9-26-05-le OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, September 26, 2005 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Sandler called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: Chuck Cahill, Jim Johnson, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan, Tom Zins, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary; and Paul Snyder, ATS&R Architects. Absent: James Heine, Tom Kuelbs, and Roger McConico. Ill. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS None. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —August 22, 2005 MOTION: Moved by Zins and seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. V. BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA — Paul Snyder As requested, Snyder prepared costs for the proposed performance area and discussed each item in detail. Snyder then answered questions from the Commission on the estimated costs. Sandler then discussed issues that may effect the progression of the project, such as; cost, displacement of the snow removal area, value in loss of tennis courts, cost involved with maintenance, usage to justify the investment, parking and traffic flow, and if there is a better use for the proposed site. VI. UPGRADES TO HONEYWELL LITTLE LEAGUE AREA a) Handicapped Access Jacobson explained that Honeywell verbally agreed to allow Little League to use the west end of their parking lot to accommodate the project. He explained that a usage agreement with Honeywell is in the works. b) Improvements by Golden Valley Little League As lease holder, Little League has requested permission from the City to make the following improvements: addition of a shed for maintenance equipment, two additional batting cages, safety top added to existing chain link fencing, clearing trees and brush for batting cages and removal of brush around lights, extend left field bull pen, and the addition of a sign near the base of the stairs. The City is waiting for submittals from Little League before granting a permit for the project. VII. OLD BUSINESS a) Envision Jacobson explained that the Council would like a report from each Commission on where they are with Envision and a list of one to three projects they would like to see implemented. b) Regional Trail Update Jacobson gave an update on the last meeting explaining that progress is being made on an agreement and that Three Rivers will pay to have Xcel begin a study to determine the cost of moving wires underground. c) Park Master Planning Jacobson explained that proposed funding in the budget for 2006 for park, trail and open space master planning has been cut to $25,000.00. The City Council would like to meet with the Open Space and Recreation Commission at a future date to discuss the master plan as well as the proposed Brookview performance area. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Zins, seconded by Kuebelbeck to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 2