07-11-2012 JWC Agenda PacketAGENDA JOINT WATER COMMISSION 2 p.m. - July 11, 2012 Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes — June 6, 2012 3. 2013 General Operating Budget (Virnig) 4. 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program (Virnig) 5. JWC Backup Water Supply Feasibility Report (Clancy) 6. New Hope Well and Health Department Approval (Mathisen) 7. County Road 9 Project (Mathisen) 8. Issue with New Pump Motors (Mathisen) 9. Sprint Lease Agreement (Burk) 10. Other Business 11.Adjournment This document is available in alternate formats upon a 72 -hour request. Please call 763-593-8006 (TTY: 763-593-3968) to make a request. Examples of alternate formats may include large print, electronic, Braille, audiocassette, etc. JOINT WATER COMMISSION MINUTES Golden Valley - Crystal - New Hope Meeting of June 6, 2012 The Golden Valley — Crystal — New Hope Joint Water Commission meeting was called to order at 1:01 pm, in the City of Golden Valley Council Conference Room. Commissioners Present Tom Burt, City Manager, Golden Valley Anne Norris, City Manager, Crystal Kirk McDonald, City Manager, New Hope Staff Present Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, Randy Kloepper, Utilities Superintendent, Crystal Guy Johnson, Director of Public Works, New Hope Bernie Weber, Utilities Supervisor, New Hope Sue Vimig, Finance Director, Golden Valley Jeff Oliver, PE, City Engineer, Golden Valley Bert Tracy, Public Works Maintenance Manager, Golde Dave Lemke, Utilities Supervisor, Golden Valley Pat Schutrop, Administrative Assistant, Golden Valley Minutes of April 30, 2012 MOVED by McDonald, seconded by Norns`atnd motion of the April 30, 2012 meeting, .. . The Joint Water Co ' fission receiv Sa nd filed meeting held on May7�12 at the rstal Cor �w unanimously to approve the minutes :ting minutes for the Tri -City Council Center. Golden..1leiley signedti esolutcn authorizing the Joint Water Commission to prepare a Feasrtlty Study to site gill wrsjlincluding coordination with the City of Minneapolis Public WorksI�epartment, Water' rks atitsa= une 5, 2012 meeting. The TAC will meet with Barr Engineer"' Co. and dete � the scope of work. The TAC would like to have something for the JWC to awe at its next m`e_'tting. Mathisen estimated the feasibility report could be completed by the end 6flths3 summer. Mathisen will contactt#e0nnesota Department of Health for a progress report and update the JWC at its next meeting: " Water Meter Improvements In Golden Valley Stantec is working on the meter vault and waiting for the results of the soil borings. The project is on schedule to go out for bid in July. Leak Detection Contract The contract was sent to Water Conservation Service, Inc. (WCS) for signature. The anticipated project start-up is June 18. Mathisen added that leaks will most likely be found; however, the TAC has not discussed how leakages will be addressed. Once all the leaks have been identified, the I:Uoint Water CommissionlJWC Minutes12012 .IWC Minutes106-06-12 JWC Minutes.doc Joint Water Commission June 6, 2012 Page 2 of 2 TAC will be able to do a cost estimate analysis. WCS will be surveying the entire system and the cost will be per hydrant. Tracy will confirm that WSC will provide a hydrant overlay for the JWC when the survey is completed. Authorize Proposal for JWC Unbilled Water Repayment Analysis MOVED by McDonald, seconded by Norris and motion carried unanimously to approve the letter proposal from Environmental Services Group to assist in resolving an unbilled water repayment matter involving the JWC and the City of Minneapolis in an amount not to exceed $15,400. Minneapolis Cost of Service Study Update Minneapolis is preparing an update for the JWC to review. Scott Hardor will forward the information to Burt when it is received. w Debriefina of DeCola Ponds Discussion Jeff Oliver briefly updated the JWC regarding the DeC received and filed the DeCola Ponds study at its June, agreement with looking at the feasibility and what st}tct a Phase 11 study is Crystal ($29,000), New Hope ($29, misunderstanding and education of what has alreadyl participate may be necessary for some City Council m future costs may be premature until the react steps are Other Business 1. Crystal Gate Valves Replacement P be replaced by June 18 and the two 'Ponds study. The Pity of Golden Valley 2012 meeting. The City of New Hope is in be done The cost breakdown to prepare }, and Golden Valley Some bl n don , tend why all three cities should bers::,Oliver believes that determination of Update. The larger.,24-i nch valves are schedule leis to her by June 30. Next Meetina The next scheduled Pat Schutrop, Recording Secretary 2 pm. nch valve is scheduled to d for replacement Thomas D. Burt, Chair I:Uoint Water CommissionWWC Minutes=2 JWC Minuteeft-06-12 JWC Minutes.doc Resolution 12-03 7/11/2012 RESOLUTION OF THE JOINT WATER COMMISSION ADOPTING THE 2013 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Joint Water Commission that the appropriations for the General Fund Program for the calendar year 2013 as follows: GENERAL FUND Expenditures Original Budget Water Purchased: $6,856,560 6% increase - 4.3°% Mpls; consumption avg 2,568,000,000 gallons assumes a 2.67/1000 price .02/consumption $51,360 Insurance: $30,000 25% decrease Utilities $240,000 (4% decrease) Electricity 230,000 Phone 10,000 Labor $45,000 no increase Professional Services: $115,000 Consumer Confidence Report - Total Control, Corr Pro, Audit 15,000 Professional Services 100,000 Capital Improvement 3.19 Joint Water cost/1000 gallons $850,000 $8,187,920 4% increase overall BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Joint Water Commission that the sources of financing the sums appropriated shall be: GENERAL FUND Revenue City of Golden Valley $3,583,853 City of Crystal $2,207,463 City of New Hope $2,396,804 $8,187,920 , Joint Water Chair ATTEST: Susan M Vlmig Resolution 12-04 July 11, 2012 Commissioner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2013-2017 CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR THE GOLDEN VALLEY -CRYSTAL- NEW HOPE JOINT WATER COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED by the Joint Water Commission of the Cities of Golden Valley, Crystal, and New Hope that the Capital Projects for the year 2013 thru 2017 shall be as listed on attached Schedule A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Joint Water Commission of the Cities of Golden Valley, Crystal, and New Hope that the sources of financing shall come from each of the cities based on the current year consumption percentage. Thomas D. Burt, Chair ATTEST: Anne Norris, Vice Chair The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Commissioner and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: none; whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Chair and his signature attested by the Vice Chair. SCHEDULE A Joint Water Commission CIP for Years 2013-2017 Prolects I mma I 7nu I 2n,e 1 ,r,acl I Replace Trunk Valve Golden Valley 70,000 Replace Water Tower Altitude Valve Golden Valley 50,000 Elevated Tower Inspection Inspect and Clean Elevated Tower Golden Valley 10,000 Inspect and Clean Reservoir Golden Valley 30,000 Replace Pump, Motor, and Starter at Pump Station 780,000 (Replace 2 pumps and motors at 5140,000 each Golden Valley Replace Automatic Control Valves, Air Release Valves and Meters on two Pumps cen Valley 70,000 Inspect both elevated towers and completed painting s ectflcations New Hoe 45,000 Interior & Exterior structure repairs to both Elevated Towers North & SouthTowers Blast and Repaint New Hoe SOO,Oi: Exterior Structure Repairs to 1.5 MG Elevated Tower South Tower spot and overcoat New Hope Replace Trunk Valve 00 70,000 New Hope Emergency water Supply New Hope 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,00045G, Drill and Develo New Wells Replace 24" and 16" Valves on Douglas Drive Cirystal Security for All Towers, and Pump Sta Golden Valley, New Hope, Crystal Replace SCADA Computers, Software Upgrades, and fiber to reservoirs 55,000' New Hope and Crystal Golden Valley, New Hope, and Crystal ReRoof Pump Station (Roof patched In 2010) crystal 90,000 Repair York Pit Vault Crystal Inspect and Clean Reservoir 30 000 C I Replace Pump, Motor, and Starter at Pump Station Crystal 175,000 Security Fence Reservoir Sites Golden Valley 35,000 . rystal 70,000 Water Main Leak Detection Survery (New) Golden Valley, Crystal, New Hope County Road 9 Project Professoinal Services for Pipe Design, New Pie Installation and Inspection 1 400,000 40p000 Install Additional Revervoir Access Hat&M for Valve Replacement cram 10p0D0 115Tsu 950,000 1,145,000 1,600,000 760,000 715,000 Charges and/or additions aro In Rad resourceful. naturally. BARR engineering and environmental consultants June 29, 2012 Ms. Jeannine Clancy Director of Public Works City of Golden Valley 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 Re: Emergency Supply Feasibility Study Dear Ms. Clancy: The purpose of this letter is to provide the Joint Water Commission (JWC) with a proposal for performing a feasibility study for implementing an emergency water supply system. The study was recommended during our recent presentation to the Tri -City Council on Monday, May 7, 2012 at the Crystal Community Center. During that presentation we recommended that in order to provide emergency water supply during an interruption of supply from Minneapolis the JWC should complete the rehabilitation of the New Hope well, install three new wells, and connect them to the existing ground storage reservoirs in Golden Valley and Crystal. The first step of that process is a feasibility study, which is the subject of this proposal. This proposal contains the following sections: Project Understanding and Assumptions, Work Plan, Project Team, Schedule, and Cost Proposal. Project Understanding and Assumptions The JWC is interested in taking the next step towards implementing an emergency water supply system that would allow them to deliver water to their customers during an interruption of supply from the City of Minneapolis. The current concept is to complete the rehabilitation of the New Hope Well, drill three new wells near the existing ground storage reservoirs, and connect them to the reservoirs in such a way that when Minneapolis water supply is intact the wells would be off line but could be used for other purposes such as irrigation if desired. The feasibility study will include the following main elements: 1. Well siting study to determine the location of all new wells 2. Well interference study to estimate the impacts of a withdrawal on existing wells in the area 3. Preliminary search for known contamination in areas around the proposed wells 4. Preliminary layout of the piping to connect the wells to the reservoirs 5. Cost estimate for the proposed system Barr Engineering Co. 4700 West 771h Street, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com Ms. Jeannine Clancy June 29, 2012 Page 2 This proposal is based upon the following general assumptions: 1. The supply is only intended for emergency use. 2. Wells will be sited immediately adjacent to each of the ground storage reservoirs with the third sited about a %. of a mile away from one of the reservoirs based on land availability. 