11-21-05*6 , alley JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Minutes Brookview Community Center Monday, November 21, 2005 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by Sandler at 7:04 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Present: City Council — Mike Freiberg, Linda Loomis, Paula Pentel and Bob Schaffer. Open Space & Recreation Commission — Jim Johnson, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Roger McConico, Jerry Sandler, Jim Vaughan and Tom Zins. City Staff— Tom Burt, City Manager; Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Secretary; Brookview Performance Area Task Force — Don Anderson, Jackie Wells; Residents — Chuck Malkerson. Absent: Open Space & Recreation Commission — Chuck Cahill and James Heine. 111. PROPOSED BROOKVIEW PERFORMANCE AREA Jacobson gave an overview of the proposed project to the Council, Commission and guests. Jacobson explained the site being considered is the current project staging area in the northeast corner of Brookview Park north of the existing tennis courts. Sandler added the proposed location creates a natural bowl for the performance area. He explained that other sites didn't present themselves as well. He also feels this would be a nice amenity for the city. In the discussion, the removal of two tennis courts was mentioned. Loomis asked if the two courts were lighted. Jacobson explained they are not, but the four courts next to them are. Prior to the meeting, Sandler compiled a list of items to consider with regards to the proposed performance area. Items include: cost, displacement of the staging area, loss of two tennis courts, cost and time involved in maintenance to the performance area, usage to justify investment, parking, traffic flow, and if there is a better use for the proposed site. Pentel mentioned that she talked to the Police Department about safety at the proposed site. Estimates of construction costs were then reviewed. Freiberg said constructing a performance area would be an improvement to what exists on the site now. He said he'd be interested in seeing a figure on what it would cost the city to lose and relocate the staging area. Burt said if the snow has to be trucked out of the city, it will be very expensive. He added that the site will have to be replaced and then discussed possible sites and cost involved with them. Burt also discussed costs involved in staffing the proposed performance area. Schaffer asked if there are any organizations that would donate funds for the structure. Don Anderson said one of the objectives of the task force is to brainstorm organizations that may do so. Schaffer feels it would be a great amenity, but is concerned about the cost. He said it will cost more than is expected to build the structure. He strongly feels the cost will double by the time it's complete. Sandler said that even though money is tight, it shouldn't mean we don't add or improve amenities. Because we are a built-up first ring suburb, we should consider improving what we have and add when we can in order to keep the quality of life in Golden Valley. He feels the city should look at projects like this. Burt talked about the city's current debt level. He said a large portion of the debt is due to the city's very active pavement management program. Burt also said the city staff is looking at a 20 year projection of debt. Pentel said she is all for adding amenities and would like to see a performance area in Golden Valley. She just wants us to get the most for our dollars. Zins feels it's an excellent plan and it fits in with Envision. He also feels that in order for the city to achieve such a venue, the proposed plan should be scaled down to accommodate the available funding. Schaffer agrees, but for cost reasons, feels other sites should be considered. Freiberg expressed his agreement with Zins. Pentel then suggested using the proposed site for a performance area and snow dump. She said the idea should be explored. Burt suggested that such funding could be used to reinvest in what the city already has, such as improvements to Brookview Community Center. The group then brainstormed alternative sites. The area of the small picnic shelter was suggested. It was then suggested the Outdoor Performance Center Task Force explore the idea. He also asked if Paul Snyder from ATS&R Architectural Firm; could come up with a plan and cost estimate for that site. It was the consensus of the group that this was a good next step. IV. MASTER PLANNING PROCESS FOR PARKS, TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE AREAS Loomis explained that one of the Council's goals was to come up with a Master Park Plan. The city also needs to have the Comprehensive Plan updated by September, 2008 and feels the Master Park Plan process is an important part. Pentel suggested the City hire as few outside consultants as possible to get this done. She suggested in the next year the city could do a needs assessment of the athletic facilities, which may be a survey that would go out to current youth and adult athletic association, coaches, etc., to assess what they see as overall needs and improvements. The Master Planning process could include a needs assessment which could be a phone survey to citizens on a City wide basis and could consist of 400 random calls done by a survey company with focus on multiple city services including park usage and facilities. After information is collected, it will be analyzed and mapping could be done which will give the city information that can then be used to come up with ideas for park, trail and open space improvements. The joint meeting of the Council and Open Space and Recreation Commission was then adjourned. 2 OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by Sandler at 8:37 p.m. 11. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Discussion on the Brookview Performance Area and the Golf Course Smoking Ban were added. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — October 24, 2005 A change was made to the motion on item number five; the word to was changed to the. MOTION: Moved by McConico and seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. IV. RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES Jacobson explained the proposed fees for 2006. Vaughan asked if we offer scholarships. Jacobson said yes then explained the application process. MOTION: Moved by Johnson and seconded by McConico to approve the proposed fees for 2006. Motion carried unanimously. V. OLD BUSINESS a) Brookview Performance Area Sandler wanted to thank Johnson, Kuebelbeck and McConico for their task force participation and hopes they will continue to meet with the task force. b) Smoking Ban at Golf Course Sandler said he attended the last Council meeting and reaffirmed the Commission's previous motion to reconsider the smoking ban. He said there were interesting discussions and view points. Sandler then reported the Council voted to make no changes to the ordinance. VI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Vaughan, seconded by Kuebelbeck to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. 3