08-08-12 CC Agenda Packet (entire) AGENDA Regular Meeting of the City Council Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road Council Chamber Wednesday, August 8, 2012 6:30 pm The Council may consider item numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 prior to the public hearings scheduled at 7 pm 1. CALL TO ORDER PAGES A. Roll Call B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Presentation of Envision Award - Golden Valley Garden Glub 3 2. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda - All items listed under this heading are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion of these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. Approval of Minutes - City Council Meeting - June 19, 2012 4-10 B. Approval of Check Registers: 1. City 11 2. Housing and Redevelopment Authority 12 C. Licenses: 1. General Business Licenses 13-14 D. Minutes of Boards and Commissions: 1. Board of Zoning Appeals - June 26, 2�12 15-17 2. Environmental Commission - June 25, 2012 18-19 3. Human Services Fund - June 11, 2012 2Q-21 4. Joint Water Commission Tri-city Council - May 7, 2012 22-24 5. Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission - April 19, 2012 25-34 E. Bids and Quotes: 1. Lians Park Shelter Building Maintenance - Quotes 35-36 2. Schaper Park Shelter Building Maintenance - Quotes 37-38 F. Receipt of June 2012 Budget Report 39-45 G. Approval of Requests for Beer and/or Wine at Brookview Park 46-47 H. Approval of 180-Day Extensian for Filing of Plat and Submitting Final PUD Plan 48-51 Application - PUD #107 - The Towers at West End - Southwest Quadrant of I-394 and Highway 100 - Duke Realty, Applicant I. Authorization to Sell Excess Equipment - Fire Hose 12-56 52-53 J. Rescind No Parking Restrictions - East Side of Toledo Avenue North Adjacent to 54-57 Scheid Park 12-57 K. Authorizing 2012 Application to Minnesota Department of Transportation Community 58-59 Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program for Highway 55 Lilac Planting 12-58 L. Call for Administrative Hearing - Appeal of Administrative Citation - 1816 York 60 Avenue North - 8/21/12 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7 PM A. Public Hearing - Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc. - Issuance of Bonds 12-59 61-63 B. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat Approval - Savannah Estates - 6601 and 6621 64-78 Medicine Lake Road C. Public Hearing - Amendment to Comprehensive Plan General Land Use Plan Map - 79-135 Change from Residential-Low Density to Commercial-Retail/Service - 7345 Gountry Club Drive (Schuller's Tavern) 5. OLD BUSINESS 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Announcements of Meetings B. Mayor and Council Communications 7. ADJOURNMENT C�T�� C�� � : � Park and Recreatian T.?epartment 763-512-2345/763-512-2344(faxj ..... . _.,. . ,�. �.�°,�+R �y� y�y� -:.,�:{,ta.�wn�,..,..� .>a.._�._�>. . ..,: �_. �..E��,.m�."�..'i��.�.���....�NM!�'�'ii�i'�.":,,„.� �.aL....�.�.'°=, �...: -�3w:..„�,.; .... �. -.:.: �� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 1. C. Presentation af the Envision Award - Golden Valley Garden Club Prepared By Sandy Werts, Volunte�r Coordinator Summary The Golden Valley Garden Club, originally started in 1939, is the longest active organization in the community. One of its first projects was landscaping Highway 100 and a little park named Blazer Park at what is naw the intersection of Loring Lane and Turners Crassroad. Lilac planting continued until the highway became known as "Lilac Way". They also launched Golden Valley's annual "Lilac Festival". The club continues today, meeting monthly and raising money to support community efforts and planting the bowls of flowers along Winnetka Avenue North and in front of City Hall. In 2009 an evening unit af the club was formed. Some of their projects include weeding the public right- of-ways along Winnetka Avenue South, planting perennials in the circles in the median of Winnetka Avenue North and at the intersection of Golden Valley Road and Winnetka Avenue North. This spring the evening club held free gardening classes through the city's Park and Recreation Department. Both units of the Club have supported the Annual Lilac Planting project by providing volunteers for planting and maintenance of the areas. They have hosted the lunch far the uolunteers for the past two years. Recommended Actian Award the Envision Award to the Golden Valley Garden Club. Regular Meeting of the City Council June 19, 2012 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City af Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said City on June 19, 2012 at 6:30 pm. The following members were present: Clausen, Freiberg, Harris, Pentel and Scanlon. Also present were: Thomas Burt, City Manager; Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works; Allen Barnard, City Attorney; and Judy Nally, Administrative Assistant. Pledqe of Alleqiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Approval of Aqenda MOVED by Clausen, seconded by Pentel and motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda of June 19, 2012 as amended: Addition af Letter from Ron Wallerious Regarding Chickens and Authorization to Sign Resolution of Support of the Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative, distribution of amended resolution. Approval of Consent Aqenda MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motian carried unanimously to approve the agenda of June 19, 2p12 as amended: Addition of Letter from Ron Wallerious Regarding Chickens. *Approval of Minutes - Citv Council Meetinq - April 3, 2012 MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to approve the City Council Meeting minutes of Aprit 17, 2012 and Cauncil/Manager Meeting minutes of May 8, 2012 as submitted. *Approval of Check Reqister MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to autharize the payment of the City and Housing and Redevelopment Authority bills as submitted. *Solicitor's License - Chris Rucker for Southwestern Com�an,y MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to approve the solicitor's license Chris Rucker for Southwestern Company. Regular Meeting of the City Council June 19, 2012 Page 2 *Solicitor's License - Contractors Inc. MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to approve the solicitor's license Contractors Inc. *Minutes of Boards and Commissions MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the minutes as follows: Human Services Fund - May 14, 2012 Joint Water Commission - April 4, 2012 Street Name Siqns and Materials - Quote Mayor Harris had questions regarding the quotes. Jeannine Clancy answered questions from the Council. MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Freiberg and motion carried unanimously to purchase street name signs, associated posts, brackets, and hardware, including Minnesota sales tax, from the anly approved bidder, Lyle Signs, Inc. for $28,996.33. The quote from Newman Traffic Signs did not meet specifications. Authorization to Siqn Amendment 1 with Allied Waste Services of North America, LLC for Municipal Recvclinq Services Mayor Harris had questions about the new program. Jeannine Clancy answered questions from the Council. MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to authorize the Mayor and City Manager sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Comprehensive Municipal Recycling Services. � *Authorization to Siqn Aqreement with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for Tree Plantinq Grant Member Pentel introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 12-47 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY FOR THE GENERAL OBLIGATIQN BOND PROCEEDS DESIGNATED FOR TREE PLANTING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY Regular Meeting of the City Couneil June 19, 2012 Page 3 *Authorization to Siqn Agreement with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for Tree Plantinq Grant - Gontinued The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Scanlon and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Clausen, Freiberg, Harris, Pentel and Scanlon; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. *Authorization to Sign Aqreement with Rachel Contractinq for Bassett Creek Restoration MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to authorize the Mayor and City Manager sign the agreement with Rachel Contracting for 2012 Bassett Creek restoration for $607,260. *Receipt of Mav 2012 Financial Reports MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the May 2012 Financial Reports. Human Riqhts Commission Task Force - Establishment and Appointments Mayor Harris introduced the agenda item. Thomas Burt answered questions from the Council. MOVED by Scanlon, seconded by Pentel and motion carried unanimously to amend III (D) to read: No more than five (5) meetings shall be held. Member Scanlon introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, as amended: III (D) to read: No more than five (5) meetings shall be held. RESOLUTION 12-48 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION TASK FQRCE AND APPOINTING MEMBERS The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Freiberg and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Clausen, Freiberg, Harris, Pentel and Scanlon; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Regular Meeting of the City Council June 19, 2012 Page 4 Approval of Requests for Beer and/or Wine at Brookview Park MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to approve the requests for beer and/or wine at Brookview Park as recommended by staff. *Acceptance of Donation - Golden Vallev Federated Women's Club for Concerts in the Park Series Member Pentel introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 12-49 RESOLUTION ACGEPTING DONATION FROM GOLDEN VALLEY FEDERATED WOMEN'S GLUB FOR CONCERTS IN THE PARK SERIES The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Scanlon and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Clausen, Freiberg, Harris, Pentel and Scanlon; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Letter from Ron Wallerious Reqardinq Chickens. MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the letter from Ron Wallerious, dated May 28, 2Q12, regarding chickens. Public Hearinq - 2011 National Poliution and Discharqe Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Annual Report to Minnesota Pollution Control Aqencv Eric Eckman, Public Works Specialist, presented the report and answered questions from the Council. Jeannine Clancy answered questions from the Council. The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Carol Barry, 2936 Kyle Avenue North, asked how staff knows when to skim off the oil collected; stated she has had problems with storm water in her neighborhood, asked if there is a paper record of when sites are inspected and suggested that in the future the records state who did the inspectian including the inspectar's signature and the date inspected. Vic Harvath, 5901 Laurel Avenue, stated he lives near a project on Bassett Creek and he believes the silt curtain is on the wrong side of the creek. Regular Meeting of the City Council June 19, 2Q12 Page 5 Public Hearinq - 2011 National Pollution and Discharqe Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Annual Report to Minnesota Pollution Control Aqencv - Continued Cathy Abboud, 2801 Kyle Avenue North, stated that when she walks in the Rice Lake/Sochacki Park area she and her neighbor have noticed a methane gas smell and expressed concern about how the light rail will affect water quality in the water quality and pollution in the area. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTlON 12-50 RESOLUTION ISSUING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF NEED FOR REVISIONS TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Clausen and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Clausen, Freiberg, Harris, Pentel and Scanlon; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. On-Sale, Off-Sale, Sundav Salet Club, Wine On-Sale and Non-Intoxicatinq Malt Liquor License Renewals Jim Roberts, Sergeant, introduced the item and answered questions from the Council. Thomas Burt answered questions from the Council. MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Clausen and motion carried unanimously to approve the renewal of the liquor licenses for the applicants listed below for the 2012-2013 license term. Club On-Sale and Sunday Sale Golden Valley VFW Post #7051 On-Sale and Sunday Sa/e Chipotle Mexican Grill/Colorado LLC d/b/a Chipotle Mexican Grill Authorization to Sign Resolution of Support of the Bottineau Transitwav Locally Preferred Alternative Mayor Harris introduced the agenda item. Joe Hogeboom, City Planner, presented the staff report. Jeannine Clancy and Thomas Burt answered questions from the Gouncil. Regular Meeting of the City Council June 19, 2012 Page 6 Authorization to Siqn Resolution of Support of the Bottineau Transitwav Locallv Preferred Alternative - Continued Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 12-51 RESQLUTION OF SUPPORT OF THE BOTTINEAU TRANSITWAY LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE (LPA) The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Harris and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Freiberg and Harris; and the following voted against the same: Clausen, Pentel and Scanlon; whereupon said resolutian was denied. Announcements of Meetings The Fire and Police Open House is June 20, 2012 from 6 to 8 pm at all Police/Fire buildings. A Bassett Creek Water Management Commission will be held on June 21, 2012 at 11:30 am. The Fire Department Street Dance is June 23, 2012 at the American Legion. Some Council Member may attend the 125th Anniversary Time Capsule Celebration on June 24, 2012 at noon. The Council expressed appreciation to the 125t" Anniversary Committee and staff for their work A Concert in the Park featuring Beacon Hill Brass will be held on June 2511, 2012 at 7 pm at Brookview Park. Firefighter Recruitment Meetings witl be held on June 28, 2012 at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm at Fire Station #1. The Golden Valley Historical Society Antique Appraisal Show will be held on June 30, 2012 at 1:30 pm at The Heathers. The Golden Valley Rotary is honoring Sue Webber, SunPost Editor on June 26, 2012 at the Golden Valley Club. A Bridge Builder's Meeting will be held on June 23, 2012 at 10 am at the Golden Valley Country Club, The Park and Recreation Department Water Day will be held on June 22, 2012 at Scheid Park at 12:30 pm. The next City Council meeting will be held on July 3, 2012 at 6:30 pm. Regular Meeting of the Cifiy Council June 19, 2012 Page 7 Mayor and Council Communications No action and/or discussion took place. Adiournment MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Nally, Administrative Assistant �-��� ��_ Fi.nance Department 763-593-8013/763-593-8109(fax) ���_��'�`�'��� ����:P� ...'.�x :��i�,������. . ..., :. �ri�-r, �,..g��i . `�;�.�� �i °� m'�°�,���s�a� �:� � Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. B. 1. Approval of City Check Register Prepared By Sue Virnig, Finance Director Summary Approval af the check register for various vendor claims against the City of Golden Valley. Attachments • Document sent via email Recommended Action Motion to authorize the payment of the bills as submitted, ���� ��� � Finance Department 763-593-8013/763-593-8109(fax) . - -: �... Xi... . � _.,... ::.Ni��„i °��!..: � ���,.���-��. _ ��'��'��> ��r��� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. B. 2, Approval of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Check Register Prepared By Sue Virnig, Finance Director Summary Approval of the check register for various vendor claims against the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Attachments • Qocument sent via email Recammended Action Motion to authorize the payment of the bills as submitted. C:t��1� �� Ins ions De rtment r��t r� 763-593-8090/763-593-3997(fax) Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. C. 1. General Business Licenses Prepared By Kathryn Pepin, Administrative Assistant Summary As per City Code, some businesses are required to be licensed by the City. Listed belaw are the License Number, Applicant, License Type and Fee of those who have submitted an application far approval. #5650 Borton Volvo New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 905 Hampshire Avenue South #5651 Lupient Buick, GMC New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.Q0 7100 Wayzata Boulevard #5654 Carousel Audi New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 9393 Wayzata Boulevard #5653 Carousel Porsche New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 9191 Wayzata Boulevard #5652 Rudy Luther Toyota New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 8805 Wayzata Boulevard #5657 ABC Cars & Leasing New/Used Vehicle Dealer � $400.00 1200 Mendelssohn Avenue North #5655 Poquet Auto Sales, Inc. New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 800 Lilac Drive North #5660 Jim Lupient Infiniti New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 7200 Wayzata Boulevard #5659 Morrie's European Car Sales New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 7400 Wayzata Boulevard #5661 US Fleet Lease, LLC New/Used Vehicle Dealer $400.00 2420 Nevada Avenue North Recommended Action Motion to authorize the issuance of licenses as recommended by staff. Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals June 26, 2012 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held on Tuesday, June 27, 2012 at City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Those present were Members, Boudreau-Landis, Maxwell and Nelson, and Planning Commission Representatives McCarty and Waldhauser. Also present were Director of Planning and Development Mark Grimes and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. I. Approval of Minutes — May 22, 2012 Regular Meeting MQVED by McCarty, seconded by Boudreau-Landis and motion carried unanimously to approve the May 22, 2012 minutes as submitted. II. The Petitions are: 6931 Olson Memorial Highway RHT Properties, Applicant (12-06-09) Requ�est: Waiver from Sectian 11.72 Fences Subd. 3(A)(1) Fence Regulations • 2 ft. taller than the 4 ft. height allowed for fences located in front yards Purpose: To allow for the construction of a 6 ft. tall fence in the front yard. Grimes referred to a location map and explained the applicant's request to build a 6- foat tall fence in the front yard. He stated that the Single Family Residential zoning district allows fences to be 4 feet tall in front yards but the applicant requires a taller fence because the home will be used as a foster home and will have children with special needs living there sQ they need the taller fence far safety. McCarty asked about the differences between a group home and foster home. Grimes explained that both uses are permitted, per state statute, in the Single Family Residential zoning district. Maxwell asked if the applicant could build a 6-foot tall fence if it was located 35 feet or more away from the front property line. Grimes said yes. Waldhauser and McCarty bath said they thought that no 6-foot tall fences were allowed in frant yards at all. Grimes explained that the 35-foot setback area is considered to be the front yard. He added that no 6-foot tall fences could be built in the setback area but fences, or structures much taller, cauld be built up to the 35-foot setback line. Pete Thomley, Meridian Services, representing the applicant, explained that they are attempting to fence off the two front entrances as a safety precaution. Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals June 26, 2012 Page 2 Waldhauser asked about the type of fencing material being used. Thomley said it will be a no-maintenance, vinyl fence in a darker color to match the house. Waldhauser said she understands that the fence can't be scalable, but asked if there can be some space between the fence boards. Thomley said there won't be any space between the boards for the safety of the children and that is also the way the panels are manufactured. McCarty asked if there would be a gate across the driveway. Thomley drew on the survey where he is proposing to build the fence. The Board concluded that since the fence will be not be in the 35-foot front yard setback area the applicant does not need to apply for a variance. Since there were people in the audience wishing to comment, N�Ison opened the public hearing, even though it was determined that no variance will be required for the proposed fence. Dan Browdie, 7001 Olson Memorial Highway, said he is concerned that the proposed fence will be attractive to criminals because it will provide cover and there is easy access to Olson Memorial Highway. He said this house has been broken into in the past and someone also attempted to break in to his home. He questioned why the applicant is buying a hame right on Highway 55 if they are concerned about the safety of the kids. He stated that a fence on this property wauld also block his access to the other neighboring houses and he would be forced to walk in the street to visit neighboring houses. He said he doesn't generally see 6-foot tall fences in front yards and installing one will really change the laok of the neighborhood. Boudreau-Landis explained that most houses are built closer to the 35-foot setback line and not set as far back as the house in question. Marilyn Weisberg, 6800 Kingston Gircle, said she too has had break-ins. She said there are people in her neighborhood who have purposefully installed 6-foot high fences and non-egress windows in their basements because Golden Valley is very paor at enforcing its laws. She said this proposed foster home is a business and she didn't realize there could be a business located in a residential area like this. She added that the people that will be living in this house won't care as much about it as a mam and dad with children would. She agreed that the applicant shouldn't buy a house on Highway 55 if they have children they can't control. Grimes explained that companies can own homes and reiterated that rental properties, group homes and foster care homes are all permitted, legal uses in the Single Family zoning district. He stated that the City Council has tried to work with the State Legislature regarding group home issues to na avail. Laura King, 6921 Olson Memorial Highway, said she bought her home seven years ago and it was broken into within months. She stated that the first thing the police told her was that the fence they had, which was similar to the one being proposed, should be Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals June 26, 2012 Page 3 removed because it makes the house a target for criminals. She said they are their own community of four lots and they have to keep an eye on one another and the proposed fence, put right in the middle, will cut everybody else off. She said this proposed fence will also reduce her property value which has already gone down $100,000 since she bought it. She said if the houses in this area take another hit, they are going to end up being empty. She said if the applicant needs to build a fence like this to keep the children safe then it is probably not the ideal location for them to purchase. She added that there are 11 properties in a five mile radius that offer the same square footage for the same price or less that are not on a highway and three of them already have a fenced-in back yard. She said this proposal does not make sense at all for anyone involved. Gina Hyun, 6837 Olson Memorial Highway, said she is concerned about the children in the neighborhood. She said she was told this was going to be a group home and now she is hearing that it is going to be a foster home but she has never heard af a foster home with staff and this is an unusual foster situation. She asked what kind of peaple will be living in the house, if they are sex offenders and if children would still be able to play outside. She said she doesn't understand the nature of their program and she wants ta be safe in her house and not live in fear. She asked if the neighbors are going to be chased out of Golden Valley and if the City is on the neighbor's side or this company's side. Nelson thanked people for expressing their concerns. She reiterated that the Board of Zoning Appeals really can't address any of the concerns because their job is to hear variance requests and it has been determined that this proposal doesn't need a variance. Waldhauser agreed that the Board's hands are completely tied. She suggested people take their concerns to their State Legislature. Nelson closed the public hearing. III. Other Business Election of Officers MOVED by Maxwell, seconded by McCarty and motion carried unanimously to continue the current slate of officers for another year (Nelson as Chair and Boudreau-Landis as Vice Chair). IV. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm. Nancy J. Nelson, Chair Joseph S. Hogeboom, Staff Liaison GOLDEN VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012 Present: Commissioners Tracy Anderson Rich Baker, Dawn Hill, Debra Yahle; Jeannine Clancy, Public Works Director; Eric Seaburg, Graduate Engineer; and Lisa Nesbitt, Administrative Assistant Absent: Commissioners Lynn Gitelis (attended via conference call), Jim Stremel, Damon Struyk 1. Call to Order Baker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Approval of Reqular Meetinq Minutes — Mav 21, 2012 MOVED by Hill, seconded by Yahle, and the motion earried unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2012 meeting. 3. Section 10.32 Studv Bob Lies, owner of EggPlant Urban Farm Supply, spoke to the commission abaut his experiences in urban farming. Les Larson, a Planning Commissian and Chairman af the Ordinance Review Committee with the City of Oakdale, also spoke to the commission about his experience raising chickens. Additionally he shared his experience in reviewing codes and ordinances for the City of Oakdale. Both presentations are on-file and the Q&A's are listed separately. Staff handed out 3-ring binders to each Commissioner, which will assist in keeping the study material organized. 4. Buckthorn Removal Proqram Clancy reported that the City has purchased two additional buck thorn removal wrenches, due to the popularity of the program. The current program requires a $25 refundable deposit. Staff has requested that the deposit be increased to $100 to help detract residents from keeping them beyond the seven-day lending period and to more closely cover the cost of the wrench. The commission supported an increase in the deposit. 5. Proqram/Project U.pdates Summary on file. Additionally: I/I — There has been some concern expressed over certificates issued in 2006 as a part of the 20Q7 PMP. The certificates issued in 2006 were for sump pump and foundation drain inspections only and were valid for only one year. Bottineau —At the June 19, 2012 City Council meeting, a resolution to support the Locally Preferred Alternative plan through Brooklyn Park, Crystal and Golden Valley failed by a vote of 3-2. 6. Commission Member Council Reports Wirth CAC meeting summary on-file. Minutes of the Environmental Commission June 25, 2012 Page 2 of 2 Baker attended a meeting with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Golden Valley staff regarding general areas of common interest and how best to work together on these areas. Baker received a letter from a resident regarding bluebird houses in public areas. Clancy gave the Commission background on the request to put bluebird houses in the City right-of- way. Baker will respond ta the resident. Anderson attended the public hearing for the Bottineau trail. 7. Other Business Commissioners were reminded that the next meeting will be July 30tn 8. Adlourn MOVED by Hill, secanded by Anderson, and the motion carried to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:1Q pm. The next scheduled meeting will be July 30, 2012 at 7 pm. Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVMSF) Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012 Present: Hilmer Erickson, Katie Hart, Elissa Heilicher, Diane Nimmer, and Connie Sandler. Alsa present: Joanie Clausen, Council Liaison and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Brenda Hayle, Toots Vadovoz Call to Order: Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:52 p.m. No addition or changes to the agenda. May 14 minutes: Erickson moved and Hart seconded the motion to approve the minutes from May 14. The motion passed unanimously. Upcoming Events: Golf Classic will be held on Friday, July 13. Sponsor letters have been sent. The brochures are being distributed. Corporate sponsors are: Anonymous, Gentral Bank, Preferred One. Hole Sponsors are: SEH, WSB. Hole-in-One sponsor: Morrie's. Door Prizes will be donated by AIlianz, Brookview Golf Course, Central Bank, Pat Ryan Golf. Members will be contacting area businesses for prizes, Heilicher will contact Crossroads Deli and Einstein Bagels for the continental breakfast items and AI's Coffee for beverages. Fackler will work with Davanni's for lunch. Taste of Golden Valley date has been put on hold. Discussion on another event was held. Heilicher will contact the Twin City Men's Gay Chorus for a possible fundraising concert. Other Business: Farmer's Market: Nimmer stated the dates that the GVHSF is committed to being at the Market: July 15, August 19 and September 16 from 9AM-1 PM. Tents and tables will be provided at no cost. Fackler passed out the Health Department licensing information. Because of the regulations, the members felt there may be a better optian. Sandler will contact a Kettle Corn vendar to see if he is interested in coming and sharing the profit with the GVHSF. Fackler will contact the Health Department on the regulations for a food vendor after hearing from Sandler. Funding Application: Members suggested changes to the application as follows: -Funding is not intended to be used for salaries or general operating expenses. -Briefly describe how the GVHSF funds will be used by your organization, i.e. program or service -If you received funds fram the GVHSF in 2012, how were the funds used by your organization? -If you do not receive funds from the GVHSF in 2013, how would this affect your program? Fackler will meet with the Communications Department to have the changes made to the application. Application will be posted ta the website late July for acceptance until August 24, 4:00 PM. Community Foundation: Sandler reported the CF board is working on a formal application process for fund distribution and for membership to the Board. Adjournment: Sandler annaunced the next meeting is July 9 at 6:45 p.m. Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Hart secanded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler GVHSF Staff Liaison Tri-City Council Meeting Minutes Monday, May 7, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, The Tri-City Council Meeting was held at 6:36 p.m. on Monday, May 7, 2012 in the Crystal A-B Room at the Grystal Community Center located at 4800 Douglas Qrive in Crystal, Minnesota. After introductions, Galden Valley City Manager, Tom Burt summarized the agenda and turned the meeting over to Bonnie Morey, meeting faeilitator. ATTENDANCE Golden Valley Recording Secretary Pat Schutrop recorded the attendance as follows: CRYSTAL COUNCIL: ReNae Bowman, Mayar Dave Anderson, Council Member Julie Deshler, Council Member Joe Selton, Council Member Mark Hoffmann, Council Member John Budziszewski, Council Member Janet Maore, Council Member CRYSTAL STAFF: Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works Randy Kloepper, Water Superintendent NEW HOPE GOUNCIL: Kathi Hemken, Mayor John Elder, Council Member Dan Stauner, Council Member Andy Hoffe, Council Member NEW HOPE STAFF: Kirk McDonald, City Manager Guy Johnson, Director of Public Works GOLDEN VALLEY COUNCIL: Shep Harris, Mayor DeDe Scanlon, Council Member Paula Pentel, Council Member Mike Freiberg, Council Member Joanie Clausen, Council Member GOLDEN VALLEY STAFF: Tom Burt, City Manager Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works Sue Virnig, Finance Director Jeff Oliver, City Engineer Bert Tracy, Public Works Maintenance Manager Dave Lemke, Utilities Supervisor Pat Schutrop, Recording Secretary OTHERS: Bernie Bullert, Minneapalis Director, Water Tr�atment and Distribution Services Bonnie Morey, SEH, Inc., Facilitator Brian LeMon, Barr Engineering Company Karen Chandler, Barr Engineering Company Todd DeJournett, Barr Engineering Company Jennifer Koehler, Barr Engineering Company Sue Webber, Sun Newspapers Steve Nelsan, Bolton & Menk I:\Joint Water Commission\JWC Minutes�2012 JWC Minutes\05-07-2092 Tri-City Council Minutes.docx 1 AGENDA The City Councils and staff of Crystal, Golden Valley, and New Hope received two presentations and discussed the following: 1. Update an the Feasibility of Backup Water Supply 2. Update on Surface Water issues in the Vicinity of Winnetka Avenue and Medicine Lake Road, Terra Linda Drive, and DeCola Ponds Neighborhoad Bonnie Morey recapped the directian given by the City Councils at the May 11, 2�11 Tri-City Council meeting and facilitated the discussion. 1. Update on the Feasibility of Backup Water Supply A backup water supply is required as part of the Jaint Water Commission's (JWC) comprehensive plan. Staff from Barr Engineering Co. presented their findings on potential risks that could affect delivery of water from Minneapolis, update on the emergency supply work since the May 11, 2011 meeting, and requested future direction. Minneapolis depends on the Mississippi River for its supply and is currently working on an emergency backup water supply plan. Bernie Bullert reported that a cost analysis has not been developed yet, but would likely be ready for the Water Advisory Board to consider at its meeting on August 23, 2012. The New Hope well is the only backup supply source for the JWG at this time. However, the water from this well would not produce enough water to meet the needs of all thres cities. The proposal is to activate the New Hope well and drill three additional wells. In total, the wells would produce about 5.5 to 6.8 MGD which is the average daily use now received from Minneapolis. The well water would be unsoftened, be of a constant temperature, and have a slightly lawer pH. Mitigation measures will be propased to treat the iron taste in the well supply. If the JWC decides to drill the wells and activate the New Hope well, Barr estimates it could be operational within one year. However, the JWC may decide to phase the project out over any number of years, up to and including 10 years. The approximate cost to construct and make aperational all four wells would be about $4.2 million. Cost sharing options have not been discussed with Minneapolis. The three cities took a short caucus to decide if adapting a resolutian to develop a feasibility study is practical by June 1 or wait for Minneapolis to pravide its backup water supply plan. Aecording to Barr, the estimated cost for the feasibility study would be about $20,000 to $25,000 and would take about two months to prepare. The study could include ongoing costs of the wells. The current JWC capital improvement program has the funding for the study. All three cities will consider a resolution by June 1, 2012 giving direction to the JWC to prepare the feasibility study for an emergency backup water supply plan. I:\Joint Water Commission\JWC Minutes\2012 JWC Minutes\05-07-2012 Tri-City Council Minutes.docx 2 2. Update on SurFace Water Issues in the Vicinity of Winnetka Avenue and Medicine Lake Road, Terra Linda Drive, and DeCola Ponds Neiqhborhood Barr presented an update to the Phase I study that included a history of the area, a flood mitigation analysis, summary of what has been done, and recommended alternatives and costs. All three cities contribute runoff to the flooding problem (50% in Golden Valley, and 25% in Crystal and New Hope, respectively). Hennepin County's portion contributes about 1% of the drainage area. Golden Valley staff is proposing a Phase II study that would investigate solutions and costs more in-depth. The estimated cost is $116,000 ($93,000 for the study and $23,000 for contingencies). The cost breakdown would be as follows: Golden Valley $58,000 Crystal $29,000 New Hope $29,Q00 In the past, the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Cammission (BCWMC) looked at the drainage problem, but determined it was the local cities' responsibility. The current BCWMC capital improvement program includes the re-sizing of the Honeywell Pond which would give some cost savings and the Phase II study would take that into account. Council members asked that information regarding grants and future funding options be included in the Phase II study. Golden Valley staff will prepare cooperative agreements for the three cities to consider. OTHER BUSINESS No other business items were discussed. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Golden Valley Council Member DeDe Scanlon, seconded by Golden Valley Council Member Mike Freiberg, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Pat Schutrop, Recording Secretary I:\Joint Water Commission\JWG Minutes�2012 JWC Minutes\05-07-2012 Tri-City Council Minutes docx 3 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes Bassett Creek Watershed Managernent Commission Minutes of the Meeting of April 19, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER The Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission(BCWMC)was called to order at 11:38 a.m.,on Thursday,Apri119,2Q12,at Golden Valley City Hall by Chair Black.Ms.Herbert called roll. ROLL CALL Counsel Charlie LeFevere Crystal Commissioner Dan Johnson Engineer Karen Chandler Golden Valley Commissioner Stacy Hoschka,Treasurer Recorder Amy Herbert Medicine Lake Commissioner Ted Hoshal,Secretary Minneapolis Alternate Commissioner Lisa Goddard Minnetonka Not represented New Hope Not represented Plymouth Commissioner Ginny Black,Chair Robbinsdale Commissioner Wayne Sicora St.Louis Park Commissioner Jim de Lambert,Vice Chair Also present; Laura Adler,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee,City of St. Louis Park Virginia(Ginger)Anderson,Golden Valley Resident Derek Asche,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee,City of Plymouth Pat Byrne,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee,City of Minneapolis Dave Hanson,Alternate Commissioner, City of Golden Valley Linda Loomis,Golden Valley Resident Tom Mathisen,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee, City of Crystal Michael Martens,Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Assoc.Land Use Committee Richard McCoy,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee,City of Robbinsdale Jeff Oliver,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee,City of Golden Valley Justin Riss,Alternate Commissioner,City of St. Louis Park Charlie Simmons,Medicine Lake Resident Liz Stout,BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee,City of Minnetonka John Turrittin,Turrittin Designs Aliya White,Golden Valley Resident Brad Wozney,Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources 1 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meetinq Minutes 2.APPROVAL QF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Chair Biack requested the addition to the Old Business agenda as item 6A1 -a discussion of Golden Valley's plans for a memorial and recognition event for former BCWMC Commissioner from Golden Valley Ed Silberman. Commissioner Hoshal requested the addition to the invoices an invoice from Prairie Moon Nursery in the amount af$269,33 for the 400 seed packets ordered by the Education Committee.He noted that the funds are to come out of the Education Budget.Acting Commissioner Goddard moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner de Lambert seconded the motion.The motion carried unanimously with seven votes in favor[Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote].Commissioner Hoschka moved to approve the Consent Agenda.Acting Commissioner Goddard seconded the motion.The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor[Cities af Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. 3. CITIZEN INPUT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Ms.Ginger Anderson,a Golden Valley resident whose property is along Bassett Creek,brought up her concerns about the health of the creek and signs of deteriorating water quality since 2005.She said she is particularly concerned about thick,yellow foam along the creek this spring and noted that the water can be smelly and the creek bed is mucky instead of sandy like it was years ago so she doesn't want her dogs in the water.Mr.(?liver responded that each year the City does field calls from residents about concerns such as the foam.He explained that the foam is due to decaying vegetation but the City can look into it further if she would contact him directly and he provided her with his contact information. Mr.Michael Martens of the Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association Land Use Committee asked a BCWMC representative to come to the Committee's May 9`h meeting to discuss the upcoming Commission project along Bassett Creek in Minneapolis.Chair Black said that there are two Minneapolis representatives on the Commission,Michael Welch and Lisa Goddard and perhaps one of them would attend.She recommended that Mr.Martens�nd Commissioner Welch's e-mail on the Commission Web site and e- mail him with the request. Ms.Aliya White,a Golden Valley Resident,noted that she is a property owner along Bassett Creek and is here to learn more about the BCWMC and its processes. 4. ADMINISTRATION 4A.Presentation of March 15 and March 29,2012,Meeting Minutes. The meeting minutes were approved as part of the Consent Agenda. 4B.Presentation of Financial Statements.The BCWMC's Apri12012 financial report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda. The general and construction account balances reported in the March 2012 Financial Report are as follows: Checking Account Balance $786,142.80 TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE $786,142.80 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CASH& $1,918,757.87 2 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes INVESTMENTS Revenue ($504,96L81) Current Expenses ($49,920.74) TOTAL ON-HAND CONSTRUCTION $2,373,798.94 CASH & INVESTMENTS CIP Projects Levied—Budget Remaining ($3,145,202.42) Closed Projects Remaining Balance $771,403.4$ 2011 Anticipated Tax Levy Revenue $998,000.00 Anticipated Closed Project Balance $226,596.52 4C. Presentation of Invoices for Payment Approval. i. Kennedy & Graven—Legal Services through February 29,2012—invoice for the amaunt of $1,821.16. ii. Barr Engineering Company—Engineering Services through March 30,2012—invoice for the amount of$34,582.24. iii. Amy Herbert—March Secretarial Services—invoice for the amount of$2.403.48. iv. D'amico-ACE Catering—April BCWMC meeting catering—invoice for the amount of$329.66, v. MMKR—Audit Work through February 29,2012—invoice for the amount of$2,850. vi. Prairie Moon Nursery—400 seed packets for education—invoice for the amount of$269.33. Commissioner Hoschka moved to approve payment of all of the invoices. Commissioner Hoshal seconded the motion.Bv call of roll the motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor[Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. 4D. Reimbursement Request from the City of Plymouth in the amount of$42,258.09 for costs for work completed on the Plymouth Creek Stream Bank Restoration project.Mr.Asche summarized the reimbursement request,which wauld take care of the�nal payment to the contractor.He brought up the question of at what point a municipality closes out a project with the Commission. He noted that at the city level,projects are closed out upon the�nal payment to the contractor.Mr.Asche noted that in this case permit requirements mean the City of Plymouth must continue wetland monitoring for four more years. He said that the monitoring will mean there are additional costs to the project estimated to be around $10,000,which will be carried out over the next four years.Mr.Asche noted that there will be funds left in the project budget after this�nal contractor invoice has been paid and also noted that there would be BCWMC adnninistrative costs to tracking and handling the future reimbursement requests for the wetland monitoring costs.He asked the Commission how it wants to handle these types of permit-related costs of a project after construction has been completed. The Commission discussed options including closing out the project,creating a new category of prajects 3 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes that are substantially closed but have ongoing maintenance or monitoring costs,and leaving the project open and paying for,as they are received,the annual reimbursement requests regarding monitoring costs. Commissioner de Lambert commented that he thinks that the Commission should continue to pay those costs related to the permit requirements. Chair Black said that she is hearing the Commission say that the project should be left open. Ms. Chandler said that the Commission Engineer reviewed the reimbursement request and recommends payment of the request.She stated that after payment of the invoice there would be$36,714.891eft in the project budget. Acting Commissioner Goddard moved to approve the City of Plymouth's reimbursement request in the amount of$42,258.09. Commissioner de Lambert seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor[Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. 4E."Greening"BCWMC Meetings. Commissioner Hoschka noted that instead of ordering individual plastic water bottles for lunch the Commission is trying out pitchers of water.She also asked the Commission about its interest in going paperless for its meetings. Chair Black added that the Commission wouldn't be providing electronic devices so commissioners would need to bring their own laptops or other devices.The Commission discussed options. Commissioner Hoschka volunteered to send out an e-mail asking commissioners and alternate commissioners to respond on whether they are interested in having a paper copy of the meeting packet or in going electronic. 4F.Participation in Golden Valley Days. Commissioner Hoschka noted the opportunities for BCWMC participation in Golden Valley Days events,such as having a booth there or being in the parade,on May 19th.The Commission indicated consent for participating. Commissioners Hoschka and Hoshal said they would coordinate with each other and the City.Ms.Linda Loomis indicated interest in volunteering. Commissioner de Lambert volunteered to help staff the booth at the event. Commissioner Hoshal stated that he would include Commissianer Hoschka,Chair Loomis,and Commissioner de Lambert on the e- mails with the event coordinator. Mr.Michael Martens noted two opportunities for the BGWMC to connect with Bryn Mawr Neighborhood residents: 1.The Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association's annual meeting on May 9"'; and,2.The Bryn Mawr ice cream social on July 23rd. 4G. Motion to Not Waive Monetary Limits on Municipal Tort Liability. Chair Black moved to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability. Commissioner Hoshal seconded the motion.The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor[Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. 4H.MMKR Audit. Chair Black reported that MMKR has delivered to the Commission the final draft of BCWMC's fiscal year 2011 audit, Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the audit.Acting Commissioner Goddard seconded the motion.The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor [Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. S.