3. JWC will provide piping and site plans for each reservoir with enough detail to allow Barr to plan where and how to connect the well piping to the system. 4. JWC will provide maps of available land near the Crystal and Golden Valley reservoirs with preliminary sites identified for the location of the third well. 5. Well supply will be planned for 5.5 to 6.8 MGD including the New Hope well. 6. New Hope well is assumed to provide 800 to 1,000 gpm of supply. 7. JWC will assist with discussions needed with the City of Minneapolis, the Minneapolis Park Board, Theodore Wirth Golf Course, commercial or industrial contacts, and private residents. 8. JWC will provide relevant utility information that they own or operate for any pipe corridors considered for connecting the wells to the reservoirs. 9. JWC will participate in a well siting meeting to determine where the new wells will be located. 10. The JWC will facilitate a site tour of each reservoir. Work Plan Feasibility Study Objectives The following objectives are targeted by this study: 1. Identify sites for three new wells to be used for emergency supply. 2. Estimate the well interference that the proposed well field will have on existing nearby wells. 3. Estimate if the wells will capture any known groundwater contamination plumes and the impact they might have on existing groundwater contamination treatment systems. 4. Plan and perform preliminary design on the major project elements 5. Estimate the cost of the proposed project. Study Tasks Task 1: Identify Nearby Wells: Using the County Well Index Barr will map out known wells in and around the JWC that might be affected by the proposed emergency supply system and plot them on a map to be used in helping to site JWC wells. Task 9 Deliverable: A map depicting nearby wells. E:1DocumeMs%Barr WorklPropasals\JWC11WC_EmergencyWell FeasStudy_Subagrcementl Jmw29-2012.docx Ms. Jeannine Clancy June 29, 2012 Page 3 Task 2 Identify Groundwater Contamination: Barr will identify known sources of contamination on a conventional potential contaminant source inventory map. We will then identify active groundwater removal and treatment systems and their associated contamination plumes and map them as well. Task 2 Deliverable: A map depicting potential sources of contamination and known plumes. Task 3 Site New Wells: Determine the location of three new wells capable of delivering 5.5 to 6.8 MGD of supply to the JWC when combined with the New Hope well. The JWC will supply Barr with electronic versions of site plans for each reservoir that include property lines supply and distribution piping, and other utilities. Barr will site wells on near each reservoir so that they: 1. Meets well codes. 2. Facilitate connection to the bulk water supply side of the reservoirs. 3. Allow for the potential to use the wells for other purposes such as irrigations if so desired. JWC will also supply Barr with property map shape files for the areas within a %-mile radius of each reservoir with best candidate sites identified for the third well. With this information Barr will generate up to three alternative well site concepts. The concepts will be presented to the technical advisory committee at a working meeting. The outcome of the meeting will be sites for three new emergency supply wells. Barr will use this information to micro -site the wells on the properties for the final cost estimate. Task 3 Deliverables: Meeting agenda, power point presentation for the meeting, meeting minutes and a map depicting the final selected well sites. Task 4 Model Potential Well Fields: Barr will use the results of Tasks 1 through 3 to perform a well interference and a contaminant capture study for the emergency supply scenarios outlined below. This will consist of groundwater modeling to estimate well interference and potential to capture contamination from known sites. Task 4 Deliverable: A technical memo that will be part of the final report summarizing the study that recommends a possible well field configuration that would supply emergency needs. Task 5 Preliminary Design and Feasibility Study: Barr will use the information from Tasks 1 through 4 and prepare preliminary design of the system to enough detail to facilitate cost estimates for use in budgetary planning and project authorization. Preliminary design will include: 1. Estimate approximate depth and configuration for each of the new wells. 2. Estimate the level of effort needed to complete the New Hope well. 3. Estimate how each well will be connected to the supply side of the reservoirs. 