documents.
Sandler explained the Council is looking at putting a limit on how long one can serve as Chair or Vice -
Chair. Sandler thought it would be a good idea to find out if others on the Commission are interested in
holding one of these positions. After some discussion, the following motion was made.
MOTION: Moved by Cahill and seconded by Zins to continue with Sandler as Chair and
Vaughan as Vice -Chair.
MOTION: Moved by Heine, seconded by Cahill to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.