-NEW BUSYNESS` A. Discussion with Doug Snyder,Director of the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. Chair Black announced that Mr.Snyder was not able to make today's meeting and will not be able to make meetings on Thursdays.She asked if the Commission is still interested in meeting with Mr.Snyder and if so then what alternate date would work in lieu of Thursdays. The Commission indicated that it was still interested in meeting with Mr.Snyder.It did not decide on an alternate date for the meeting.Commissioner Hoshal asked how the Commission learned of Mr. Snyder's interest. 4 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meetinq Minutes Chair Black said that the Administrative Services Committee approached Mr.Snyder about it. Commissioner Hoshal asked if the Commission is entertaining other proposals at this time. Chair Black said no,not at this time. Commissioner de Lambert stated that the Administrative Services Committee has already met one time with Doug Snyder. Chair Black asked if the Commission is interested in sending out a Request for Proposals as a parallel process with trying to get together to talk with Doug Snyder.Commissioner Johnson said that it sounds like there may be possible synergies with working with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and perhaps the Commission should hold off on the RFP until it finds out if it can work with the organization.Several commissioners agreed. Commissioner Sicora noted the element of the Next Generation Plan timetable and commented that ideally the Commission would have an Administrator in place for the kick off later this year. Chair Black said that it would be bene�cial for the Commission to read the RFP in the meeting packet prior to the Commission meeting with Doug Snyder. Commissioner Gaddard asked if it was essentially the same RFP as went oat in the process of looking far an Administrator last time. Chair Black said yes it is pretty close to what was put out last time with a few revisions. B. 228 Peninsula Road Floodplain Mitigation: Medicine Lake.Ms. Chandler explained that the project is in front of the Commission because it includes work in the floodplain of Medicine Lake.She said the project comprises tearing down the e�sting home and garage and building a new home and garage. Ms. Chandler noted that there will be an increase in impervious surface but because of the small size of the project no Commission requirements regarding treatment are triggered.She said there are drainage and other water quality requirements under the City's jurisdiction.Ms. Chandler said that the Commission Engineer's memo in the packet recommended approval of the permit with conditions. She said that since that time all of the conditions have been met so the Commission Engineer recommends approval of the project. Mr.John Turrittin,the landscape architect working with the homeowners on the project,provided more details about the project and the revisions that have been made to the plan.He noted that the project no longer contains a component of adding�ll in the flood plain. Commissioner Hoshal moved to approve the project without further recommendations. Commissioner - de Lambert seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor [Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. 6. OLD BUSINESS ' A. i. Memorial and Recognition of Ed Silberman,former BCWMC Commissioner.Mr.Oliver that Mr.Silberman had been a long-time BCWMC commissioner from Golden Valley and a civil engineering professor at the University of Minnesota who worked at the St.Anthony Falls laboratory in Minneapolis.Mr. Oliver said that Mr.Silberman passed away this past summer at the age af 94 and his contributions to the watershed,water quality,and public participation were way ahead of its time.Mr.Oliver said the city plans a memorial in Schaper Park in Golden Valley including putting in a bench and plaque around the pond.Mr.Oliver said that the plaque will provide education about the water quality pond,the skimming structure,the native vegetation,and will also commemorate Mr.Silberman's contributions. Mr.Oliver said that the recognition event will occur in July and the City will provide more details when they 5 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes are ready. ii. City of Medicine Lake Request for Medicine Lake Dam Inspection.Chair Black stated that the Commission received a letter from the City of Medicine Lake signed by Ted Hoshal, representing the City of Medicine Lake.She said the letter raised questions about a possible leak at the dam,about the riprap in place just downstream of the dam,and the effect of a higher pool below the dam. Chair Black said that she had requested Derek Asche, Water Resources Manager of the City of Plymouth,to take a look at the dam.Mr.Asche said he did go look at the dam but did not see a leak.Mr.Hoshal provided details about what he had seen and what information he had gathered from residents who live near the dam. Ms. Chandler stated that the dam at the Medicine Lake Outlet had been put in place in 1996 and the new South Shore Bridge was completed in 2010. She said that Commission Engineer Tm Herbert went to inspect the dam after the Commission received Mr.Hoshal's letter.She said that Mr.Herbert did not�nd evidence of seepage and reported that the dam was in good condition. Ms. Chandler said that the Commission Engineer looked at the original construction plans.She said the pians called for a bentonite seal, which is an underground seal that expands when wet. She said that possibly due to the dry weather the seal was not expanded and had some cracks in it which may have allowed water to pass through.Ms. Chandler said that after rain like the recent rain,the bentonite should have sealed again to act as a barrier to water tiow.Ms. Chandler also pointed out that in the summer evaporation can lower the lake by four to six inches per month.Ms. Chandler�elded questions from Mr.Mathisen about the construction of the dam. Commissioner Hoshal commented that he thinks the issue is bigger than the bentonite seal issue. He added that he had spoken with a neighbor that lives adjacent to the dam who said that the dam has been leaking for three years and who showed Commissioner Hoshal where he saw water flowing. Commissioner Hoshal said that maybe the driving of the sheet pile for the new bridge caused physical damage to the dam.Mr.Mathisen said that perhaps the sheet pile that is now in place for the bridge blocked off the normal groand water elevation forcing the water to come through the rocks into the pool between the dam and the bridge. Ms. Chandler noted that there always will be some amount of seepage with a dam and the goal is to control it. Commissioner de Lambert said that he was out at the dam and there was water flowing from the downstream side,perhaps at a rate of ten gallons or less per minute,which is not alarming but there is something going on there.He said that he would like someone who is qualified to go look at the situation with the pool and the riprap and provide an opinion on whether everything is�ne or something else needs to be done. Chair Black asked the Commission what it would like to do. The Commission discussed some options raised.Mr.Oliver recommended that the Commission Engineer monitor the situation during the monthly erosion control inspection and report back.He said the information could be included in the monthly erosion control report and if the report says further action is needed then the Commission could go from there. Commissioner de Lambert said that he is�ne with that approach with regard to the question of the leak but that he woald like someone to look at the riprap and investigate if it is in the right place. 6 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes Mr.Asche provided some information from the City of Plymouth regarding the placement and elevation of the riprap and how the riprap affects the f7ow under the new bridge.He summarized that the new bridge provided approximately 30 square feet of additional tlow under the bridge and the riprap eliminated that amount of additional tiow so that the flow is appro'mately the same as the flow was under the old bridge. Ms. Chandler noted that if the riprap is to stay in place then the project needs to be reviewed by the Commission because it is work in the flood plain. Mr.Asche explained that in 2010 the Metropolitan Council(Met Council)did emergency work on the sewer line in this area.He said that the cover placed over the sewer line by the Metropolitan Council washed away in the spring of 2011.Mr.Asche said that in the fall of 2011 the City saw the exposed pipe and decided it didn't want to leave the pipe exposed during the winter due to the risk of the pipe freezing.He said the City covered up the pipe and the maintenance staff worked off of a plan for the pipe that mentioned using riprap or scour mat. He said that the scour mat was what had washed away.Mr.Asche said that the cover on the pipe is really a Met Council issue and not a City of Plymouth issue and the discussion about the covering of the pipe really needs to happen with the Met Conncil.He added that last Friday the City of Plymouth e-mailed the Met Council about it and they are prepared to be contacted.Mr. Asche suggested that the Commission contact the Met Council and then the City would be happy to sit in on any conversations and explain the City's actions.He said that he is not sure what the City is supposed to offer in this situation and that he feels that it is the Met Council's decision.Mr. Asche said that the City of Plymouth is reluctant to remove the riprap without knowing what the solution will be. The Commission directed the Commission Engineer to contact the Met Council about the situation with the exposed sewer pipe that has been covered by riprap by the City of Plymouth. Chair Black asked Ms. Chandler to identify the budget line for the Commission Engineer's work costs on this issue.Ms. Chandler said the Commission Engineer would handle the charges like it does work on a permit review prior to the application and fee being received by the Commission. B. TAC Recammendations.The Commission discussed the TAC's recommendation for the inclusion of three projects in the Commission's 2014 Capital Improvement Plan: Schaper Pond Diversion Project in Golden Valley,water quality improvement site in Golden VaDey,and Twin Lake in-lake alum treatment,Golden Valley. Commissioner Hoshal asked for more details on the water quality improvement site in Golden Valley, which is listed in the TAC memo with an estimated cost of$200,000.Ms. Chandler provided more details.Chair Black asked about the project listed in the TAC memo as the Twin Lake in-lake alum treatment in Golden Valley.She specifically wondered why the memo lists the project as a one-time alum treatment when the treatment is expected to last for 10 years. Chair Black said it seems that the phosphorous levels would go back to where they were before the treatment.Ms. Chandler said that the levels may not revert to the pre-treatment levels and that the treatment may be enough to disrupt the feedback loop that the phosphorous is in right now. She commented that the CIP lists this as a one-time treatment in order to differentiate it from treatment of inf7ows coming in to the lake. Mr.Asche noted that with its CIP recommendations the TAC worked to keep the CIP project costs so that the Commission's levy request would remain steady at approximately one million dollars per year. 7 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes Acting Commissioner Goddard moved to adopt the recommended CIP for 2014—2018 as shown in the CIP table labeled "Revised per Apri15,2012,TAC Meeting"that was attached to the TAC memo in the meeting packet.Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. Commissioner Hoshal asked about if a chloride project was considered.Ms. Chandler said that 2014 would be too soon for a chloride project. The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor[Cities of Minnetonka and New Hope absent from vote]. Chair Black asked when the Commissian would want to move ahead to order the feasibility studies for the 2014 CIP projects.Mr.Asche replied that the TAC recommends that the Commission move ahead with the feasibility studies and plan amendments two years in advance of the project.Ms. Chandler reminded the Commission that the feasibility report has already been done for the Schaper Pond project. Chair Black clari�ed that the Commission needs to move ahead with the feasibility studies for the water quality improvement project in the Main Stem watershed in Golden Valley and for the Twin Lake in-lake alum treatment in Golden Valley.The Commission discussed how it would select who would do the feasibility reports.Ms.Loomis suggested that the Commission leave it up to the City where the project is located to decide which firm from the engineering pool would do the feasibility reports.Mr.Oliver said that the City of Golden Valley hasn't yet had the conversation on how it would like to proceed in terms of who selects the consultant for the feasibility report and the project design. He said that the City would like to be able to have that conversation and then come back to the Commission with how the City would like to approach it. Commissioner de Lambert moved to direct the City of Golden Valley to come back to the Commission with a recommendation on how to conduct the feasibility study process for the two 2014 CIP projects that still need feasibility reports. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion.The motion carried unanimouslv with seven votes in favor[Cities of Minnetonka and New H4pe absent from vote]. The Commission deferred unt7 its next meeting the discussion about member-cities' post-construction best management practices requirements and review triggers and potential changes to water quality policies pertaining to nutrient loading increases and a water quality banking/trading program. The TAC noted that it didn't schedule a meeting for May since it doesn't have any pressing issues to discuss. C. Next Generation Watershed Management Plan.Chair Black reported that she,Commissioner Sicora, Commissioner de Lambert,and Ms.Chandler met on April 13`h to discuss the Next Generation Plan planning process. She said that Commissioner Sicora had prepared the draft proposed schedule for the process being handed out.Chair Black said that the proposed schedule was based on the process that Shingle Creek is using.Mr.Sicora said that Shingle Creek is about one year ahead of the Commission in its own watershed management plan revision process and that the Commission can benefit from the lessons learned by Shingle Creek. Mr.Sicora walked the Commission through the proposed schedule,starting with the end point of the process—the Commission adopting the�nal plan at its August 2014 meeting-and warking back to the Commission's kick off of the plan revision process in August of 2012.He explained that the proposed schedule actually begins with pre-kickoff work that would need to be done prior to August 2012.Mr. Sicora emphasized that the schedule is a working document and recommended that the Commission 8 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes finalize the planning process schedule in the next couple of months. Chair Black introduced Mr.Wozney of the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources(BWSR)and said that he is here to answer questions.She said that one of her ideas is that the Commission holds a meeting on the�rst Thursday of each month to work exclusively on the Next Generation Plan. Chair Blaek reminded the Commission that it has$40,000 in its 2012 budget dedicated to the Next Generation Plan. The Commission asked Mr. Wozney for his thoughts on the draft proposed schedule in the handout. Mr.Wozney replied that the Commission's draft proposed schedule comprises a very reasonable set of steps and he thought that only the citizen advisory component needs�ne tuning. He noted that some steps in the process will be eliminated due to the new statutes that will be coming out.Mr.Wozney said that the Commission will want to address the citizen component early on in the process.He stated that if the Commission chooses to not use a traditional citizen advisory committee then the Commission should propose something else to BWSR.Mr.Wozney said that BWSR's idea is to front-end load the input process and to get all of the issues gathered in the beginning of the process,which is what the Commission should strive to do with its citizen input. Chair Black said that the small group that had met to discuss the proposed plan process and schedule had discussed the idea of creating a Steering Committee for the Next Generation Plan. She said the Steering Committee would be a smaller group that would meet to set agendas for the upcoming monthly plan meeting and would pull together documentation for commissioners to review prior to the monthly meetings.The Commission discussed the idea and discussed possible convenient times to meet as a small group and as the full Commission.The Commission agreed to create a Steering Committee composed of Chair Black,Commissioner de Lambert,Commissioner Sicora,and Ms. Chandler. Alternate Commissioner Goddard agreed to be part of the Committee if the meetings would be handled via WebEx over the lunch hour. Chair Black said that the Committee may need Ms.Herbert to take part in the meetings. Commissioner Sicora recommended that the Committee review the information prepared by Commissioner Sicora and be prepared to work on the draft propased schedule at the next Committee meeting. Chair Black agreed and asked the Commission to review the draft proposed schedule and to provide any comments to her,Commissioner Sicora,or Commissioner de Lambert so the comments can be part of the discussion at the Steering Committee's next meeting,which the Committee will schedule. D. 2011 Water Quality Monitoring Activities.Deferred to May BCWMC meeting. E. Task Cost Estimates for Activities Discussed at the March BCWMC Meeting.Deferred to May BCWMC meeting. F. Policy Manual Revisions Presented in January 2012. Deferred to May BCWMC meeting. G. Capstone Project.Deferred. 7,COMMUNICATIONS Chair: None Commissioners: 1. Commissioner Hoshal informed the Commission about the death of Ferdousi Gramling,BCWMC TAC Member from Medicine Lake,due to cancer. 9 BCWMC April 19, 2012, Meeting Minutes Committees: None Counsel Communications: No Counsel Communications. Engineer Communications: Ms.Chandler asked Chair Black if there is time left in the meeting for Mr. Wozney to report on the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resource's(BWSR's)Biennial Budget Request(BBR). Chair Black said there is time.Mr.Wozney explained that the BBR is the new initial process for grants.He said that if the Commission anticipates applying for Clean Water Funds in 2014 or 2015 then he recommends the Commission complete a BBR,which is due on June 29,2012.Mr.Wozney said that the BBR woWd be required of individual cities interested in applying for grants as well.He said that the BBR is both a tool and a process.Mr.Wozney described the BBR as a spreadsheet that the Commission would�11 and list their priority projects for that year.He said that BWSR would then review it and package it and present it to the Governor for 2014—2015.Mr.Wozney said that this tool will allow the Legislature to see what the local needs are. Ms. Chandler said that there is a meeting about this process next Friday and she is planning to attend and she will report back to the Commission. Chair Black asked for it to be added to the Commission's May agenda.Mr.Wozney noted that entities that�ll out the BBR get priority consideration when applying for Clean Water Funds. 9.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Chair Date Amy Herbert,Recorder Date Secretary Date 10 t"l��1 �� ' �a �, Public Warks Department 763-�93-8030/763-593-3988(fax) ��� °°� • ��..����� � :...:.._..�� _.,u�������h���z� ;.. .: ��.��.. ���� . . �. ;�. ���� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. E. 1. Award Contract for the 2012 Lions Park Shelter Roof Replacement Project No. 12-11 Prepared By Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works AI Lundstram, Park Maintenance Supervisor Summary Work to address building maintenance concerns has been underway for the last few years. 7he 2012 program includes exterior repairs to the Lions Park shelter building. This work primarily consists of replacing the flat roof partians of the shelter with a full hip style roof, replacing the metal roof, replacing the plexi-glass roof window with an insulated window and improving energy efficiency of the building by adding insulation throughout the building. The 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program includes $125,000 for building exterior repairs (B-025, page 53) and $25,000 far Park Shelter Building Improvements (P-005, page 62). The following bids were received far the 2012 Building Maintenance Project 12-11: Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. $ 85,248 Marge Magnuson Construction $148,891 John A. Dalsin & Sons, Inc. $157,000 Attachment • EPI recommendation for award letter (2Q12 Building Maintenance Project 12-11), dated July 27, 2p12 (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to award a contract to Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. in the amount of$85,248 for the 2012 Lions Park Shelter Roof Replacement Project. Environmental Process,Inc. � � 715 Florida Avenue South,Suite 111,Golden Va11ey,MN 55426-1700 ����r► � Phone: 763-398-3040•Fax: 763-398-Q121 •email: epimpls(�zrconnect.com• www.go-epi.com July 27, 2012 Mr. A1 Lundstrom Park Maintenance Supervisor City of Golden Valley 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Re: City of Golden Valley Lion's Park Shelter-2012 Roof Replacement City ProjectNo,: 12-I1 EPI Project No.: 2012-329 Dear Mr. Lundstrom: Environmental Process, Inc. (EPI) reviewed the City of Golden—Lion's Park Shelter 2012 Roof Replacement project work scope with Mr. Michael Thyren of Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. and there were no questions. Mike Thyren indicated that they fully understand the scope of work and that they will be ready to start work in as in the tentative schedule. The work schedule will be discussed in the preconstruction meeting. Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. will be the �eneral Contractor and will use subcontractors for the roofing, siding, window, and framing. Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. is based in Golden Valley, Minnesota. EPI has worked with Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. in the past. Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. successfully completed the City of Golden Valley — Building Maintenance Project in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Based on the review of project work scope with Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. and the fact that they are the low bidder we recommend awarding the project to them. EPI recommends that the base bid cost of$85,248.00 for the City of Golden Valley—Lion's Park Shelter 2012 Roof Replacement project be accepted from Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. Please call (763)398-3040 with any questions, comments. Sincerely, ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS, INC. ��� ����� Denny R. Langer, FE Senior Engineer/Project Manager Copy: Charles A. Lane, EPI Michael Berreau, EPI EPI File No. 12-329 � �l�.�`� �� Public Works Department 763-593-8030/763-593-3988(fax) �;_ ., �R_��� ., ����.��m,. .� . ,. :i�u���iiiu�i�y�ti�a�-��.m:.:�.�..�: ' _: � .. � �,3� ��... m..����� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. E. 2. Award Contract for the 2012 Schaper Park Shelter Building Envelope Project No. 12-22 Prepared By Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works AI Lundstrom, Park Maintenance Supervisor Summary Work to address building maintenance concerns has been underway for the last few years. The 2012 program includes exterior repairs to the Schaper Park shelter building. This work primarily consists of replacing the dilapidated wood siding with a brick veneer to improve durability and be more consistent with the existing park shelter buildings. The 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program includes $125,000 for building exterior repairs (B-025, page 53) and $25,000 for Park Shelter Building Improvements (P-005, page 62). The following bids were received for the 2012 Schaper Park Shelter Building Envelope Project 12-22: Restorations Systems, Inc. $35,90Q Flag Builders of Minnesota, Inc. $40,024 Marge Magnuson Construction $64,054 Attachment • EPI recommendation for award letter for the 2Q12 Building Maintenance Project 12-22, dated July 27, 2012 (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to award a contract to Restoration Systems, Inc. in the amount of$35,900 for the 2012 Schaper Park Shelter Building Envelope Project No. 12-22. Environmental Process, Inc. � 715 Florida Avenue South, Suite 111, Golden Valley,MN 55426-1700 �� � Phone: 763-39&-3040•Fax: 763-39$-0121 •emaiL epimpls!a rconnect.com•www.go-epi.com July 27, 2012 Mr. A1 Lundstrom Park Maintenance Supervisor City of Golden Valley 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, Minnesata SS427 Re: City of Golden Valley Schaper Park Shelter-2012 Brick Veneer City Project No.: 12-22 EPI Project No.: 2012-330 Dear Mr. Lundstram: Environmental Process, Inc. (EP� reviewed the City of Golden — Schaper Park Shelter 2012 Brick Veneer project work scope with Mr. Bob Yaritz of Restoration Systems, Inc. and there were no questions. Bob Yaritz indicated that they fully understand the scope of work and that they will be ready to start wark in as in the tentative schedule. The work schedule will be discussed in the preconstruction meeting. Restoration Systems, lnc. will be the General Contractor and will use a subcontractor for the brick veneer. Restoration Systems, Inc. is based in Chaska, Minnesota. EPI has worked with Restoration Systems, Inc. in the past. Restoration Systems, Inc. successfully completed the City of Golden Valley—Building Maintenance Project in 2008. Based on the review of project work scope with Restoration Systems, Inc, and the fact that they are the low bidder we recommend awarding the project to them. EPI recommends that the base bid cost of$35,900.00 for the City of Golden Valley — Schaper Park Shelter 2012 Brick Veneer project be accepted from Restoration Systems, Inc. �Please call (763)398-3040 with any questions, comments. Sincerely, ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS, INC. ��� ����� Denny R. Langer, P� Senior Engineer/Project Manager Copy: Charles A. Lane, EPI Michael Berreau, EPI EPI File No. 12-330 �. ���� � Fianance Department 763-593-8013/763-593-8109(fax) �...x ,�',��" m _ � 6��'� �"'.i���~,�~`x w.. �°�� �a��:�`:;}. �� ������`���� � ��� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. F. Receipt of June 2012 Financial Reports Prepared By Sue Virnig, Finance Qirector Summary The monthly financial report provides a progress report of the following funds: General Fund Operations Conservation/Recycling Fund (Enterprise Fund) Water and Sewer Utility Fund (Enterprise Fund) Brookview Golf Course (Enterprise Fund) Storm Utility Fund (Enterprise Fund) General Fund Operations: As of June 2012, the City is using$4,615,262 of fund balance to balance the General Fund Budget. Attachments • June 2012 General Fund Financial Reports - unaudited (2 pages) • June 2012 Conservation/Recycling Fund Financial Report - unaudited (1 page) • June 2012 Water and Sewer Utility Fund Financial Report - unaudited (1 page) • June 2012 Braokview Golf Course Fund Financial Report- unaudited (1 page) • June 2012 Storm Utility Fund Financial Report - unaudited (1 page) Recommended Action Mation to receive and file the June 2Q12 Financial Reports. City of Golden Valley Monthly Budget Report- General Fund Revenues June, 2012 (unaudited) Percentage Of Year Completed 50.00% Over % 2012 June YTD (Under) of Budget Type Budget Actual Actual Budget Received Ad Valorem Taxes $11,702,050 0 9,580 ($11,692,470) 0.08% (1) Licenses 173,800 20,145 182,618 $8,818 105.07% Permits 628,07Q 98,082 464,760 ($163,310) 74.00% Federal Grants 0 0 5,761 $5,761 State Aid 10,500 0 2,692 ($7,808) 25.64% (4) Hennepin County Aid 0 0 0 $0 Charges For Services General Government 43,550 496 12,842 ($30,708) 29.49% Public Safety 181,745 7,894 93,770 ($87,975) 51.59% Public Works 125,000 14,658 69,393 ($55,607) 55.51% Park& Rec 395,350 1Q0,684 324,458 ($70,892) 82.07% Other Funds 1,001,500 524,099 544,186 ($457,314) 54.34% Fines & Forfeitures 260,000 28,989 151,499 ($108,501) 58.27% (2) Interest On Investments 110,000 0 675 ($109,325) 0.61% (3) Miscellaneous Revenue 182,700 13,793 31,122 ($151,578) 17.03% Transfers In 86,810 86,810 86,810 $0 100.00% TOTAL Revenue $14,901,075 $895,650 $1,980,166 ($12,920,909) 13.29% Notes: (1) The first half taxes will be received in July. 1st payment from Humane Society. (2) Fines and Forfeitures is through May. (3) Investments wili be booked at year end; Cart Lease interest (4) State Training will be received in August. City of Golden Valley Monthly Budget Report- General Fund Expenditures June, 2012 (unaudited) Over % 2012 June YT'D (Under) Of Budget Division Budget Actual Actual Budget Expend. oo� Council $287,755 17,423 161,139 ($126,616) 56.00% 003 City Manager 697,925 49,820 309,147 (388,778) 44.30% ooa Transfers fJut 294,710 294,710 294,710 0 100.00% (1) 005 Admin. Services 1,572,160 93,478 621,458 (950,702) 39.53% oos Legal 120,000 11,335 60,100 (59,900) 50.08% (2) oo� Risk Management 290,000 0 159,963 (130,037} 55.16% 0�1 General Gov't. Bldgs. 570,855 42,786 222,942 (347,913) 39.05% o�s Planning 317,035 21,425 140,343 (176,692) 44.27% 022 Police 4,701,500 387,242 2,162,509 (2,538,991) 46.00% oz3 Fire and Inspections 1,554,480 110,178 727,736 (826,744) 46.82% 035 Public Works Admin. 315,365 24,741 145,889 (169,476) 46.26% o3s Engineering 663,425 30,651 148,280 (515,145) 22.35% 03� Streets 1,386,530 86,230 515,472 (871,058) 37.18% 065 Community Center 75,355 4,078 25,801 (49,554) 34.24% 066 Park& Rec.Admin. 646,275 46,956 286,186 (360,089) 44.28% os7 Park Maintenance 996,780 93,292 432,29Q (564,490) 43.37% osa Recreation Programs 410,925 90 594 181,463 (229,462) 44.16% TOTAL Expenditures $14,901,075 $1,404,939 $6,595,428 ($8,305,647) 44.26% (1)Transfers are made in June. (2) Legal fees are through May. City of Golden Valley Monthly Budget Report-Conservation/Recycling Enterprise Fund June 2012 (unaudited) Ove r 2012 June YTD (Under) % Budget Actual Actual Budget Current Revenue Hennepin County Recycling Grant 51,425 0 0 (51,425) 0.00% Recycling Charges 276,000 21,007 113,797 (162,203) 41.23% (3) Miscellaneous Revenues 0 217 217 217 Interest on Investments 5,000 0 0 (5,000) 0.00% (1j Total Revenue 332,425 21,224 114,Q14 (218,411) 34.30% Expenses: Recycling 453,605 84,179 192,375 (261,230) 42.41% (2) Total Expenses 453,605 $4,179 192,375 (261,230) 42.41% (1) Interest Earnings are allocated at year-end, (2) This includes through May services as of YTD. (3) Recycling Charges are through June 2012 (City Utility Bill�. City of Golden Valley Monthly Budget Report-Water and Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund June, 2012(unaudited) Over 2012 lune YTD (Under) % Budget Actual Actual Budget Current Revenue Water Charges 4,022,955 326,068 1,409,258 (2,613,697) 35.03% Sewer Charges 3,236,245 233,583 1,349,365 (1,886,880) 41.70% Meter Sales 5,000 310 1,505 (3,495) 30.10% MCES Grant Program 0 0 0 0 Penalties 120,000 13,771 60,230 (59,770) 50.19% Charges for Other Services 220,000 3,276 28,404 (191,596) 12.91% State Water Testing Fee Pass Through 43,000 3,374 18,991 (24,009) 44.17% Certificate of Compliance 60,000 5,250 35,300 (24,700) 58.83% Interest Earnings 65,000 0 0 (65,OQ0) 0.00% Total Revenue 7,772,200 585,632 2,903,053 (4,869,147) 37.35% Expenses: Utility Administration 1,913,620 354,642 768,327 (1,145,293) 40.15% Sewer Maintenance 2,441,390 192,OQ5 1,166,434 (1,274,956) 47.78% Water Maintenance 4,098,800 283,728 1,703,156 (2,395,644) 41.55% Total Expenses 8,453,810 830,375 3,637,917 (4,815,893) 43.03% Cityof Golden Valley Monthly Budget Report- Brookview Golf Course Enterprise Fund (3) June, 2012 (unaudited) Over 2012 June YTD (Under) % Budget Actual Actual Budget Current Revenue . Green Fees 879,100 160,033 430,692 (448,408) 48.99% Driving Range Fees 107,700 21,348 64,577 (43,123) 59.96% Par 3 Fees 195,150 33,422 77,396 (117,754) 39.66% Pro Shop Sales 82,000 11,509 36,895 (45,105) 44.99% Pro Shop Rentals 235,200 42,580 104,083 (131,117) 44.25% Concession Sales 218,200 43,044 102,443 (115,757) 46.95% Other Revenue 68,000 4,982 65,563 (2,437) 96.42% Interest Earnings 15,000 0 0 (15,000) 0.00% (1) Less:Credit Card Charges/Sales Tax (37,000) (3,149) (5,276) 31,724 14.26% (4) Total Revenue 1,763,350 313,769 876,373 (886,977) 49.70% Expenses: Go�f Operations 649,565 172,782 367,260 (282,305) 56.54% (2) Course Maintenance 721,620 51,643 300,354 (421,266) 41.62% Pro Shop 111,600 8,730 70,44Q (41,160) 63.12% Grill 176,190 26,575 90,385 (85,805) 51.30% Driving Range 44,320 6,289 17,895 (26,425) 40.38% Par 3 Course 29,730 4,587 9,890 (19,840) 33.27% Total Expenses 1,733,025 270,606 856,224 (876,801) 49.41% (1) Interest Earnings are allocated at year-end. (2) Depreciation is allocated at year-end. (3) Course opened on March 16. (4) Credit card fees are through May. City of Golden Valley Monthly Budget Report-Storm Utility Enterprise Fund June, 2012 (unaudited) Over 2012 June YTD (Under) % Budget Actual Actual Budget Current Revenue Interest Earnings 40,000 0 0 (40,000) 0.00% (1� Storm Sewer Charges 2,228,920 160,600 1,052,518 (1,176,402) 47.22% Bassett Creek Watershed 1,080,200 0 0 (1,080,20Q) 0.00% State Grant-Other 0 5,343 18,615 18,615 (3) Total Revenue 3,349,120 165,943 1,071,133 (2,277,987) 31.98% Expenses: Storm Utility 2,777,630 181,285 441,689 (2,335,941) 15.90% (2) Street Cleaning 121,780 4,774 64,423 (57,357) 52.90% Environmental Control 240,050 17,093 91,034 (149,016) 37.92% Debt Service Payments 435,125 0 372,976 (62,149) 85.72% Total Expenses 3,574,585 203,152 970,122 (2,604,463) 27.14°fo (1) Interest Earnings are allocated at year-end. (2) Depreciation is allocated at year-end and. 2011 PMP and 2012 PMP are not complete. (3) Praject Reimbursement t"���' C�� City Administration/Council 763-593-3991 /7G3-593-8109(fax) .:: ''p�-�`. �`�:xx"'� .::x� � " �qaw.a�..-.�...,�����'�"Nia�,nl'�?:�a'�,N",��iVp,�i�Px .���"�'� . �`�ti �`�S;S��.�m�'� ��i�,i�:;--��r.,,,«���.��=�,�..A...:.;: . . .:,,..,..,.��hi@wh� , s Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. G. Approval of Requests for Beer and/or Wine at Brookview Park Prepared By Judy Nalty, Administrative Assistant Summary As per City Code Section 10.83, Subd. 2 I. "No person shall possess, display, consume or use alcoholic beverages on any City park property, unless permission is granted by the Council." As part of the application process for a Facilities Use Permit to use the large and small picnic shelters at Br4okview Park the applicant has the option to pay an additional $20 to be able ta serve beer and/or wine. Attached is a list of the individuals and/or organizations who have requested that option. Attachments • Beer and/or wine request list (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to approve the requests for beer and/or wine at Brookview Park as recommended by staff. BEER AND/OR WINE REQUEST LIST CC INDIVIDUAL OR DATE ORGANIZATION DATE TIME SHELTER APPROVED FM Global 08-07 11 am —4 pm small 08-Q8-12 Midwest Supplies 08-10 5 pm — 10 pm large 08-08-12 General Mills p8-10 11 am —4 pm small 08-08-12 Gene Aadland 08-11 11 am —4 pm large 08-08-12 Perla Huerta 08-11 5 pm — 10 pm small 08-08-12 JC Penney 08-12 5 pm — 10 pm large 08-Q8-12 Mary Von Ruden 08-19 5 pm — 10 pm small 08-08-12 Honeywell p8-29 11 am —4 pm small 08-08-12 Rainbow Tree Care 08-31 11 am —4 pm large OS-08-12 Costco Wholesale 09-03 11 am —4 pm large 08-08-12 James McLeod 09-12 11 am —4 pm large 08-08-12 Rainbow Tree Care 09-21 11 am —4 pm large 08-08-12 �C��1 t�� Planning Department 763-593-80951763-593-8109{fax) Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. H. Approval of Conditional Extension for Filing of Plat and Submitting Final PUD Plan Application - PUD #107 -The Towers at West End - Southwest Quadrant of I-394 and Highway 100- Duke Realty, Applicant Prepared By Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works Summary At the March 3, 2009 City Council meeting, the Council approved the Preliminary PUD Plan and Preliminary Plat for The Towers at West End PUD No. 107. The Council has approved six 180-day extensions since the original Preliminary PUD approval. The Preliminary PUD Plan and Preliminary Plat provide for the construction of a 4,000+ space parking deck attached to several office buildings that are located in St. Louis Park. Due to market conditions, Duke is requesting an extension for the filing of their applications for the Final PUD plan and the Final Plat. At this time, staff recommends that the extension of the PUD approval be a conditional 180 days. Staff will monitor the efforts by MCES and Duke to reach a conclusion on the permanent location of the lift station, the forcemain alignment, and all other appurtenances needed for the construction of the 1-GV-461 forcemain within the vicinity of the Duke property. All temporary and permanent easements shall be identified, and all land shall be transferred in connection with the project. Duke shall demonstrate to the City af Golden Valley its good faith efforts to act in accordance with the requirements of the PUQ. Staff will report the status of Duke's progress with the MCES in 60 days (October 7, 2012). If adequate progress is being made to meet the terms of the PUD,the Council may extend the PUD for an additional term not to exceed 120 days (February 4, 2013). If adequate progress is not being made to meet the terms of the PUD, the Council may revoke any further extension of the PUD preliminary approval beyond the first approximate 60 days. At#achments • Location Map (1 page) • Letter from Duke Realty requesting an extension dated July 10, 2012 (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to approve an extension for submittal of the Final PUQ Plan application and the Final Plat for The Towers at West End, PUD No. 107 until February 4, 2013, subject to the foltowing conditions: 1. Duke shall submit cash deposits as requested by the City to cover legal and engineering costs incurred by the City for consideration of the Preliminary Plan. 2. Duke will be financially responsible for road construction under TH 100 and intersection improvements on the east side of TH 100 and traffic calming along the frontage road east of TH 10Q, to occur at the time building permits are applied for by Duke. 3. Duke shall caoperate with the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) in the construction of the 1-GV-461 Reliever project. The Reliever project is required to be constructed by MCES to increase sanitary sewer capacity to serve Duke's West End development and other future development in certain parts of Golden Valley and St. Louis Park. MCES and Duke to reach a conelusion on the permanent Iocation of the lift station, the force main alignment, and all other appurtenances needed for the construction of the 1-GV- 461 force main within the vicinity of the Duke property. All temporary and permanent easements shall be identified, and all land shall be transferred in connection with the project. If the City or MCES determines that there has not been adequate cooperation from Duke, the City retains the right to place additional conditions on future extensions to the Preliminary PUD Plan or the Final PUD Plan. 4. Duke shall demonstrate to the City of Golden Valley its good faith efforts to act in accordance with the requirements of the PUD. Staff will report the status of Duke's progress with the MCES in 60 days. If adequate progress is being made to meet the terms of the PUD, the Council may extend the PUD for an additional term not to exceed 120 days. If adequate progress is not being made to meet the terms of the PUD, the Council may revoke any further extension of the PUD pretiminary approval beyond the first approximate 60 days. If Council finds that adequate progress is being made to meet the terms of the PUD, the Council may permit the extension of the PUD preliminary approval to continue for the remaining approximate 120 days. I � l I l I "-r . . � i i 310 GULflNIItI.DR SD� �9 � i I17 120 210 ��L3 �y 3bi _.._. �_ �si T ! ' �us '� sas�43aa I �� , 316 915 45A0�:452U`a614a_ O; 3Dp �.. 52215211�Zt11;5121 Siii 5031 , ° �. � � �A09 +1� �.... . � 401 4b6 "t GZ 1360 50i0 '�+ '� WESTVIf�dp..4N . � ����Sj�^— 4i7 ,y ,. vs; r �. .� . ;� �I Qp. 410 i501 509 Si7 �r535�1 5�1� � � . Ey� `� 417' 4D8 � 405 '�1A5214.512 d00 � 409 #UB ��p '�iDl 7� r _. 5Ds ' T.U$NPI'NE.RD ,.�j uti � 433 41b uNr 501 4S1(( 5{IB �;v.-� 416 ,, S1Y 5L5 +!+ : � q; �� 590 5D8 Sid 549 vk� '� C � SXIY '.� � i53D45�.,� bpp _ _. 6�D e� y,. � 515 517' � �� . �s ss� s� � ���a�2 62a 64i �1 ��. �'y, tiM1 60i gpq � �� siia5of. s� liix Ss6 , ' _ . GUB... 6bS �� . 621537fi#46Z9625 • �9 614 � ��4632 � 541 J, _. - 621 517 GL3 � 47�0 47Q0 (; � Gotar,ia/Pa�d `�.. 'I "-"r s�a .North Tyrot Park � is� b�D 5230 5220 5x10 51pp CIRCLE DNS 4633 $tiaW�LMd ; + ( SiZtl:5100'S02tl `' gpd _..L....l._... 0616 �Y7 CT _ RCLE DI�tS �1 _...�__.��.._.,.� 5010 iSt7 810 53U15131�221 g2u �.1 + �u �.. . SBt�1�7fiBAt 883'�A , - � � : '�� .. . 815 � ... 3311��5201 g , _ .. ` ` � � 51bi � � �6311 50ii 4fi01 452L �A5i10 441A qqp� ?. 5901 , . ��,�d i ,, 4sas . , _.. . ... .. ,.. . 2g NE C��ond ssn asi5 �$ � .. NB HWYi00 5 Tt11N6 1398 ' . : ,�`R� Sg ttWY1�10 S TC11�V'S L394 . MiB t394 7tS 56 NWYx00 5 .. � .._ INTEitSTATE394 _. . _._ _ ., _ 394 HOY LN . , _ , _ . - EB I394 TO NB tiWYifla 5 SB HINYSQQ S TO EB L�$4 I _ �asrnr�as�a . ... .. o WAYZATA OLilD .. . City of St. Louis Park ��,° �,�--r�� � �-- a� asu� ,w�:.l �4�� �; s,sxs i�oi �r'i r . � � , ' 1"�+y# 132b �j4 I315 ' . f+ � ,�t i945 a/45D TIfROLCRS� , � �--• �;f�r +"tq> �tQ 1345 L34d1 Y� rt3351;325�315 L3Z3 .. � �. w . �'� 1�00 1410 id�.i' Rit35 '�� �1 ,. _. , _ � ���..., 0 14fl5 14� 63� � / � . 14?StA2�l l+ti5 4524'4Sd1 433Ci „�� Subject Properties r�.�, � � i.�s =�� �,� I f'°�° ^� ,�`�� ,;. r,< �� iass xa�t► iaas isa[' {�i���awo , •,:5'as�saio ;� `'� � /� ,��' iazo : iaas ias4 �'� y� , �\ias0 �— £ y �;144'.�r 1445� . 4345 .�... 432 �` _� � Y,¢, 151t1 wji5b5 151L N:Y�,� L510 , iS05 y417�1�� . +C� i� 1501 �/�/�";/� ��� p i515 1520 �1525 15241 t515 1''� ��7q d�d3 � � � ' .. �sao��. '�,� �a +� a ►-__-___. � 'asz°asio s#�o; a. �+ iszs ts�o ,- .�, �, �� �sao �lSi4 45�4 4430 +oio aa�ai %' ' ° �� ssss �aeo ��sa� isac i�§ � ealo F �ti ¢(1UGUIS.AVE ... ,� c�i ' : �'r �." 1S4S 4880 . L5�49 155D 463{I AS'•Y54,�'�45I3 44�Mi256415 433u�3251$!S �`-- �� '��5 Md5 43A5 � . In�c�<attda•:ik-�:Pd� C<cr�-.g:r.:G!_tS:�i:avr 2x� 547l1! '�r+� D u ke �600 Utica Avenue South Suite 250 ������ Minneapolis,MN 55416 952.543.290Q www.dukereaity.com July 10, 2012 Ms. Lisa Wittman City of Golden Valley 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 Re: Towers at West End PUD Application Extension Dear Ms. Wittman: Please find enclosed Duke Realty's Check No. 8036348, in the amount of $150.00, for the extension to submit our final PUD application for the Towers at West End project. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact me at 952-543-2970. Regards, KE REALTY CORPORATION � Gary Gleason Vice President, Construction enclosure c: Pat Mascia, Duke Realty ���� �� Fire Department 763-593-80791763-593-8098 ifax) �... �. ���..r..�..���.��������������ti � � .t�._..� �- � :;:_�. � �=����. ... . ..a�M�, ..�rv .. � � ,�� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Councit Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. I. Authorization to Sell Excess Equipment - Fire Hose Prepared By Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspeetions Summary Fire Department staff is requesting authorization to sell 38, 50 foot sections of 1.5 inch fire hase and 54, 50 foot sections of 3 inch fire hose. The fire hose has been taken out of service since receiving and placing in service new fire hoses. The fire hose will be advertised in the League of Minnesota Cities publication. Minnesota State Statute 417 requires that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of excess equipment. Attachment • Resalution Authorizing Sale of Excess Equipment - Fire Hose (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to adopt Resolution Authorizing Sale of Excess Equipment - Fire Hose. Resolution 12-56 August 8, 2012 Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF EXCESS EQUIPMENT (FIRE HOSE) WHEREAS, the City of Golden Valley has determined the need to sell excess equipment consisting of 1'/2 and 3 inch fire hose; and WHEREAS, the equipment has become excess as a result of purchasing new fire hose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, Minnesota that: 1. Staff is authorized ta sell 38, 50 foot sections af 1.5 inch fire hose and 54, 50 foot sections of 3 inch fire hose. 2. The equipment will be advertised and sold in compliance with all applicable requirements. Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Virnig, City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Susan M. Virnig, City Clerk ���� ��_ Public Works Department 763-593-8Q30/763-593-3988(fax) _. a. _ � ....�: _. � . ,. ..�..:����������,vrv. ....�:. � ��°��.�:�... ���, �� �r�:�:� .._ ., Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. J. Rescind No Parking Restrictions on East Side of Taledo Avenue North Adjacent to Scheid Park Prepared By Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works Jeff Oliver, PE, City Engineer Mark Ray, PE, Engineer Summary Earlier this year, the City purchased the home at 1850 Toledo Avenue North.With this property acquisition, the City now owns all the property within the Scheid Park block. Qn November 17, 1969, the City Council passed a resolution (Resolution 99) restricting parking on the entire west side of Toledo Avenue North between Duluth Street and St. Croix Avenue and, at that time, in front af the homes on the east side of Toledo Avenue North in the same block. With all the homes now being park land, there is no longer the need to restrict vehicle parking on both sides of the street. It is recommended that the parking restrictions an the east side of Toledo Avenue North, between Duluth Street and St. Croix Avenue, be remov�d. The parking restrictions on the west side will remain in effect. This portion of Toledo Avenue was reconstructed as a 26-foot wide roadway in 2006. Attachments • Location map (1 page) • Resolution Rescinding Restriction of Vehicle Parking on the East Side of Toledo Avenue North Adjacent to Scheid Park (1 page) • Resolution Restricting Parking on Certain Portions of Toledo Avenue, Resolution No. 99 (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to adopt Resolution Rescinding Restriction of Vehicle Parking on the East Side of Toledo Avenue North Adjacent to Scheid Park. �o� co� ° Sorell Av � � c� ` � Z �1Duluth St �� � � � � , , z � � , - " d , Q - ' - - - - �, _ d a� a� � � � -.r , += , � �edo P�e� �� � � � - - -� �;� , � , ,� � i ' i Rescind Restrictiori � �' �- - - i Lot 18 ,�, ' i Lot 17 ,' i - - _ _ _ � � i c e� ~ - - - , � , _ .� , .;� ' � � � :� - - - - � � ar � . ' .�'/ ` / � / `y, ,„ � , . i � � � , ;� i Rescind Restriction � � � � � � � � • -,Lot 11 � '� , ' ` � � � � � � � .