8-22-05mow. 11ey OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, August 22, 2005 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Tom Kuelbs, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Al Lundstrom, Environmental Coordinator; Paula Pentel, City Council Liaison; Don Anderson, Golden Valley Rotary Club; Diane Nimmer, Golden Valley Federated Women's Club; and Paul Snyder, ATS&R Architects. Absent: James Heine and Jim Vaughan. 111. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS None. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — June 27, 2005 MOTION: Moved by Cahill and seconded by McConico to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. AL LUNDSTROM, ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR A. Minnaqua Restoration Project Lundstrom explained the need for implementation of a wetland bank on city -owned property on Minnaqua Drive. He discussed benefits of the project which include; additional floodplain storage within the Bassett Creek floodplain and the addition of native habitat which will provide food and nesting for resident wildlife and require less maintenance than the existing grasses. Lundstrom said the City hopes to start the project in 2006. B. Medley Park Stream Bank Stabilization Project Lundstrom explained that the City inventories creeks throughout Golden Valley each year. He explained that it has been determined that the creek which flows through Medley Park is in need of improvements. Lundstrom discussed potential improvements, which include realigning the creek, decreasing bank grade, adding check dams, installing a new bridge and the addition of additional buffer zones. He then answered questions from the Commission. VI. BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA — DON ANDERSON & DIANE NIMMER Snyder distributed a layout study which was produced from proposed ideas from previous performance area committee meetings. He explained that the plan would put the performance area in the northeast corner of Brookview Park behind the tennis courts. Snyder gave details on the specific ideas outlined on the plan. Discussion focused on specific amenities of the performance venue, funding of the project, issues involved in the actual construction and maintenance of the area. After general discussion and the answering of questions, the following motion was made. MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Johnson to accept the concept of the north plan for an outdoor performance venue and gather information including costs on the feasibility of the removal and relocation for the current use of the site. Motion carried unanimously. VII. DEER POPULATION UPDATE Jacobson distributed a copy of a petition presented to the Council from the South Rice Lake Association regarding deer population in Golden Valley. Vill. OLD BUSINESS A. Regional Trail Update Jacobson gave an update on the progress of the project. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Johnson, seconded by McConico to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 2