4. Estimate chemical addition needs for each well. R\Documents\Bw WorkU"posals\JWC\JWC EmergencyWellFeuStudy_Subagreemer tl June29-2012.doex Ms. Jeannine Clancy June 29, 2012 Page 4 5. Estimate site restoration requirements. Figures will be prepared as needed to depict the results of the work. In general only plan views will be supplied and not all drawings will necessarily be to scale. This data will be used to generate cost estimates for the project and prepare a report that will outline the next steps needed to implement an emergency supply for the JWC. Task 5 Deliverable. A feasibility report summarizing the results of the study including figures, cost estimates, and next steps. Task 6 Presentations of results: Barr will then prepare a power point presentation and present the results of the study in three different meetings: 1. Dry run presentation of preliminary results to the TAC. 2. Presentation incorporating TAC comments to the JWC. 3. Presentation incorporating JWC comments to the Tri -City Council meeting in 2013. Task 0 Deliverable: Power point presentations depicting study results and input from the various entities identified. . Project Team Barr has assembled a team that can help deliver the various studies listed above. Below is a short list of the main team members that would be involved in leading the main efforts. Brian LeMon will be the PIC for the work and manage each study. Brian has over 24 years of experience working with municipal water systems and has worked on several JWC projects. He is familiar with JWC infrastructure and water system operation. Ray Wuolo will oversee all groundwater modeling and related interference and contamination study work. He already has extensive experience modeling the groundwater in the metropolitan area and, as you know, also has experience modeling well fields for the JWC. Michelle Stockness will head up the work related to the well siting, preliminary design, cost estimates, and feasibility study preparation. Michelle has extensive experience working on wells and water systems for many clients throughout the state of Minnesota. Project Schedule The following schedule is based upon Week 0 being the week in which the notice to proceed is received from the JWC. The following schedule also assumes that all material needed from the JWC is submitted to Barr along with the notice to proceed. EADocun=iL-lBarr Work%ProposalsUWCUWC EmergencyWell_FcWtudy_SubagmemenU_ ma9-2012.docx Ms. Jeannine Clancy June 29, 2012 Page 5 Notice to proceed: ...................................... Week 0 Complete Tasks 1 and 2 ............................. Week 4 Well siting meeting ................................... Week 8 Model Potential Well Fields .......................Week 10 Submit Draft report to TAC ....................... Week 14 Present to TAC...........................................TBD Present to JWC ...........................................TBD Present to Tri -City Council ........................TBD Cost Proposal The tasks outlined in this proposal will be performed for the estimated costs shown below Feasibility Study, Tasks I through 5.............................................................. 525,000 Presentation to TAC, JWC, and Tri -City Council Meeting, Tasks 6 ............. $9,000 Barr looks forward to working with the JWC on this project and continuing our successful relationship. If you have any question please contact me at 952-8362-2774. If the proposal is acceptable to the JWC, please sign and date two copies of this sub agreement in the space provided below. Keep one copy for your records and return the other to Barr. Sincerely, Brian K. Letson, P.E. Vice President Accepted this _ day of . 2012 JOINT WATER COMMISSION By Its BKL/ymh EADocumen0Barr Work\Proposals\JWC\JWC_EmapneyWell FeasStudy_Subagrement 7une29-2012.docx Sprint Maiistop KSOPIMIOI Z2650 6391 Sprint Parkway Overland Park, KS 66251-2650 Toll Free: (800) 357-7641 Facsimile: (913) 523-9735 Email: LandlordSolutions@Sprint.com Am 27, 2012 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Tracking #: 7010 3090 000198971281 Golden Valley Crystal New Hope Joint Water Commission Tom Burt 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 Re: Termination of Lease A.greemmt ("Aglt") dated 9/23/99 Owner: Golden Valley Crystal New Hope Joint Water Commission & City of New Hope Nextel: Nextel West Corp.. a Delaware Corp. Nextel Site ID: NOW94 Site Address: 2801 Hillsboro Ave. North New Hope, MN Dear Mr. Tom Burt: Pursuant to Section 13 (a) (11) of the above -rte Agreemealt, this letter will serve as notice that Nextel is exercising its right to terminate the Agreement, effective 9/30/12. In the event that any filings of record made by Nextel are discovered that encumber your title to the above - referenced Site, Nextel will execute a Memorandum of Termination or otherwise reasonably cooperate in taking actions necessary to remove the encumbrance. N you have any questions, please contact Stephen Eckert at 519-441-" or contact our toll-fr+oe Landlord Solutions team at 800-357-7641. When calling, please have the Nextel Site ID (above) available for re wce. Sincerely, Annie Liu Real Estate Manager 01 WEN DeCamm Taminsticn Notice TamplaRe 05142012