� � � � � � � ot 10'��, � � �-'� �; �a � �� � Ja � St Croix Ave N , �� i � o � C9 Parking Restrictions � � � Resolution No. 99 i Print Date:7/24/2012 . Scheid Park S°U,�es: ,��� Hennepin County Surveyors O�ce for ' Property Lines(2012). � ��� �� Parki ng o �s ,50 300 Feet Resolution 12-57 August 8, 2Q12 Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RECINDING RESTRICTION OF VEHICLE PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF TOLEQO AVENUE NORTH ADJACENT TO SCHEID PARK WHEREAS, the City Council has the power and authority, pursuant to Chapter 9.06, Subd. 2 of the City Code, to designate no parking zones and areas, and it appears that no parking zones are no longer needed on the east side of Toledo Avenue North, adjacent to Scheid Park. The following parking prohibitions, as established on November 17, 1969 in Council Resolution 99 will be removed: The east side of Toledo Avenue in the areas thereof immediately adjacent to Lots 17 and 18, Block 2, and Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, Scheid's Terrace; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council for the City of Golden Valley to permanently permit parking on the east side of Toleda Avenue adjacent to Scheid Park. Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Virnig, City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. ��� Resolution Na. g9 November Z7, 1969 Member StoclQnan intraduced the follaWing resolutian and MOVED its adoptfon: RESOLUTION (Restr3.cting Parkfng an Certain Portions of To�.edo Avenue) WHEREAB, the Village Council has the power and s,uthority, pursuant to Section 700:199.34 Subdivision 39, oP the Village Code, to desig- nate no g�xkir►g zonea nnd areas, it apgeare that no paz�king zanes should be created o� certain portions oP Toledo Avenue; IPOW, THFRE�'ORE, SE IT RE$OLV�A, by tha V�.11age Counai]. for " the Village of Golden Ya.11ey that no parking sha11 be,permitted at any time on the �re�t side of Ta�.edo Avenue froaa Duluth Street to &t. Cro3.x Av�nue and on the east side oP �'oledo Avenue in the areas thereoP ixmnediately ad�acent to Lots 17 end 1$, Black 2, a.nd Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, Scheid's Terrace. r � r � Cliff Teres , Mayor �����'�' ATTEST: i� g $elen Pexiniman, Ville�e Clerk The motion fcr the adept3on of the foregoing resolution was seconfled 'by Member Bies, and upotx vote being taken thereon the following membera vo�ed in t'avor thereof; Sies, Garis, Jensen, Stockman, e,nd Ter�si; and the follo�ing voteci against the aame: None, whersupon said resolutian was deelared duly pasaed and e,dppte3, signed 'by the Msyor an8 hfs signe,-� ture s,ttested by the Village Clerk. t�t�� �� Park and Recreation Department ?63-512-2345/763-512-2344(fax) �"��"� ,� . �� ..�� ���_� ����N��,.�.�, . 3.._��... :.. .. �..._-�'����.�',; .�°� .e. � .� . <<�.��,�� �;:�s _ �. �.. Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. K. Authorizing 2012 Application to Minnesota Department of Transportation Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program for Highway 55 Lilac Planting Prepared By Sandy Werts, Volunteer Coordinator Summary Since 2008, the City collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)to support the Bridge Builder lilac Project initiated by Dwight Townes. Mr. Townes has asked for a fifth year of support and is working with MnDOT staff on a landscape plan for the north on-ramp from Highway 55 to 169. If the Council supports collaborating on the proposed 2012 Lilac Project, the Council should adopt the attached resolution of support. If approved by the City and State, the Lilac Project has proposed a September 22 planting date. The Lilac Project is also seeking volunteers to maintain plantings from previous years. Attachments Resolution Authorizing 2012 Application to Minnesota Department of Transportation Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program for Highway 55 Lilac Planting (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to adopt Resolution Authorizing 2012 Application to Minnesota Department of Transportation Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program for Highway 55 Lilac Planting. Resalution 12-58 August 8, 2012 Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 2012 APPLICATION TO MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM - HIGHWAY 55 LILAC PLANTING WHEREAS, Bridge Builder Dwight Townes, in cooperation with the Golden Valley Connection Project and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Landscape Partnership Program, has initiated a project to landscape the Trunk Highway 55 right-of- way from Wirth Parkway to Trunk Highway 169 in Golden Valley; and WHEREAS, the fifth phase of this project proposes to invite volunteers ta landscape the northern on-ramp from TH 55 ta Highway 169 under the MnDOT Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program application period ending July 31, 2012; and WHEREAS, the support af the Golden Valley City Gouncil and City staff is necessary to apply far MnDOT funding and successfully implement this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Gity of Golden Valley will act as sponsoring unit for the project identified as Highway 55 Lilac Planting, on state Trunk Highway 55, to be conducted during the period of August through November, 2012. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that local neighborhoods, churches, civic groups and businesses are hereby invited to send teams to help with the planting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Manager Tom Burt are hereby authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding for this project on behalf of the City of Golden Valley and enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to undertake this project if funded. Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Virnig, City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. C 2��' C�� � - Finance Department 763-593-8013/763-593-8109(fax) *:��� °�.a�`.`'-�'.�,.�'�.�:°�',��.;:�xi�b��v�»n�*.m��-�.S,-nc'�kii�"ar�n�..._. '.. _....� .........�,'..�4°WN�W,�'�._ l�a�i'��w5?�aa;....,.,,.. °�':�'�_... . . . . � Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 3. L. Call for Administrative Hearing- Appeal for Administrative Citation - 1816 York Avenue North - 8/21/12 Prepared By Susan Virnig, Finance Director/City Clerk Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspection Services Summary At their meeting of August 8 the City Council should call for an administrative hearing for the appeal of an administrative citation on 1816 York Avenue North for August 21, 2012 at 6 pm. The property owner has requested an administrative hearing. Once this date has been approved, a letter will be sent to the property owner notifying him of the administrative hearing. Recommended Action Motion to call for an administrative hearing on an appeal of administrative citation for 1816 York Avenue North for August 21, 2012 at 6 pm. �:l�}' ��' . „ � Finance Department 763-593-8013/763-593-8109(fax) �.;, .. ._... �~�-��--..-�. �.._�,a : ..__.._r ......frE���..��� �������.��.c�.�:�k.�_-�:�: . Executive Summary For Actian Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 4. A. Public Hearing- Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc. - Issuance of Bonds Prepared By Sue Virnig, Finance Director Summary Covenant Retirement Communities Inc. d/b/a Colonial Acres, 5800 St. Croix Avenue has requested that the City hold a public hearing to adopt Resolution Providing for Issuance of Revenue and Refunding Bonds by the Colorada Health Facilities Authority for Covenant Retirement Cammunities, Inc. Authorizing the Execution of Certain Documents in Connection Therewith. The City is required by the IRS Code and by Minnesota Statutes to hold a hearing for the issuance af these bonds. The City has no liability with the issuance of these bonds but only need to approve because they are issuance of tax exempt bonds. Julie Peterson, attorney from Erickson Papenek Peterson Rose representing Covenant Retirement Homes will be in attendance. The public hearing notice was published in the SunPost on July 26, 2012. Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc. (Colonial Acres) will pay for all costs related to the public hearing notice. Attachments • Resolution Providing for Issuance of Revenue and Refunding Bands by the Colorado Health Facilities Authority for Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc. Authorizing the Execution of Certain Documents in Connection Therewith (2 pages) Recommended Action Motion to adopt Resolution Providing for Issuance of Revenue and Refunding Bonds by the Colorado Health Facilities Authority far Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc. Authorizing the Execution of Certain Documents in Connection Therewith. Resolution 12-59 August 8, 2012 Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptian: RESOLUTION PROVILIING FOR ISSUANCE OF REVENUE AND REFUNDING BQNDS BY THE COLORADO HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY FOR COVENANT RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES, INC. AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc., an Illinois not for profit carporation (the "Corporation"), has requested that the Colorado Health Facilities Authority ("Autharity') issue one or more series of revenue and refunding bonds under the Colorado Health Facilities Authority Act, Colorado Revised Statutes 25-25-01, et seq., as amended, in a principal amount not to exceed $190,000,000 (the "Bonds'�; and WHEREAS, the Corporation intends to use the proceeds from the sale of the proposed Bonds to finance or refinance projects located in the States of Colorada, Illinois, Washington, Michigan and Minnesota; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Bonds (the "Local Portion") will be issued to: (1) current refund the outstanding principal amount of the City of Golden Valley, Minnesota Revenue Bonds, Series 1999A (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.) (the "Series 1999A Bonds'�, (ii) pay or reimburse the Corporation for the payment of the costs of acquiring, constructing, remodeling, renovating and equipping long-term care facilities, including withaut limitation, the acquisition, construction, remodeling, renovation and equipping of a skilled nursing facility on the campus af Colonial Acres Home, Inc. in Golden Valley, Minnesota (collectively, the "Series 2012 ProjecY�, (iii) fund a debt service reserve fund if deemed necessary or advisable by the Corporation or the Authority; and (iv) pay certain expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and the refunding of the Series 1999A Bonds; and WHEREAS, the proceeds of the Series 1999A Bonds were used to (i) renovate and equip the skilled nursing facility owned by Calonial Acres Home, Inc., and to construct and equip a new residential building for Colonial Acres Home, Inc. (collectively, the "Series 1999 Project'�, (ii) establish a debt service reserve fund for the benefit of the holders of the Series 1999A Bonds, (iii) pay interest during the construction of the Series 1999 Project and for six months thereafter, and (iv) pay certain expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Series 1999A Bonds; and WHEREAS, the aggregate face amount of the Bonds will not exceed $190,000,000, with an amount not to exceed $45,000,000 thereof constituting the Local Portion; and WHEREAS, the Corporation requests that the City of Golden Valley, Minnesota (the "City'� consent to the proposed issuance of the Bonds by the Authority; and WHEREAS, the City conducted a public hearing on August 8, 2Q12 in accardance with Section 147(f� of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, on the proposed issuance of such portion of the Bonds that will be used to refund th� Series 1999A Bonds, finance the Series 2012 Project and finance the costs of issuing such Bonds; and Resolution 12-59 - Continued August 8, 2012 WHEREAS, in connection with the refunding of the Series 1999A Bonds, it may be necessary for the Gity to execute and deliver one or more Escrow Deposit Agreements (the "Escrow Agreements'�, among the City, the Corporation, Colonial Acres Home, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as escrow agent and successor trustee for the Series 1999A Bonds; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT: 1. The issuance of Bonds by the Authority in an amount not to exceed $190,000,000, with an amount not to exceed $45,00O,OOQ thereof constituting the Local Portion, are hereby appraved, for purposes of Section 147(t� of the Internal Revenue Cade of 1986. 2. The City does hereby authorize and approve the executian (by manual or facsimile signature) by the Mayor and [City Manager] (each, an "Authorized Officer'� and the delivery and use of the Escrow Agreements. 3. The Authorized Officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute or accept all such documents (including, without limitation, the execution and delivery of the Escrow Agreements and any other termination documents and certificates that may be necessary to refund and defease the Series 1999A Bonds) as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of these resolutions and the Escrow Agreements, and all of the acts and doings of the Authorized Officers of the City which are in conformity with the intent and purposes of these resolutions and within the parameters set forth herein, whether heretofore or hereafter taken or done, shall be and are hereby authorized, ratified, confirmed and approved. 4. The Bonds shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the City or the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, or a pledge of the faith and credit of the City or the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, and neither the City, the State of Minnesota nor any political subdivision thereof will be liable on the Bonds. The Bands will not be issued by the City, nor will the City have any liability with respect to the Bonds. Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Virnig, City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member and upon a vate being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. ia$�B/ iJ� ��V. Planning Department 763-593-8095/763-593-8149(fax) > .°��.,-..... , ��.�°-° . :�... �: ,�����, .. � ��a��i Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2Q12 Agenda Item 4. B. Public Hearing- Preliminary Plat Approval - Savanah Estates - 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road Prepared By Joe Hogeboom, City Planner Summary Paul Whiteman, RJT Investments is proposing to subdivide the praperties located at 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road into three new lots for the purpose of constructing three new single family homes. The three propased lots comply with minimum lat requirements found in City Code. The proposed three lot subdivision qualifies as a minor subdivision because the original properties are part of a recorded plat. In addition, this proposed subdivision will produce three lots and will not create need for public improvements Attachments • Location Map (1 page) • Planning Commission Minutes dated July 9, 2012 (2 pages) • Memorandum to Planning Commission dated July 3, 2012 (3 pages) • Memorandum from Public Works Department dated July 3, 2012 (3 pages) • Site Plans (4 pages) Recommended Action Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for Savanah Estates, 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road, subject to the following conditions: 1. The City Attorney will determine if a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final plat. 2. A park dedication fee of$1,650 shall be paid before final plat approval. 3. The Public Works Department memorandum, dated July 3, 2012 shall become part of this approval. 4. A Subdivision Agreement will be drafted for review and approval by the City Council that will include issues found in the Public Works Department memorandum. 5. All applicable development associated fees, including the park dedication fee, shall be paid in full prior to approval of the Final Plat, 6. All applicable City permits shall be obtained prior to the development of the new lots. ! 2�,�Np�� z = � w � �++ z Q y ;' �[ } r d � � Q 5c ). q � � � � O yE � � ++. w > ..� � Subject Properties � � � � Mecftcirre Lake Rd" ---��^°�°�– – __._ r--- •`�� �`-�.., 5925 9D96 39 8829 68{19 �!�i /% fr,' 65U9 64�5 1�''�..� 6�47 /.f':i` r/' 'ii 8531 d525 t 6�2 ~'�•Sa'��d�,f� . 6$4fJ $725 86d1 //';r� �i � 9339 327 551 894s °-..�L,�.. �$30 709 / ,/,;i , q 2530 6409 �� „�� .,.. .,,, :. f;��i/'j�'!i �O f/� %'/, x5Z7 �g 353f 6$Od i%��ii%i'%'%%i%%'/ '1�5 `., ` �j �,,;'G,;i�;•,`;% ,c, 2520 .___— ri//'�j�jf 2515 �• 8i45 ,. fiir�: i v.ii,;,!ri i 2�� �'�5 \� ,�� + 2508 ?511 � 682� 2505 � ��$ 25fl1 `� ' } 2502 2501 _ � � � 2429 ,, .. _.,�,_.._„� 2�50 ��q ,� 1�}55 � 2417 1 2 U 24Q0 ��,,� r � 0 � ..'"� � � m� . . . . .. . . � l ��� � 2�o Sandburg eall Fielcis , 4 t? ?�5 � 2�0 2�5 , 2�0 >, _ _ _ .,� .� N_ � S�nd�ccrc�Rd -�. . _ __...._...__� 1 83.Z5 �"� 63�►5 ��`` � 17,�A 1'y�d 8�f 4�ti 1�! .����D s�P �� � sisir�vv.d �-�A'c+�t;> cr+..�r.:i:,' k'�.6a':�N;U:!s y 6�1 !`� 39:>it Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 A regular meeting of the Plannin Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall, Council Chambers, 7800 Golde Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, J 2012. Chair Waldhauser alled the meeting ta or 7 pm. .,, . Those prese ere Planning C missione = ' era, Kisch, Kluchka, McCarty, Schmidgall, Segel and Wal hau . Iso present were Director of Planning and Development Mark Grime inistrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. 1. Approval of ' tes June ; 2012 Regular PI nning Commission Mee g— MO by Kisch, seconded by cCarty and motion carried unanimously. mmissioner Kluchka abstaine . 2. Informal Public Hearing – Minor Subdivision -- 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road – Savanah Estates – SU14-14 Applicant: Paul Whiteman – RJT Investments Addresses: 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road Purpose: To allow the applicant to divide two single family residential lots into three single family residential lots Grimes referred to a location rnap of the subject properties. He explained the applicant's request to subdivide the p:roperties into three new lots. He explained that each lot will be approxima#ely 28,000 square feet in size which exceeds the minimum iot size requirements. He added that the existing homes and accessory structures currently located on the properties will be removed. He stated that staff is recommending approval of the subdivision request as it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and it meets all the Zoning Code requirements. Kluchka asked if any variances are being requested or if there is the potential for variance requests in the fiuture. Grimes said no variances are being requested and the lots are more than` Iarge enough to build houses on without requiring variances. Segelbaum asked if these are the same parcels that the Planning Commission considered several months ago for higher density housing. Grimes said yes. Segelbaum asked if there are any requirements not being met. Grimes said no, all requirements regarding subdivisions are bsing met in this proposal. Waldhauser asked if the homes could be built anywhere within the setback area. Grimes said yes and added that the driveways will probably have a turnaround area so people wouldn't have to back out onto Medicine Lake Road. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 2 Paul Whiteman, RJT Investments, Applicant, explained that he originally wanted to do a six-lot development on these two properties but it became too cost prohibitive so now he is proposing this three-lot development instead. He explained that the placement of the homes will be decided by the purchaser based the location of trees, etc. Waldhauser asked if the tree preservation and grading of the properties will be considered for each lot individually. Whiteman said yes. Cera asked Whiteman if he is building a model home. Whiteman said yes and showed an architectural drawing of a proposed home. He added that the approximate cost of the homes will be $350,000 and will be approximately 2,500 square feet in size. Waldhauser opened the public hearing. Logan Ericksen, 6725 Medicine Lake Road, asked if the properties'will be single fiamily homes. Waldhauser said yes and noted that the zoning classification is not changing. Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to comment. V1latdhauser closed the public hearing. Kisch stated that because all of the City's qualificatians have been met he is in support of this proposal. Segelbaum agreed. MOVED by Kisch, seconded by Kluchka and motion carried unanimously to recommend approval of the proposal to subdivide the properties located at 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road into three lots subject to the following conditions: 1. The City Attorney will determine if a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final plat. 2. A park dedication fee of$1,650 shali be paid before final plat approval. 3. The Public Works Departrnent memorandum, dated July 3, 2012 shall become part of this approvaL 4. A Subdivision Agreement will be drafted for review and approval by the City Council that will include issues found in the Public Works Department memorandum, 4. All applicable development associated fees, including the park dedication fee, shall be paid in full prior to approval of the Final Plat. 5. All applicable City permits shall be obtained prior to the development of the new lots. l:l�1.� t�� �.� °; � �� � ��°� r $ � � Plannin De artment �. ��T � p 763-593-8095/763-593-8109(fax) Date; July 3, 2012 To: Planning Commission From: Joe Hogeboom, City Planner Subject: Minor Subdivision of Properties 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road Paul Whiteman, RJT Investments, Applicant Summary of Request Paul Whiteman, RJT Investments is proposing to subdivide the properties located at 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road into three new lots. The existing homes, outbuildings, and lawn features on the property would be demolished. City Code requires that each new lot meet the required 10,000 square foot minimum (ot size. The proposed new lot sizes are each approximately 28,371 square feet. City code also requires that at least 80 feet of width exists at the front setback line of any newly established interior lot. All of the proposed Iots are interior lots which exceed City requirements. Qualification as a Minor Subdivision The proposed three lot subdivision qualifies as a minor subdivision because the original properties are part of a recorded plat. 1n addition,this proposed subdivision will producethree lots and will not create need for public improvements, such as street construction. The applicant has submitted the required information to the City that allows for the subdivision to be evaluated as a minor subdivision. Staff Review of Minor Subdivision The applicant has submitted a survey for the effected property prior to subdivision, as well as renderings of proposed setback boundaries and lot layout following fot division. These documents provide the City with information necessary to evaluate the minor subdivision. The Public Works Department has submitted a memorandum dated July 3, 2012 regarding recommendations for this request. A copy of the Public Works Department memorandum is attached to this report. Qualification Governing Approval as a Minor Subdivision According to Section 12,50 of the City's Subdivision Regulations, the following are the regulations governing approval of minor subdivisions with staff comment related to this request: 1. Minor subdivisions shall be denied if the proposed lots do not meet the requirements of the appropriate zoning district. The proposed lots will meet the requirements set forth by the R1 Single Family Residential Zoning District. 2. A minor subdivision may be denied if the City Engineer determines that the lots are not buildable.The City Engineer has determined that the proposed lots are buildable. 3. A minor subdivision may be denied if there are no sewer and water connections available or if it is determined by the City Engineer that an undue strain will be placed on City utility systems by the addition of the new lots. A developer would be required to submit detailed plans regarding the proposed sewer and water locations at the time building permits are applied for. Utility connections are available in this area. 4. Approval of the minor subdivision may require the granting of certain easements to the City. The final plat must show all necessary easements as required by the City Engineer and City ordinances. 5. If public agencies other than the City have jurisdiction of the streets adjacent to the minor subdivision,the agencies will be given the opportunities to comment. Hennepin County holds jurisdiction of Medicine Lake Road (Caunty State Aid Highway 70). The County has been made aware of this proposal and does not foresee any issues with access. Permits must be obtained from Hennepin County when driveways are constructed. 6. The City may ask for review of title if required by the City Attorney regarding the dedication of certain easements. The City Attorney will determine if such a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final plat. 7. The minor subdivision may be subject to park dedication requirements. In this case, a park dedication fee of$1,650.00 will need to be paid prior to final plat approval. Recommended Action Staff recommends that the Planning Commission provide a recommendation of approval for the Minor Subdivision proposal at 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road subject to the following canditions: 1. The City Attvrney witl determine if a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final plat. 2. A park dedication fee of$1,650 shall be paid before final plat approval. 3. The Public Works Department memorandum, dated luly 3, 2012 shall become part of this approval. 4. A Subdivision Agreement will be drafted for review and approval by the City Council that will include issues found in the Public Works Department memorandum. 4. All applicable development associated fees, including the park dedication fee, shall be paid in full prior to approval of the Final Plat. 5. All applicable City permits shall be obtained prior to the development of the new lots. Attachments: Location Map (1 page) Memorandum from the Public Works Department (3 pages) Site Plans (4 pages) �2�� 0� �,������,, ������ ��CC��1'� � ���� � � � � �+�. ��,� Public Works Department 763-593-8030/763-593-3988 (fax) Date: July 3, 2012 To: NVlark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development From: Jeff Oliver, PE, City Engineer��� Eric Eckman, Public Works Specialist Subject: Subdivision Review for Savanah Estates (6601 & 6621 Medicine Lake Road) Public Works staff has reviewed the proposed minor subdivision of property at 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road called Savanah Estates. The proposed subdivision, located on Medicine lake Road between Sandburg Lane and Florida Avenue North, consists of combining two existing singte-family properties and dividing them into three lots. The two existing homes will be demolished as part of the project. Site Plan and Access: �he two properties currently have three driveways onto Medicine Lake Road (6621 has a U- shaped driveway). Each of the three new lots witl have its own driveway access onto Medicine Lake Road. The locations of the driveways will be determined at the time of home construction. It is anticipated that some concrete curb removal and replacement will occur. As Medicine Lake Road is a County highway (CSAH 70), a Hennepin County permit is required for all work in County right-of-way, including driveway construction, curb work, and street excavations and obstructions. The City's Right-of-Way Management Permit is required for any modifications to the City's sidewalk system in this area. The City encourages the developer or contractor to construct driveway turnarounds on each property to facilitate safer movements onto the County highway. Preliminarv Plat: Medicine Lake Road is classified as a minor arterial in the Transportation chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The existing right-of-way width of Medicine Lake Road is 73 feet. The City's Subdivision Ordinance requires 80 to 100 feet of street right-of-way width for minor and major arterials. The preliminary plat for Savanah Estates shows a dedication of 7 feet of additional right- of-way adjacent to Medicine Lake Road, thus meeting this requirement. G:\Developments-Private\Savanah Estates\Subdivision Review.docx All drainage and utility easements shown in the preliminary plat meet the Subdivision Ordinance. Preiiminarv Utilitv Plan: The City's sanitary sewer and water systems that provide service to these properties have adequate capacity for the proposed development. The existing sewer and water services will be removed and new services will be extended at the time of home construction. The developer has demonstrated that extension of these services to each lot is possible as shown on the preliminary plat. The installation of these services will require open cutting Medicine Lake Road. The developer will be required to obtain the appropriate sewer and water permits from the City for the removal and installation of utility services. In addition, Hennepin County will require a permit to obstruct traffic and excavate Medicine Lake Road. The two existing homes have not received Certificates of Inflow and Infiltration Compliance. However, a $15,000 escrow has been deposited with a title company for both properties as a guarantee that the existing sewer services will become compliant with the City's Inflow and Infiltration Ordinance. The developer or contractor working on each new home will need to obtain a Point of Sale permit, complete the required inspections, and achieve compliance with the City's Inflow and Infiltration Ordinance prior to occupancy of the homes. Stormwater Mana�ement and Gradin�: This development is within the Main Stem sub-district of the Bassett Creek watershed. Based upon the size of the development, review by the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission is not required. However, all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures and best management practices should be shown on the stormwater management plans. The developer has submitted a preliminary stormwater management plan for each lot. The plans indicate that each fot will be custom graded at the time of home construction. A City Stormwater Management Permit will be required for each lot before the start of construction. A stormwater management plan that meets City standards is required as part of each permit submittal. Tree Preservation Plan: This development is subject to the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance. Because each lot will be custom graded,the project is considered a Single-lot Development in which a separate Tree Preservation Permit will be required for each lot prior to home construction. The developer has submitted a preliminary tree preservation plan for each lot which will be reviewed in more detail at the time of permit application. Summarv and Recommendations: Public Works staff recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision of the existing single- family lots at 6601 and 6621 Medicine Lake Road subject to the comments contained in this , review. These comments are summarized as follows: G:\Developments-Private\Savanah Estates\Subdivision Review.docx 2 1. The properties must achieve compliance with the City's Inflow and Infiltration Ordinance prior to occupancy of the homes. 2. The developer and/or builder must obtain the appropriate permits prior to development as discussed above. Approval is also subject to the comments of other City staff. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this matter. C: Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspections Mark Ray, PE, Engineer Mitch Hoeft, Engineer AI Lundstrom, Parks Maintenance Supervisor and City Forester Joe Hogeboom, City Planner Gary Johnson, Building Official Ed Anderson, Deputy Fire Marshall G:1Developments-Private\Savanah Estates\Subdivision Review.docx 3 •N anv svanoa � . � � � s�� �S� � � E � v �����s� �� � g�� a�� '� � N•3nv vaiaov • g . }r� � Q N'3AVVOW01! ����^_ �� � � %��� ��� <� � r^ 4 � �J a �� �* � ��� � �= � �� � � �� ��� �� t� �� � ��€����� � � � ��� � ��a i� � s a � � = a ���$ ��� ��� � � � � � ���� � �� � �a :�� � �� � � w _� �����"�� �� '�}a[�_ �_ � `1a.� .. � � �y � ��¢ �'�� � � � � � � � ..N 3Atl 3NIHSdYMi � .4��� $ �y� ��� 1 ' � ^ �$�7��� ���� .!. o � �o � 1 ,F � � � ■N��� �"4p �� � � � � � � '� �� r M � Z. 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U O . . . � w 'v ��a • m V1 c0� O X 3 O O�� W�O�Q � ° J e � � � � � �.(/�� �' � I M � � C � �O�D li a li 3 �' �w .. v�ac�oa M�.N- I W J O OS ~ d �Ca')� � z � s ���� �� Planning Departm.ent 763-593-8095/763-593-8109(fax) � �e � .. �_. , , �=r... = ��'��.������- ..._.�� �������.n.�., '���:.�.3._. . ..,.�� . . � ,� Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 4. C. Public Hearing-Amendment to Comprehensive Plan General Land Use Plan Map - Change from Residential-Low Density to Commercial-Retail/Service - 7345 Country Club Drive (Schuller's Tavern) Prepared By Joe Hogeboom, City Planner Summary The owners of the property at 7345 Country Club Drive (Schuller's Tavern) have petitioned the City to amend the General Land Use Plan Map to re-designate the property to "Commercial- Retail/Service." The property owner has expressed an interest in amending the General Land Use Plan Map, followed by rezoning the property, to ultimately allow the business to expand and add an outdoor patio. Staff believes that expansian of a commercial use on this site does not fit within the character of the surrounding neighborhood, and therefore recommends denial of this request. Attachments • Location Map (1 page) • General Land Use Plan Map (1 page) • Minutes from the Planning Commission dated July 9, 2012 (8 pages) • Memo to the Planning Commission dated July 3, 2012 (3 pages) • Email from Cate Zottola and John Hiebert dated June 17, 2012 (2 pages) • Petition from Schuller's Tavern (40 pages) • Proposed Patio Site Plan (1 page) Recommended Action Motion to deny an Amendment to the General Land Use Plan Map - Re-designating 7345 Country Club Drive (Schuller's Tavern) from "Residential-Low Density" to "Commercial-Retail/Service." - ° i � ��,�,, 772D � ,r''`�l j� � �.�� �y , ����� � f ,_.. .�,-'„-� 3o���z � f: r�ao ��rsso d f 'l�-..' 9� 7�� � � _r_J! �:. �+ � .! 8� �, �.,.�-_�`�,��,.,-° �� y �._---�"'. �,� c� c, ,---"'"' - ----�"` c� ���� �{ ��'��° . . — "`_,, � 3#ig�21��1 � L-�''' --''' � ..-- ..'�. .-""' .. �_r 77�0 ' .�� 760 .r^"""�� ° ' ����-�l�y��� �� V� 2 ��et� ... � F..� �� ��"�- '. ,,� �n5 Subject Property ..---'`� � _ __ , _ _. _ _ � _ __ __ � ! � `" �ountry�l��b�r . _ ... _._ � __ _. w.. �._ � .w _. �_ ._ ._ _ �_ �. _ �, _ _ � � �rG'r . i�i i� i - �� „ f./i;�;;,,�, ,,,,�,'r,,%aas /�i��//, � r�i ii� 225 72�lS 7111 7007 77�1 � 7aT5.T, �-� .�,,,,�,, � ���i 0557D35 � , ' ii��,/�i:!i%�i��i 7021 J. . ,,,�„� `}.. � �'i/i%/.i� �7�n 75�5 421 i -�?�so� .� /�+220 J �,, 555 550 � � $d1 SSD�`(m���ti. `�-..� /720i1 �\ �` �'`�... �` 7fl28 7438 45�� ,�1 M���"7�?4 � 3 � �21 511 � 534 ,v� "'�,..' , .'y14ti r%'•� , ', 70� � Z ' �:� 7215 � �". � ,,� �'�_� si 2 -"�-�_ 521 Li 520 '\` \�\,i'120 r t�% 521 � ,.� j���c . 7037 � ( �' '� 74,42 -��,. �`�''�— 72fl1 /� `.., . 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Informal Public Hearing — General Land Use Plan Map Amendment— 7345 Country Club Drive — CPAM-51 Applicant: City of Golden Valley Address: 7345 Country Club Drive (Schuller's) Purpose: To change the designation on the General Land Use Plan Map from Low Density Residential to Commercial-Retail Grimes stated that this is a General Land Use Plan Map Amendment brought forth by the City Council. He explained that the City is the applicant and only the City Council can amend it since it is the City's p1an. He stated that at the June 12, 2012 Council/Manager meeting Schuller's Restaurant asked the City Council to consider changing the General Land Use Plan Map designation from Low Density Residential to Commercial-Retail in order to allow them to construct an outdoor patio. Grimes explained that staff and the City Attorney believe that the addition of a patio would be considered an expansion of an existing non-conforming use which is not allowed per City Code. He stated that he researched the history of this property in order to try to figure out how long this property has been designated Low pensity Residential. The first Comprehensive Plan (1959) had the property designated Low Density Residential and it has been zoned Single Family Residential since at least the early 1970s. He added that there are a number of steps involved before expanding the restaurant would even be possible. The General Land Use Plan Map would have to be amended, the property would then have to be rezoned, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a restaurant would have to be obtained and variances would be required because the building is non-conforming with setback requirements. Waldhauser asked about uses that would be allowed if the property were rezoned. Grimes stated that one of the concerns he has is regarding the uses that would be allowed if the property were zoned Commercial. He said offices, retail uses, restaurants, auto-related uses with a Conditio'nal Use Permit and anything else allowed in the Commercial zoning district would be allowed at this property if it were rezoned. He added that the building could also be torn down and a different one built. He explained that another concern is the impact of the land use changes on the residential and institutional properties adjacent to the property. Staff believes the General Land Use Plan Map should not be changed.' Waldhauser asked if Schuller's would be allowed to reconfigure the building. Grimes said they are allowed to maintain, repair and replace the existing building, but they cannot expand it. Schmidgall referred to the potential new Light Commercial zoning district and asked what types of uses would be allowed if the property was rezoned Light Commercial. Grimes stated that many of the same uses as the Commercia! zoning district, with the exception of auto-related uses, could potentially be allowed in the Light Commercial zoning district. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 4 Schmidgall asked if there is any other way a patio could be added to this property. Grimes reiterated that as long as the patio is going to be used by their customers it would be considered an expansion and in order to expand, the property would need to be rezoned. Segelbaum asked if the General Land Use Plan Map and Zoning re-designations could go through the amendment process simultaneously since the two plans ultimately have to match. Grimes stated that there is a period of time allowed after the General Land Use Plan Map is amended to change the Zoning designation. Kluchka referred to the General Land Use Plan Map and asked what the "semi-public facilities" category means. Grimes stated that is the designation for nursing homes, hospitals, etc. Kisch questioned if Schuller's would need a Conditional Use Permit if the Zoning of the property were to change. Grimes said yes and explained that'if the property were to be rezoned it opens all sorts of issues with the Building Code, Zoning Code and other requirements. Kluchka asked how the building got built in the first place. Grimes explained that it was built in 1929 before the City had a Zoning Code. He added that at that time Country Club Drive was more of a crossroad than it is currently. Segelbaum asked if the request gets to the Conditional Use Permit phase if conditions could be placed on it regarding noise, hours, etc. Grimes said yes and stated that because this property is in a unique area, nexf to residential properties, there may be more conditions than usual such as sound mitigation, screening, and lighting. Segelbaum stated that the opportunity to address some of the concerns could arise during the potential Conditional Use Permit process. Schmidgall said he would enjoy Schuller's having a patio but he is nervous to think about what else could potentially be located at this property if it were to be rezoned. He asked if the City could pas� an ordinance to allow the patia addition. Grimes said no, the City could not pass an ordinance approving a patio. Schmidgall asked if covenants could be put in place or if'a Conditional Use Permit or Rezoning could be revoked if Schuller's ever left this location: Grimes said he thinks there would be property rights issues involved with that kind of action. He reiterated that if the City wants to allow Schuller's to expand than the process that has been discussed is the way it has to be done. Segelbaum asked if the Single Family Residential zoning district could be amended to add a bar use. McCarty asked if the occupancy could be limited. Grimes stated that Schuller's adding more seats to their restaurant equals an expansion which means the Generai Land Use Plan Map and Zoning for the property would need to change. Kluchka asked Grimes to summarize the recommendation in the staff report. Grimes stated that staff is recommending denial of the amendment to the General Land Use Plan Map finding that the property has been guided Low Density Residential since 1959 implying to the surrounding homeowners that the property cannot be expanded as a Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 5 commercial venue, there have been significant concerns from the neighborhood regarding the negative impacts this could have and establishing the property as Commercial-Retail would allow other commercial uses on this property. Waldhauser stated that most of the commercial uses that could potentially operate at this property would be similar in use to the current use such as a small restaurant or small office building. She added that the only objectionable use would be the auto related uses. Kluchka asked about the City Council's discussion of this proposal. Grimes stated that Schuller's brought their idea of constructing a patio to the City Council and that the majority of the Council thought this proposal was something they would like to consider so the direction by the Council was to start the process by having the Planning Commission consider amending the General Land Use Map designation. He added:that on the surface this proposal doesn't seem to be a big deal, but there are some legitimate concerns by the neighbors regarding noise, etc. and the City has to be realistic about being able to enforce any conditions that could be placed on the property. ' Steve Sands, 1400 Sumter Avenue North, representing Schuller's, gave the Planning Commissioner's a drawing of the proposed patio and landscape design. He also submitted a petition from bar patrons who support the proposed patio addition. He stated that Schuller's has had offers from people to purchase the property, but they have turned them down. He referred to a rumor circulating that Schuller's paid people for their signatures on the petition he submitted and expfained that signatures were not bought, but Schuller's did give some gift cards to people as a way af saying thank you. Ray Jacob, Schuller's owner, stated that he has been in the restaurant business since 1961. He said he owns three res#aurants and two of them have patios under construction. He reiterated that he has had many offers to sell Schuller's but he is not interested in selling because his plan is to pass the restaurant on to his children. He said his business is down and they've had to reduce staff. As a result he is trying to improve business by adding a patio. He stated that Schuller's supports many activities, groups and events in Golden Valley such as softball,'volleyball, tennis, church events and school events. He added that he has had some of his employees since 1968 and that he his good to his employees and his customers. Mark Jacob, representing Schuller's said the restaurant has always been a place that is close to his heart and he could never sell it, they just want to update it. Waldhauser asked Ray Jacob when he purchased the property. Jacob said he bought the property in 1989. McCarty asked when they started reducing staif. Mark Jacob said they started reducing staff approximately two years ago. Segelbaum asked Ray and Mark Jacob if they could address the concerns they've heard from the neighbors. Minutes of the Goiden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 6 Mark Jacob showed the illustratian of the patio design and explained that there will be trees added as a buffer and screening. Waldhauser asked if they are planning any other modifications to the building. Ray Jacob said he would like to install more windows on the west to better view and monitor the proposed patio. Mark Jacob added he is also concerned that he cannot re-build the structure if it were to burn down. Grimes clarified that legally non-conforming uses may be continued, including repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance or improvement, but not including expansion. Cera asked the Jacobs if they've had a neighborhood meeting. Ray Jacpb said they have not. Kisch reminded the Commission that this item was brought forward by the City and that Schuller's is not the applicant at this point in the proposaL Waldhauser opened the public hearing. Peter Pluwak, 510 Kelly Drive, said knows the owners say that Schuller's is a family restaurant but he has seen cars leave Schuller's parking lot and hit mailboxes. He said there are two group homes on Kelly Drive and a nursing home on Glenwood and that wheelchair-bound people go up and down Kelly Drive where there:are no sidewalks so he concerned about more traffic in the area and accidents happening. Cate Zottola, 7421 Glenwood Avenue, said she purchased her property in a residential neighborhood not a commercial area. She said that property values in her neighborhood have gone down and any change to the zoning of the Schuller's property will have unintended consequences. She said she talked to the City when she purchased her home and was assured that the Schuller's property was zoned residential and that it had been for many, many years and she purchased her home knowing that it would be a challenge to change the zoning on the Schuller's property. She said she understands Schuller's desire to expand however she believes that would come at a high price especially if the use were to change to an undesirable business. She said Schuller's is requesting this because they feel they are nof competitive without an outdoor patio space but they knew their limitations when the purchased the property. She referred to the City's variance regulations and stated that economic consideratians alone shall not constitute a hardship. She stated that an expansion of Schuller's would bring incremental noise, outdoor alcohol consumption, traffic and disruption into this generally quiet part of the City. She said the bar patrons can come and go, but this is her neighborhood and she can't go anywhere else and is stuck listening to the noise. She encouraged the Planning Commission to deny#his request. John Hiebert, 7421 Glenwood Avenue, said the Mayor referred to Schuller's as an icon and he cannot find anywhere in the City Code where it lists Schuller's as an icon. He said Schuller's knew when they bought this property that they couldn't expand. He said he's taken a lot of time trying to educate himself on how this process works. He stated that the Schuller's property has been designated Low Density Residential on the General Land Use Plan map since 1959 and there is a reason why it's been that way. This property has been zoned Single Family Residential since the 1970s, therefore it is a non-conforming land use that is allowed to remain in its current location, but it is not allowed to expand. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 7 He said the zoning is the way it is in order to protect the residential neighborhood and he respectfully suggests that the proposal be denied. Ed Vizard, 7101 Glenwood Avenue, said he would like to see the patio constructed because it would be a good thing for the business and it should not be a big deaf to put in a patio. However, changing the zoning to Commercial is a big deal. He said the concern is what will happen if Schuller's is no longer there. He said the City is dealing with a business that has been at this location for 80 years so he doesn't understand why the City can't find a way to allow a patio. He said it sounds to him like the Council is trying to open a "commercial wedge" in what is a neighborhood enclave. That is what should be considered, not the merits of a patio, but what the rezoning will do the neighborhood. Karen Reeves, 605 Pennsylvania Avenue, said she has to shut her windows and can't hear her N because of the noise from Schuller's. She has h:eard people at 2 am when they get in their cars and go home. She can't leave; she has to live here with the noise. She said she respects the local business and Schuller's does a:good business as is. She said the property will be worth a lot more if it is rezoned to Commercial and she is concerned about what other type of use could go in if it were rezoned. She asked that the City not allow the patio. John Gentrup, 7101 Glenwood Avenue, said he thinks the patio will go a long way in beautifying the peninsula and he thinks a patio would be a good idea. He said he thinks businesses in general face a lot of onerous difficulties when they try to make changes so he would be in favor of this proposal. Steve Sands, 1400 Sumter Avenue North, noted that some of the residents have said that Ray Jacob knew the property was zoned residential when he bought it, which is true, but the residents also knew that Schuller's was there when they baught their properties. He said he is not convinced that staff's and the City Attorney's opinion regarding the process to allow a patio is correct. He said there are a lot of bars in Northeast Minneapolis that have been around since the 1930s, they have patios and are within 20 feet of a residential property so they seem to have a way to deal with this type of situation in Minneapolis and they he can't figure it out in Golden Valley. He stated that Mr. Jacob is nof asking for the world with this request. He said they would stop serving by 8 pm and have people off the patio by 9 pm and noted that the noise ordinance regulations don't apply until 10 pm. He said he understands the neighbor's concerns about a different use in the future however the property really has no commercial value because it is not visible from any major road and any future uses would have to be approved by the City. He said there has been some talk about installing the patio on the north side of the property but that would also require variances. Also, a patio on the north side would be a liability because of golf balls from the country club and the servers would have to go up and down steps on that side of the building. He reiterated that Schuller's is a community gathering place and has been an asset to the community. Waldhauser stated the she understands the difficult position Schuller's is in but the Planning Commission can't change the laws, or the process. Minutes of the Golden Valley Pianning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 8 Cate Zottola, 7421 Glenwood Avenue, stated that as a resident who lives across the street, she has observed things that Schuller's isn't policing now including people smoking and parking where they are not allowed. She said that an expansion to Schuller's would make her quality of life suffer. Kluchka asked Zottola about the traffic on Kelly Drive. Zottola said Kelly Drive has fairly heavy traffic that increases at happy hour and with motorcycles on Saturdays. Ray Jacob, stated that he has told people not to park where they are not supposed to and the only other people that park there are the police who come at lunchtime. He said he does the best he can to manitor his customers. Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to speak. Waldhauser closed the public'hearing. McCarty said this is a difficult proposal because while it is nice to b� able to sit outside, he has a hard time considering rezoning this property because of what it could become in the fu#ure. He added that if there was another way to consider allawing a patio he would. Kisch said he is also concerned about rezoning the property. However, due to the site configuration it probably couldn't handle a significantly different use. He agreed that it would be nice to allow people to sit outside and that there are ways to mitigate noise and other issues, he just doesn't feel there is a current zoning district that he would be comfortable recommending at this point, but he feels this apens up the discussion to explore a new or different zoning district. Grimes suggssted that if the City Council considers different zoning language they should do so before they amend the General Land Use Plan Map. Kluchka asked if there has been a demand or queries from other developers for this type of neighborhood bar concept. Grimes said no. He noted that the Applebee's restaurant didn't make it and that there are other locations in the City where a bar with a patio would be allowed. The Schuller's property is just very unique. Segelbaum said it seems like Schuller's has made some effort to talk to the neighbors. He said he thinks re-designating the land use and rezoning the property opens it up to for too many other possible uses so it doesn't make sense to him to amend the General Land Use Plan Map. Cera stated that Golden Valley is not Minneapolis the two cities developed and grew completely differently. He said he doesn't feel any commercial use would work at this property because of the distance to residential property. He said there are reasons the Zaning Map and the General Land Use Plan Map are the way they are. Waldhauser said she thinks it would be good for Schuller's to invest in their property and that a patio would be an amenity to the neighborhood as long as the noise issues are resolved, but there isn't any way to const�uct the patio without rezoning which opens up a Pandora's Box of other issues. She agreed that this is a unique property but it would be Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 9 stretching the purpose of the General Land Use Plan and the zoning designation to allow this, so she would not be in favor of recommending approval at this point. Schmidgall noted that the City will be considering a new Light Commercial zoning district and that this might be an appropriate location to consider that new zoning district. He said he would like to move this discussion fonnrard by recommending approval of this propased land use amendment. Grimes explained that the Light Commercial zoning district is being considered for the Douglas Drive/Highway 55 area and he isn't sure that the uses being proposed for the Light Commercial zoning district would satisfy the neighbor's concerns. He stated that the Planning Commission could tell the Council that the only way the Commission is comfortable moving forward with this request is if any proposed new zoning language would be acceptable. He added that the City Council wilf be reviewing the proposed new Light Commercial zaning district language again before it comes back to the Planning Commission for review. McCarty said he doesn't feel that this one property is enough to justify months of discussion of a new type of zoning district that could be still be different from what is considered in other areas as well. Kluchka said he would like to better understand the implications of a new zoning district. Segelbaum said he would like to see the Planning Commission recommendation include that there be a different type of zoning option available. MOVED by Kisch, seconded by Schmidgall to recommend approval of changing the designation on the General Land Use Plan Map from Low Density Residential to Commercial-Retail for the property located at 7345 Country Club Drive (Schuller's) with the caveat that as it moves forward the Planning Commission would like to further explore additional zoning opportunities. Grimes said it seems like there is a real concern about the property being zoned Commercial as per the City Code today. So perhaps the message to the City Council is that under the status quo the Planning Commission doesn't want to see the General Land Use Plan Map changed but if the Council gives direction to study the zoning maybe the Commission could come up with different zoning language. He added that he doesn't know if recommending approval of the Generai Land Use Plan Map is sending the right message. McCarty added that he thinks the Planning Commission can still have a conversation regarding new zoning language at the direction of the City Council without approving this proposed amendment. He said approving this proposal is not to generate a discussion of different zoning districts it is to generate the possibility of a patio for Schuller's and a rezoning of the property. Kisch withdrew his motion, Schmidgall withdrew his second of the motion. MOVED by Segelbaum, seconded by Schmidgall and motion carried 5 to 2 to recommend denial of changing the designation on the General Land Use Plan Map from Low Density Residential to Commercial-Retail for the property located at 7345 Country Club Drive Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission July 9, 2012 Page 10 (Schuller's) with the strong recommendation that the City Cauncil directs the Planning Commission to further explore the creation of different types of zoning categories that might permit this type.of request. Commissioners Cera and McCarty voted no, Cera explained that he is in favor of recommending denial of this request, but he voted against it because he is against the Planning Commission looking for ways to solve Schuller's attempt at getting an outdoor patio. McCarty said he agrees with Cera and thought the minutes will reflect the Planning Commissions thoughts of the issue without having to ask the Council for direction on exploring new zoning categories; Schmidgall said he doesn't want the property to be rezoned, but he feels Segelbaum's motion is key to driving further discussion. Waldhauser said she is not optimistic that any new zoning category that will solve this property's problems. --Short Recess-- 5. Reports on Meetings of th Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City Council, Board of Zoning ppeals and other Meetings rv� No repo ere given. 6. Other Bu ' ess Planning Comm ion Byla s Am ment MOVED by Cera, seconded b i ' and motion carried unanimously to amend the Ptanning Commission Bylaws ke them consistent with the existing City Code, 7. Adjournment The meeting was �:ourned af 9: 1 pm. avid A. Cera, Secretary (;l�� f3� '�, � �� � � � Planni r �. ��� ng Depa trnent 763-593-8095/763-593-8109(fax) Date: July 3, 2012 To: Planning Commission From: Joe Hogeboom, City Planner Subject: Amending the General Land Use Plan Map to re-designate 7345 Country Club Drive (Schuller's Tavern) from "Low-Density Residential" to "Commercial-Retail" - City of Golden Valley, Applicant (at the request of Schuller's Tavern) Background Schuller's Tavern, located at 7345 Country Club Drive, has requested that the City Council amend the City's General Land Use Plan Map in order to add an outside patio. Schuller's Tavern is currently designated on the City's General Land Use Plan Map as "Low Density Residential." It is zoned "R-1 Single Family Residential." Therefore, as a restaurant and bar, it is a legally non- conforming land use. State Statute 462.357 defines a legally non-conforming land use as: "The lawful use or occupation of land or premises existing at the time of the adoption of an additional control (which) may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansian." Statutory language provides for replacement of legally non-conforming land uses if they are damaged by fire or other disaster, but it does not permit for an "expansion" of the use. Construction of a patio intended for outdoor dining, drinking, smoking, etc. at Schuller's Tavern would expand the use of the establishment beyond its current capacity. According to the City Attorney, under the provisions of the current land use and zoning controls, Schuller's Tavern may not construct a patio. Schuller's Tavern is legally entitled to make improvements to its existing building outdoor improvements. The majority of the City Council has agreed to allow public hearings to amend the General Land Use Plan Map. If the land use designation change were to be approved, the property owner would have the right to petition the City Council to rezone the property to "Commercial." Because bars are only permitted in the Commercial Zoning District with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), a permit would have to then be obtained from the City Council, after an informal public hearing by the Planning Commission, in order for the restaurant to be expanded in any way. The CUP would allow the City the ability to restrict hours of operation, traffic and parking situations and other items through the issuance of a CUP. Property owners within 500 feet of Schuller's Tavern would be invited to all public hearings. Schuller's Tavern does not meet setback requirements for the Commercial Zoning District. Because it is located on a triangular shaped lot, the property is subject to front yard setback requirements along both Country Club Drive and Glenwood Avenue. If Schuller's Tavern were to expand by adding a patio (assuming the General Land Use Plan Map, rezoning and CUP were approved), the property would have to go before the Board of Zoning Appeals and obtain variances to bring the existing property into conformance with City Code. All new additions, including a patio, would either have to meet current setback regulations, or would need variances from City Code. In addition to land use and zoning-related issues, there are several other items that would need to be addressed should Schuller's Tavern move ahead with the addition of a patio. First, City Code requires all buildings that are involved in planning-related approval processes to be cvmpliant with the City's Inflow and Infiltration requirements. That would mean that Schuller's Tavern's sewer service would have to be inspected and, if a deficiency is found, repaired or replaced. Second, if any seating area is added to a restaurant, the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division may require that the business pay an additional Sewer Access Charge (SAC). The assumption is that an increase in seating areas means that there will be more customers using onsite sanitary sewer services. Finally, if alcohol is to be served and/or consumed on the patio, there may be additional requirements that are associated with the onsite liquor license. For example, fencing of the area may be a requirement of the liquor license. Certain liquor licensing requirements, such as fencing, may conflict with zoning requirements, necessitating additional variances. Records indicate that the current owners of Schuller's Tavern purchased the property in February, 1997. Staff has researched the Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning designation of the property. The property has been guided as "Low Density Residential" on the Comprehensive Plan since 1959 (the earliest Comprehensive Plan on record) and has been zoned "R-1 Single Family Residential" since at least the 1970s. Staff is concerned that re-designating the property as "Commercial" would enable the property to be used for other commercial-oriented uses that are not compatible with the surrounding single family residential neighborhood and institutional uses. Staff is also concerned about maintenance and storage issues on the property. Staff has witnessed the storage of vehicles on the property (which would be prohibited even if the property were in the Commercial Zoning District) as well as outside storage of material and debris. Recommended Action Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend denial for the amendment of the General Land Use Plan Map, re-designating Schuller's Tavern (7345 Country Club Drive) to "Commercial-Retail", finding that: • The property has been guided as "Low Density Residential" since at least 1959, implying to surrounding homeowners that the property cannot be expanded as a commercial venue. • Staff has heard significant concerns from the neighborhood regarding the negative impacts of allowing outdoor eating and gathering on the site. • Establishing "Commercial-Retail" as a long-term land use on the site would allow far other commercial uses to use the property, and would qualify the property to apply far locational variances. Attachments Location Map (1 page) General Land Use Plan Map (1 page) Email from Cate Zottola and John Hiebert dated June 17, 2012 (2 pages) Hogeboom, Joe From: Cate Z <mgpetitelady@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 12:42 PM To: Harris, Shep; Scanlon, DeDe; Pentel, Paula; Freiberg, Mike; Clausen, Joanie; abarnard@bestlaw.com; Hogeboom, Joe Cc: John Hiebert;Cate Z Subject: Schuller's Patio - Council Session Dear Councilmembers and Mayor Harris We wanted to comment on the recent council working session, discussing the expansion of Schuller's Bar. A number of points were brought up that we feel need to be reviewed: 1. Comparison of Schuller's Rezoning to the Douglas Drive reconstruction project a. Road safety projects are done for the greater good of all of the citizens of Golden Valley, since every citizen will benefit from being able to safely use the road and the citizens pay for these road changes. b. Expansion of a bar is for the benefit of a sin�le rip vate business. c. There are numerous opportunities for outdoor dining and drinking in Golden Valley that are not in residential areas that citizens of Golden Valley can already use. 2. City Code a. Page 3 of the Golden Valley City Code explicitly states that the Board of Zoning Appeals can grant variances to code.....however, i. "economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties"...Schullers is requesting this expansion as "they do not feel competitive" with other establishments in the area. This clearly appears to be a variance change based on an economic consideration and therefore not eligible for a variance based on the City Code ii. Furthermore, the code states "the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality"—we would argue this would greatly change our local neighborhood. If the Council is aware of these items in the Code,why are we moving to a public hearing c�n fhis issue???? 3. Having multiple zoning classes in an area isn't a reason to add another zoning class a. The area around Schuller's contains private residents, multi-family residences, an assisted living facility and a treatment center, which are buffered from Commercial Zoning by two office complexes. b. None of these current zoning classes, including the office complexes, allow for the outdoar sale of alcohol. This was done to protect the residents of this area. 4. Popular Support i a. If this process is to be strongly influenced by the amount of public testimony at the upcoming meetings,that is in favor of Schuller's having outdoor drinking, we feel that we will have a very difficult time having our case heard equitably. b. The people who want to drink at Schuller's are not the ones impacted by this decision. They can either drink at Schuller's under its current canfiguration or go to ane the many other outdoor drinking establishments in commercially zoned areas If this change occurs, the patrons af Schuller's who drink outdoars can do so, but then get to leave the area and go to their homes. c. We, as residents directly across the street, are the ones impacted by this decision. We own the property across the street and do not have that same opportunity --- we have to stay and listen to all of the noise. 5. `Icon of the City' a. The fact that Schullers is referred to as an `icon of the city' really rankled us b. We do not see anywhere within your city code that Schuller's is listed as an icon and can't fatham how that would impact a zoning decision c. When Schuller's was purchased by the current owners, it was purchased under the current residential zoning d. Both the current owners of Schuller's and ourselves were told there could not be an expansion to a non-conforming property In closing... o We are very concerned that we are up against a proclaimed" icon of the city" and that our rights as citizens will not have the same weight as Schuller's. We are concerned about the impartiality of this process. o It seems like the council is not addressing the real question here.....Why should a business, who knew what they ��ere getting into when they purchased this estahlishment, be allo���ed to create a new outdoor drinkin�area which is in direct opposition to all of the zoning in the area? As always, we welcome discussion with city leaders on this proposal. John Hiebert 763-957-2022 Cate Zottola 612-839-462�i 2 ���r�iNl/.. .,,rinr/►�/1/►lFf//I l .�ru/,/►T,1I�Itilf/�I�%I'iM;���/,/,/� �.�n"r'rYninir,,m,�r�i�i►�iir�ir,! .�ir,��i►�Mi i�i��r�r'�����i��,n►,i�u����iii� �,��►ir►�i��'�fN�►Vi�O�'�����i►r�►rr��;��c� �/��(�lrl�ti���+r M��r�{�at��r� ,�� i/�e ��i���r�iM��i�M�������i���►�i��M�Mrirt�N�lihN'��r� � ' ,�����ii�r�����it��i�iii���lr!,�`��r������!� � ����nr���r��rr�N�t�ir�rw�n,�r��rii,n,��n � ���r,��r►�� ���r��M�M�i�����I�r����niM��Nm����r►N�►��r �=urie�,it�,�i��ka►n����rir�i.��riErir��i� ;+ninn��r�a�ir�im �r�r�rrrr��rr��{�Mn�'�r i�niV�r,lr�r����r �t,�lE��i�����re���n����n �r�uMr�irrr�ir�MM�r��lr�r���r�f�i��d��h� ;��n�n�►���r���r,r�inri��i� �h111M����Pti11��������,��M���M��Il�,►i�� 1l�,h11►��M��irIMr,U��1111t�1i � � � .r rmwsR�r���;��i►n °�rr�,�,ri�n�ir�wiufiw�w.,�����4����! �f1�. r��'h�F1tMa ��iirNrrr����i��r��N�����,M��ir�r�n,r�r���►r�i „�� i����ll' unr�Mw,n• n ��:����r�wr�t���i�',`�% int �711�t�11 �ir'r%�i�iri��i��i�M��n�r��r;�!s�n- � — — �7�ifirr�wr�!�►f�ia ��,\ � ����l�1If171 If���� ������A �. . �� ��, / i -��unrn��w��r�N,i � ` `-.,�\�\���\ � ���m���11�kIM�llilt� �� %�.NniN"I�Aw 1I�lIE�, e '����� � ��nn�ra�at�����►� � �, - �r�rm���r����i��ii'�``�� ���,:. 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We the undersi�ned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: � Address:��1�� ��l`"�t��/` ��J�c'��"l�J�� � ' / ame: �'��_���,j� __.____.._�_ Address:-�,�� �_�� . Name: �����'' ��/�„��_f��/ , �_ �� � Address: C ' ' ' ` � �.., R . Name:�._ 1� ' � � — E�ddress:�l.J�_� ��n �-I� �''U-7 � �l J� Name:i��'i�1 ,,�-1��� 1 � _�� Address: `�1�� C �-% �� � S �` Name:���i�����`i � Address:_7�:.Z�`"° :,e!6i�rio� � , ' - Name: S � A.ddress:.�� � �� ivame: '�"�'� � � °`"���,,� ��c. RIV�c� . � Address: ��� ����.. -- l� ;e �I�c�c: Gu�/C.� Name: � � �"{l I .� � ! � 7 Z /� Address: -�-�-_'_. Name: � Address:� � _��, � � � , +�.�. ��� f � i , ��4���,L; � i l 1�S-�'°F c� �,� l�G f �"+� i n n�.'1'�3,R�C•'+. , e"� 9y >i�b s� a�y� ; rL'LL° 1`�' g+,J\� j 3u .� �t!i'lE .S ��� ��s'��'��� `�j�8�Y��i�j� �/���� �•i9�ii3d � (���� '�`�'�'� �o �J��-t �_�:+�� �V" ���r� ��.�. f �:�..� t�(��s (�>`�..� �'t s�... �►�-,w.s�-i c,..� l�,� �le�•�-(,��� �� 6 �'vt,/1l :,�Y'�7 �d . SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yaldey, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open . from 11:00 a.m. to 9:40 p.m. All other resta.urants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: lC� Address: ! . Name: �cS2..�'1,���tZ-t,.��q2� � Address: ���^�-5 C''c�c.3 s�—r�E'_ �-/ ��1�8 t�2 � �'s S ���" . Name: �Cc�`� ��2��(z't> Address: �� �S ('_���-i KTJ �,t�(� ��� � Name: �=��l� ���C�'�c�� Address: ��Ocl �J�'`���-- C��(� a� � Name: -- J Address: �� �� '��7J` A ��� Name:— �t., ,��PT�� � '����i Address: ���^� ��/�7='2�9° ��' �� � Name: ��E=�-�-�,,� � � Address: � � Name: �(-.�, � ''�... � Address: �� � � �. c� .� Name: �� ���-r Address: � � t� � ��t�-� .�,.,5 �� � � Name: . Address: �./ `�" � � V� � SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of tha building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which geatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. �� Name: � °i, 6���f'. � Address: �S� . • ,�� °i.J�(' ���� ��P �I� Name:�t�,.�-�' �o�.S(�� . s Address: ��'�CS� �t,+�.C'��. �1f�� 1�.. ��GQ�?4'� Uc��� h"�`'1 �— Name: ���.�"1 �i ��((1 C�S` Address: ��'d� ��,�h�t-�'� ,�' 1l -� � G�s°V �I f�( �' Name:_ �.��f-lvf� �=i-�.r! Address:_ 7&�'� /�/�� �J�/� �ce-�-lv 1��'ir�_<� /�i� Name:��Pi�t5 � (' Address: ��� � � �, ;� N� � Name:_��f'r"� �c�5: ± +� , Address: 7�� �v�O(I � .� ._� �;�r.� �;'V Name:�`i `Y`�a�s �� ����._`��� � Address: ��.Y� -�,E,�� � S�' Ol,� �� ��r� �� � '�� •�-�V' Name: —�OV't V1 �c�1 ��7 � Address: � ��' ��,/j ����f �I Name: �-��'� ���i�J Address: ��1 �� �LY1C��� �� �• �1(�I C�.Q..l'� �l�I��.i.� I�� Name: ����'� ��`��� Address:�1��..� � �� �� ' � � �u'l���� ,� �� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Goldert Yaldey, MN. SS427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: e��i.,.� c���r�.�i�'�. Address:__ ���� JC�,�z.� �� �`�� ✓��.SJ�� � Name: � Address: � � � ,.� �� � Cg � l�l S .. ''�l � � Z Name: Address: � �v° �,�C � �� �' �.°� Name: �� � ` ,�� �� Address: � � �!y �� Name: r� '0 "z � �� Address: C2�2� PL y n���'� �o.11s �/1� '��7 Name: ' � Address: ` � �Jp _ _ p�� Name: ��%,� �1� (il,i�� � Address: ���� �,?V�V1't��� �t�c'- �� �� �,� ��1��°� ?;� �� f Name: /��;*� /�r����.��'� Address: ?� l��r� ��.�'.3 e.��'r�-��f ��� � � ' Name: : t L� ���' � v�t� �� ��<-t Address: � ��. �,�� ��� (�.�;���� ��°��-1 Name: ��I�;1�•[ , - . Address:�.�(/J Z: �� ✓�� 5j 1 '��� �� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AN�BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yalley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name;�,d,,<_��>.P �L�,e�� � Address: S�'� � ����. �,s,�.�► .ra-,�� dLt..�� �1/� ��� ,---- Name:__ �y�v�. ���-( Address:_ �/( ��IU�o' �� � , ��5 , leSr1-1l� `�.5 ��,�. Name: c �.aS��,,.. �(�� Address: ����� t�: g'�.,�l��, ��l,t... ��.'�...trs�..l cr� ��°���"'"--- Name: 1�4,������/ Address: �7 � �� Name: �ww �•� Address: 3�C�� G��� .� Qi�ra,�. t�,� .!�/�ro�' �'� Name: �G�l�Li�lZ j�/{-tC��lt�c.�,� �)�Z Address: lU 1.5� C�'LU-�"G,¢ j�/L G:z,,U, S .s'�CZ� Name:�����j�C:� � � Address: d - L j� ��i1/G� ���� � �(-�tl� �/� Name: Address: `��� ° C�. L-� - /� � �� rYi,(3L.1:� 1"1''ll� �5�,� Name: l� � ��r Address: � � �� �d—� �1 � �/�. ,�f�,,`�" ���� �1 i� ��l��' Name: Address: ��.:�"� 49, f n� , �m � �,� ��.J "� 4 �—' " � SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Goldert Yaddey, MN. 55427 �st. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which , greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �� �' CJ �� � � � Address:_� � 7 � (�-�tr�.��-� �►�'i.�G�' � �t���e� �a�l c� y Name: � � ��'` � Address: 7 G � P J� �r�vj ��'"t 'r� � f; f�C�i�2l;fC l Name: GL� Address: �� � � ►�1 � ,� 1"� ���� !� Name:� ��.G��.<ti 'L- ��l�� � �. Address:� `���� �� `��,��� �� - � �c e�.�� �� ! V �'����� r Name: /''��- 1Z�+1� , Address:_�s� � (o i�s�- �-, (�-����,+t���� t�/�d' �5`��-3 Name: ��"� .S��v���— � Address: /oSQ / �' ��aa��e�.y�.r1 j�i,>�/ �/�L(' T 1�ao�r���� /�1/U �f'�� � Name: ��� � �-� � � ,'��i � � Address: � � � � � ��e� �..�� �„�'r,� �1r� ► ;�;�,-��.� Name: �7�I��vt �I�iV� Address: �831� �! �'t.V vh �-c� 1�0�,+,�t-� I�LN ��i 3t�`1' Name:���� I����'. �� �r �.�. Address:� � Name: �� Address: � 3� � �'���}* (�('Q � ����� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Godden Yalley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �?� ��I°►'��` Address: � D�,� 1�'f-�Cc� �t1�Q, �-� J�� P��,-� � �I� ��1�� Name: �1,� ,. �-� Address: ��� 1�'V1��C?C�. �� ��t.� 1f'�1 Y"� G-�� Name: ���� ��C 1��,��/- Address:��(� ��Y�,� �l�, � 1` ���G-- � v V 1���� �� Name: � �� Address: l � ��' � � � � ' l"`� i-- Name� ,�_ Address:� � C ��� /J' �� , t,� � Name: . Address� � � � �(`��.--c7/�.��� �I�.L� �:. � Name: - � Address� �� ��7 �i)/� � � 2, � � c... i�� �— i Name: ,� ��� �� Addres s:��-� � �� � : �� �--�/�/ J �� 1--�.I� Name: ``��i� ��(��,'� �� � � `�� Address: � �� �� . / � Name: ���1��c-�- ' Address: � � �� 1'� /�' ��� SCH�LLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Godden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: � ����� �. �� � ��" Address. b l � � Name: � � �� Address: f '�1� -1/!� i � Name: �1 �°`� / � � Address: �' Z:�,�, �k� _, �2'i?� -� � ���'1 � � . ��/S Name: ��'7 � �����.- � ���� �Address: 2--��.� �i� l �� I'�� �° � - � � � ����5 r' "�� � . � k � Name: �'��+�►� �%���=� � �� " `�C �= � (�.i� � �.'J �'� Address: �. � � a�--� � � � � a� Name: �����'..��._. I'� � Address: �� � � � ��� � � ���� Name: R d�4��� uL� � Address: L 'v( �� � �� �� ��� � Name: � �� `�/ J,- �� Address: C� � � ��� d���.-�"Gi �✓'✓ ��. � �� ` Name: �� Addres � ��/�-� �� � �� �'d/` �'L_C. � � 3 �� s. . �A , �_� > � Name: i°'L�� � U�'"v �°�, `-��'� `�i�,'�...--�z--�. e,�-- S s�J�f' �Address: i SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden i�alley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building, it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: Address: � � ���� Name: ,V� '�` , f :�� r �' Q- �� ' � � �✓��� Address: � � � �� � / Name: ��� ' Address: 2-2''Z3 W ��J��t`�S �,'t' �a-� Name: �� �`C (-�a�/�'`"� Address: ��t-i�t�� �v� ��6��r� � l�� ��1J� Name: � � ; Address: �-�--� ��$� n � ' �C� , Name: �� �/ J� ' r - Address: � � � � d� -� .✓�;� �S 2� Name: �/"`' !`��'� �"�' �'"' � Address: � �� �l� �, �'��(���1 X�l`�'``� � �c ��,� 9�r � Name: ��►y1, ��+'�` - Address: �� ��� ��r�. �`�, �� ��o� Name: Address: �2--�n1\l�'�°�`�-/��- 4�Y�--��_ �� �''�'�Y� �� Name: �� C Address: �lZ- y �w� �� �'•�t,�. ( �... `— `� �� rn� 5�3�� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Goldere valley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: � : 1'�'t�`� Address: �—� � � G� (.�t.� �� ��v �-� !� ✓ � S 4✓� � �' V Name��G�� ��'� Address: 2.�3` ��,Q �C. � � �..� ��-�'�� Name: �� � : �� /�'�d°C��'1� !°L�e �`yl� �S �� � Address:/�"��°�Ji�zc.����c� - 6�G�Z �S�cl� Name: ��'167'✓ Z �am,..�/�. Address: � ' f��� �� � Name: � Address: �� � �� ��� Name: � Address: °�� . � � ,G� � � � ��, .�.—� � Name: � ��1/� � > r � Address: � �� l�/ r �I!� � � �'� ��c�vt !'� ���� �i Name: /7�'yL�' Address: ��� � /�,��f�14-iu �v�. �'T`L.U�v�'�'�� Name: �� �..,.. �r.,�..�,..,L,.., �� Address: ��� '�,� � --�---..�..� �rc S `�`.I c.3 z 5 c.._t� �a.� ��`�� --v Name: ���'�' ���� Address: ��� �' ��� � !i\;�'�—� �-i� ��`�,✓� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yalley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. � r Name: �c.� � Address: � � I �� -' ��t��' �,��'`� � `.... � � Name: -��«` ��' � ��°iG,�G%�' ,��%' � ��-- C " �` �- Address: - � � 2 �- 1�`��l`�< Ct � ,� � � L`s. �.� .. � � � Name: � � � ��`'� : _, _� . i� ., . ���,.� � ,_,��� Address:�/�� {�' . �. �°" Name: C.�,.�►6"0'f ���'�,�`.S"�7-j ,,,�.,,,., n ,,� Address: L�:� ?°.�_. ��,; �, !� � �� �� �L. � j� Name: � C�G�,Lt °°°°'""�-.�J G`�''� ,-°. -`� , Address: ��J� '� .� j`��z,:�s / /�,! �� � 5 �'..�? _ � Name: � � � Address: � -� ' - ��...-. � � ,n. Name: ` ��� �-i�� t"J�1�� � ��-r / �. � Address: ��I �, c , r��� � ��°i.�°�t �� Name: '��c�i �,���,� Address: � I �li� d� �' 6�'1��IC�� �-�l�i �li� �� ��� Name: �a.t'#- �.��-I��'f�� Address: ��.�(:l f� �''� ���h t� � �\„����� � � ����-(�,... � NRllle: r�; �n. � Address: ��"� C,,�,� �d�r �G�� � ���,.� �r��►t�. <:�. �°(�( ,SS �G� �44�5� � �> ��1"1�� 1 �flAd i �(1 , f 1 1 P V�h-�T�s"u� SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yadley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly a.ffects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �� � Yt rl 1 �'t�t'CS r t ►N� 5 (�h _ Address: � �7` i. � �� �� e r� �Y � r N� Name: � /�l�/' 1� l� �l l�� �� � Address: ! �' �� .`��-- 2 � �`"a�t �T �`��R �� � Name: ( �° ��YIf'.� /,�A-� �.�I�'�- Address: ��f�' _/� -f - ' �,. . ._�:- �_.... Name: '�-'*'��:�� �����.\C.s� � ` Address: t�,� ,.� : �`l , ��--�, p Name: ��„r�r-�. ����- _._— Address: / �l e�,%' -� +� C�r a-� ,,- Name: ��° � Address: e � . � Name: ( I– � �l. � , � Address: �i � � �Q`��� � + " ' � �- � �� C Name: � `"�- l Address: � ( � r a�!� � ` Name: � t�� �ctr ��-�- �' Address: �? �$��,,�5 r h� � l� a V�'`1_L`� Name: � �'� �� Address: ���, ��t-(�i�l�, ��-�� SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Vadley, M� 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. ► � Name: Address: � �/�,��'.��-�i ��,� �' � �cJ �D CS (e l7�/ °l� Name: � �" Address: � L 2 � ��u-n`�Lr-y �1�,� 1�:�-' , Name: �� � ' C�a � i t" . C� Address: �� � _ 0 t.� i �"> Name: ��� �= � �2.�a � s � .� Address: %� � � �^�"��-� ��- � % Name: � ..�ih.f %� � � �� �_ Address: �) Cl�� ��/'�f:a/�� Name: � ��'����4� Address: /��f3 /���K 1�'a�✓ ��U� Name: ,tr�C�i��-- d���'� � Address: �/�� °�' / !��`����� �f Name: C � � �D � t� '� Address: _1 l � /�� �<` ' �J�V �� � . * Name: t /��1 � C„i ��. Address: � �` � t r5 � ✓ " � �` Name: � ��� �0 �� 1�� Address: � � �ry ��� � �� �� � � � - �� SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �C���rl l� '-�is'�-�'�. Address: �� �°� � ��`(��'�"�-•.�,�`'�- ���— Name: � L-�� ��� Address: ��-� ��� ��� __ t i �' � Name: r� �� ,: Address: � �!� Name: � Address: 5 �L��-�- !(.� �� 1 ���� � 7�`j`�t-Z � Name: :�'� "�'�-� Address: � Name: �,. l�l�G ,��,��� Address: � IvQ ��/ ' 6`"" �� �J l � � Name: � ���� , � Address: �"'`1 � � �,� � 1 �l� Name: l�1 � Address: � � ° �- Name: � �- 1 � �� Address: � � � `� ��� i Name: �� (r>�C��,S'�''1�� r�r;c� �i�"'..'`,�, Address: �� C� �/����� ��� � SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Cdub Drive Godden I�alley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: � �k ,�►'1 P ' (_i� Address: � 0� � �. � Name: �f�i�f �✓i..�2 ' Address: � p � i �� f� Name: ' Address: �� a' �� ✓ �- Name: �� �. � ( � �. Address: �CJ � �v�. � � Name: '" � � . � �� �� ...' � � �f .��� Address: ���� �f- ���� Name: F / Address: � � L ''� � �� � � - r• Name: ; t , � Address: � � �� � � ��- !1� ��� / � ` � Name: Address: G�� �� �-.� Name: �- �,.1� ' �`T �--- f� ''�'l V� �� `������ A�lress: � �. ��, �V' r Name: L C� -�-� '>l�'�,���'''1 Address: �.`�� '1L...�--�-c�,�;,,r- �r�. j'�-^� �- t, �"� � ��.��.��� ( SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Cdub Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name:�f��-. �+rl�-�.�"-�C`�� � � �,�°�� Address: � � C�:: �+� ��� � �� ��l ���_ 'J=._,) ��� � , � Name: ;' Address: �� f� �`°�'� �t3 . �''"� Name: � Address: �� � Z � � �'�-- �V Name: 1 �: �� ���L_tvr. ��+ , Address: �? Iti�L� � ��i' C',t1 `� �V�.- "_°` �?� �,�/ f Name: ����`�f l�����°� Address:� �� ,� �/ � � � ��� --P Name: Address: .� Name: ��'Yt {�� � Address: � �. l�'t9 ��' ' C{. �(.�L (,�� �� ��� Name: ? ,� Address: `� � � � V��� ��'���,o i Name: �/�r�° �°l:'�dl Address: ���� z�f �.�, � - Name: �����.��'��rrc��'� Address: ��!'O ,<`!�� � �-�� �� �Y SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly a,ffects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. �,� Name: ,.a--�-��-�.,�:�1 d-�. ,t��� Address: �ll C � �t� ��. ��' Name: � �:� � ..-, Address:��r�' ( _�_-4—�� �� <_ 2 ; Name: Address: � �� � �� � Name: /`�'���'J�� �.�"/�i'���'��'�.�/ Address:�t���`.� �?v��U ,�_�- .�`r��r��'v ��l� Name: ������ ,�i��`�������� Address: �7 ��� :����� ]�� �-jf��,�,'� �Y Name: � Address: s �.• L���l'1 �� ��`�" .� �, Name: � �' t ' U�::.k��---� �� � ,:` �� =� Address: y Name: = '1 ' C� Address: �� , �s � �---._,._... Name: ( ��'��-,�`�t�,�-I�Gt Addressd ��7 �7�"?/�%�`%�-��!: Name: �.//"��� F��y��"d Address: /�Q � -� ����v�-�'" ���� SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Cdub Drive Golden valdey, MN. 55427 Esf. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. . ��C�rri� �---- C�� Name. , Address: ��� t ` � � V � c-' � Name: �1. � Address: � � " �"''�� � - � ° � ��`�- Name: �� rn� ���``r'`:�` �`t� ,� 1 �` "� � Address: � S� \ �o �c.-�� �.�+ 1� • 1.;���c��-�., ��,�.-���,�,�. J� 1� Name: i ' Address: � � � � Name: J � � �J� � Address: Name: . :� . " ��Y�-�''.-��, � �C� � � a..:��- ���-�.�- �- `�g'�� Address: � � Name: ��.=� ��l �-S P � Address: � �� � �t�.-+�-. �...�... ��'� j �� Name: �� � � � Address: � b D / � �`� �. Name: ��-��' �`° ��� Address: ���� ���ll�1 �l� �� '���� Name: � � t D ` �,ddress: � SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Cdub Drive Godden Valley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of 5chullers having such a patio. � �''� Name: �' ����•.,,, �, Address: ��Q� ��� �'-,���,�� ,�a1� Name: � � ��cr�"i h. �`�, Address: ��� �� ll � � - �-� Name: Addres � V �" • Name: Address: ��� ����� , � J�-��� Y������ Name:/�- ����f' ��r.�C �� ��l Address: f �' G-g %vY'' � % � G/ e Name: U t `L � �G�'e � S-e �' �'� Address: C' c �r�-'✓' � � Name: 01�1 �f��`n"° � � Address: t� �f.�.�r`/� �� � �` Name: � ����� Address: �1 l �`�`-����_ ` � Name: �r'E' ���� ����� Address: .� � f' � .s�. Name: � 9 Address: 1-1 l o h �e��r� �c.��.� S�?( 7--�Z' � " i SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. � c� ���� Name: � � r � ��� ��� � Address: �l� � I � � / �� � � Name: �c�-v '��`- �'�-�--`�°/-� Address: �/ �"p� �� �,.�-`Ern. V� 1�-�C7� � .�J ,S-%� Name: . A�lress. �f r� �/�� .s��� �-�.� � �� � S�S� �5�: Name: ���l�°.��iLCv��� Address:.a��� l��-�_S�IO/�D � ' ��-r�c.� /'���D�' � �1/'�JS�� Name: � (�� S c�r, , c�f Address: l �Z� G�1�p..�. li�f���y��� ���o�c��:��t��e�..� ���Lj Z �._ -- Name: IJcat.c��� �� �, �--�v�"� Address: `7�.��_���- la� ac��� /',.l�/�� )s;�`1����5`;�+�1,� Name: ll[�� ( f�E'i'tJ���l� -r � Address: � � �-- � �7�� �j � Name: �y��.— f.�-...,�-�-,��..�-- �/���--�.s.S�'z� 7 ._ Address: Name: � �- �(il,a/ S " �.. ,�f �� Address: � � � C � — ._..._� Name. t ��- � �� �� 1 Address: I�/° `� } SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yalley, MN. 55427 Est. �929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: ��� � o �-. � � � �Address: � � � �+ �-- � � t��� � � Name:�����a,'^� Address: �� �o �x.(L�w►�t �i,K. N '�'���`^��� �� Name: �. ��(it. �/ E? � . _ Y� Address: � �� I' t Cj� . �/t-- � � y Name: �� Address: � ��'`� � LC� �� Name: � �Gt ��'"` Address: �� C� � �� 4� ✓��� �.. �_ , Name: `:�_��-�" �1 � S�'� Address: ��f�j� /����t c=`�'- �- /��'w��- .�� S`� rI c/ Name: �:5����� ��� �� � Address: �(�1�c1 ��d�� l.S�'9d''`� /��°� 1tr� ,1�� ����� Name: r� ����A-C��4� Address: 4 � �A,.� /�� r�,E �� l� �S`jf...� Name: Address: Name:� c t �#�' � �{ 1 � 0 �1 Address: � � C�} � r,� .SC �`t�'S �✓ � � �A/��h_� �;���..� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yalley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �f ��'J � ��� Y Address: t�D D�(lr� ��� 2� ���� � �S r��' Name: ���� ���-� Address: �� ��� ��.�� �C(�S ��P� ,1 � `1 �.aNS ����,� Name: ���� �lJ�l1�'1�1��G�I'1 Y� Address:ou.��� �-����C�,Y�� 1`�-�i0�6 �5�6'� � �i� ��'� Name: ��Ca i� ����1 Address: Z..`(�� ���1�- /����A�,��1,����c�P Mi'� �5��� Name: ��Y'�5 V�1 G� Address:�-�3� �t���— ��f� , ti�.�` �n���P� M i�.� S��-Z� . �� r�-�-i e �� �.�S Name: Address: ���� �(�L1+1l�;'�"�� �t"U"� /�1 ���`►�'y� ��2-� r Name: �` CS�,.�/�'" i � Address: ���� o ���'��Y1� %�� v � ' � V �� ���� Name: �i "� �ch? ti � - � � � ��� - �..� . /�. . � S.w�. .S�sY�2..�-. A��ress: � 3 � Name: � � = Address:G �� �',�,� � l� � 1�Cs �„� e �� , � Name: T� �' �_ Address� ��� C..�'"��-�"' �� SCHULLERS'RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Godden Yalley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open fi•om 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restawants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: ����1� ��ir! �/�'_1�i�1'`i Address: `�?'� � �� �L°�F /��, ���G{� �� Name: �`� ��`����� Address: �`��� �� �= d���9',�� Name: '7-�'�-( L.. ���� -� Address: ��'C� 2�f✓'� ._ �,�� ���.�, ✓�� 9 Name:_ ��y ��n, Address: `�DD Z F�" /)v�c_ lv � ��aL� l/i9'f'� , , Name:_ �.cf�t p S ! 1 � Address:��i ���?�`t�/1 �� \�''� "�����Kt�. � ` ` �� Name: � f� r?=.��t,- �,3� �S`1 �,� ..�'���-� Address: � r- -,�` _ .� �o�-�'� � �-/,�r :� /�.� jl�/ Name: � YU�.f�l'�. � Address;�`�G 9 ���l�s �` p� /� v� �� � � � Name�t�� � � .+"�. � / �Address: � ���� �f�,"t�� �r- � .4�� l� Name: __!''� G'n��; j�S�y , Address: � S �� ����C� /-#'v� �'1 G,r-� B �j l i�,�-- l,�'�:I j� 1 � Name:��� �n. �'��0�/1 N►�f'� Address: �� Y� � �� l�a� �-uta�,s. SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND�AR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yalley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name:����'-!�'�C�—�Ifi Address: �-Q �� �..,•�.. n� ° �.� ,a( • e � �� � � Name:�G��7�1 Address: �c�rt�%/ �-.'t l� �� Name:��.c� ,:9.� Address: 7 r9 � �__� o u i�- �V�ti l(,�� �� �' � � � Name: ����A//`� /�� c e Address: ,� � �' �v c''� ,��'L- � Name: r �� '".� Address: �--����`�� ����1�'� ,� „�`�� _.��;`°, ,�`� � � Name�„ . �� , �5 � ( " Addres� � � Z� �`. - �.�� ��? ( �'f``l, ( � f' Name: �.� �ti �ll "l'�� . � Address: �� �1 �� � �l� �- i(,�, fl,��,;� �� T— Name: f? " Address: ' �� � , � , Name: f�LL� � G� �J� �,,�"�(� .� Address: �L> � U I--� � ��� �G�' Q � � �� , 1 ��L� �l�,I�.�- �, Name: r'�_ �C.�(t. Address: �� � ' � c� ; ���`� �� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Godden Yalley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: � �Pi�'�'�� t,t1��S`� Address:�o�����t2��� 1�`�� fl�4'w. ��r� Name: a Address: � �� 1 �.f l.' 1�� Name: �� ������� e� Address: �?5 Z-�l �'l.t^' ll S r N �'�( i�"1� .�.� `T�--� R Name: ` Address: S� � �" • � � �d�����- � �� SS���'.. �^ � Name: �� �''�- �� � --� Address: � � � � �� ��lr�c-� -�. �� ; `' �.��.t l'','� ,�"�`�;:�1�.-� J� ^ A/ Name: �` � `_' ��� �l �'� Address: � v 'h �� � � �'�� �� �}�V.1� �v,� . ,� ,.-------- 1 �S� )� Name:� �-�t.a -����--- Address: � � � '�/ ��'c�T d�.�C (�-- ��- �w�- � ��'�./ Name: ��- �- ��,+�- Address: ��� �iP$�l� �� i�l, �`1��� �. ���� Name: a �"�- �x�-C.:�- Address: �'Z-=7�- ��j ��. /�/" � �7' �,��� Q Name: �1 I'� 1 J a ^ ����'' y� , � � r Address: �S .� t� ) %� � :,�- � ,�,� .� ����,,v�, /�- .`J' ���� SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attemptin�to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. F Name: c°a� �•Q�-- '�/d��e'�✓". �. � Address: � y��' � �'� � ���3 �/v � ��. ��� � � y � Name: �J�"2�� Address: �C7'(�a � �t1�' ��- � l� e � '9�<< 6�'� ���� l Name: �1 �� � �'C� R ,- �����=�" Address: "�d` � � �V « � ,/! °7 �, ��4 Name: �--� � �� � � Address: ��� c���7�� �`'.�``� ' ,�, Name:� 1 {' ��Jl� �C��°?a ��� �� ,., l��� �,� > Address: � .� �� �� Name: ��� �. �i'�� �'J�� ��%tc�t��/��� �.�" � 8 � � 2+�'`���j � ' � Address: G''�/� ���'�"� , fi, Name: ��r°:� ��'.:�-� � Address: �' �' � A � j Name: � Address: � � S��. ������`�' ��k?.GCU.1` � � 1 , /� � Name: � 5`'� J � ��. � 3 �� �'i ' �i�rz: �.�� �� C2 � �.�?�'Z�' ��i�� � ' . Address: 1 � 7C� 6..������1 �'l.� �J i" �/ �7 4C�z-�., (,%''C�..l �?�j ,�;��� ����' �. ,� - , � �c� ������r;�- ����1..�. Name: �- `.�,�'` . . a _. Address: � �� i �,� f ; . �p� '�s:-1 �f!j �t:" ��'�,� � ������-. SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club I�rive Godden Yalley, MN. 55427 _ Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: G�. � S eh.w-Q¢,� � � Address: �2 0 �'e n ns ��w .�e �• �f�,k �,� S�-�Y2( ._ Name: �'�'-�.-�� Address:G� � �� �l � , � .--,. Name: � 2-�� ��''r-'d� Address: / � �1 /��,�- ,��G''"`Q' `� Name: Z��ZG�� Address: ��C� �� � � Name: Address: �-S ,.-._- Name: �-��. r..e� ���7'� '- �� Address: ��� � l�.ti r.� �I�-�. ,�.i- . �j�V' ..��� 2 Name: � � �� �'U/ /" �—� _ � Address: �� Z-� ���� l����� � v J � l`��� Name:��e..�� � 1...�.t'.��v� Address: `�� �� .��14-(7� � �' Name: `G ��(�vl' �af�0 r��'t,-r� r j Address: ���� ��\a �e � �� �S� 2-7 Name: Gl��� ��,('ll�t �l �, Address: 2��� �j�1�/�'� ��° 5����, SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Cdub Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restawants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �f�Y 6 V,, � �✓V�d Y�✓�'�'�L� Address: �. /�� " °I !�� �� �// / -�,� 1'►�1 F7�t.�,7'l7� �,� J'�'�'�'�/�'dZ g�3 /�r Name: � Address: "1� � � � �V� �� (� �� � C�` Name: ��1 � � �f b o ��r�2.��. � � � �t ` �� Address: ,d�.c.�n Name: I G� Address: L � , ��n� � l��sV�� �"�� I�''�� ����i� � Name: ` a Address: ��� � �l L ` ��� /'"l�vti ��� � �? - A . Name: �`�c� II�J l�Y`C�l Address: ��)�� "' fi��( �k� �=�1 � � � � �3`jt� Name: ��i�`.� 1�� ,/-�'�9 L�. Address: ��C3 1 C3 bc�cs� � ./�✓�;, A��. N'�w j:.�_urv E . ''I�� r�rv�=��t'.R 5���/2°'� Name: �1�1,�e..( l� �� �`'1�'h.S��''1 Address:��] � . ( I �� � �� � ��i 1'�^ M � ��I � Name:���.,�u � �.Q�"�� Address: 1��0 C?�.,�� '-�,��.�`�-�... ����t �� .� a�_���'�--� Name: � �C� �if��/5.S Address: �o?O�� C����.� 1���/��� /�.,/�/���� �� .L`% �t�v ��/�?� SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club I�rive Godden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �.1�S�i ��S Address: �3�"S ��� N �� �� ��'� ����`" Name:�� ���i`'"�' Address: �'�� ��,w��v�'f ,`TL't. ��• ��h°�-���`�/�(��„��� Name: I � � - Address: ` �`�.,,� ��7�-t�1� ��- � (.1��� +�',� "1,2-'� Name: ��-`�'�! -J����-- Address: ��L� ��'��� ��� /� ��yf"�'�c,t� /i-l�'�'1�°�/ � A..r--- , Name: ��G'L���...� C-�,,�,.�.z,� Address: � / � ��C--��-,�y �.�. �/c.oJi�:�"�'f�� �'I� .S 5 `_``�.�'(/ Name: � ��� ' ��a� �t � ��' � ��e� Address: � �iG �� � � GC� �-� Name: �� � � � Address:^ 3�'�� �-�`-�� �� �� �� "i1�t�-��:1 ��.� ����� Name: T ���`��'�' �/" ��`" C��4��;�t� fi�,, � �, Address: �����. ��I l� �'" E`fl�I`� � �f�°�l(,,,�,�r'�� r�� ��:�t"�. Name: L�I ��� �� Address: 1���� �'�.tr�`� �� �� ,�1������j ,/���° �--�� � � Name: � '��/=- �'"' Address: � %�� ''��- � �. �� 'l' �r- �'� J� � � SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: ��� �,����' Address: �11� �� �-�-��' v,� (� �'�� t�'���r��.' ��r� .�'�.� ���� Name: ����i ����°�A�,� Address: �� �'1� �-��r.�t'�;"' ��" � '�``�t� � � -- ..__.._. �a _.�.�.�--.__- Name: �� "� ✓ C�� _ `__ ---- Address i� �'��� '��� �.�`�sy=�..-�,-;� �'`?°`�` r�'�-�--` Name: C� ° � --� ��t.i� Address: � ` �� ����e"��, , Name: 3� � r' Address:��� 'F��.�'��� �� J��k Name: ��.a Address: ��� � � � Name: ��.1 � Address: � � - a Name: .� Address:"����/� � Name: t��--��. �l,:ti� �1� Q, � Address: ��� 1 '3 �+` ��..i.�� �i �,r��::i��,� ��'`��''1`w � �`�.�� Name: . � � .,l�� . " - :�`� � ���' ° � ��j�`� Address: ` ' �� ���'1.. SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Goldert Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which grea.tly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: C�C.1� l ,� � Address: � � � �� �`V�°1 h L1 � �� � � L 1l� Name: c� C��.-�"�. � ►''�� � Address: � � � G'C� �.�Y�,v 1�-�- i C_��-�- � ---� Name: � ��= �'�-�r � :� C.�.-y-� �--. C' � ' �,�t� �'``'��� Address: f� �i �., �r�,,, ,�_ �7.,�s ��. b�r � t,� � Name: �v�, ���� Address: ���3� �<--��..1.i1.,��LG �st.. � � �`� ��'��7 Name: ��m� �v�..v��-'�.� �`��'1 Z, Address:�(�C,�'--� ��� -��e�. }t� ��'L! ��b-��-�-c�,� � Name: ��'►J�'V�U'V ��,�� Address: �� � `��-"`� �I'1�'� 1�-�- C��.�Q �� r��� ��.. Name: .�a �-�j� �-+�t �iz-�-.i I Address: ,�(��- ('o f�l',,,.� ���y rr,c.�'- Name: ���L�ti ! ci� L�. �--- / , �{ �J Address: t� �-� ( � � �:�- ` �� l�-% . d'`-� .r �` �i�C%�%'�. Name: �� �� �, (��l rt�`,,� f Address: �-J 'v ` 11� � � Name: --�(�� C�;�' �.1�`��rt�.1�:' iZ:�'C�� Address: ��r �� � i2.IC.�t� �i� � -�•�-',� �",.,/`� �P ��"��'�—� � SCHULLERS RES'TAURANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yalley,MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attemptin�to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. > Name: ;�C �'���.� � � � Address: �i�"� ��F � �� Name: �� � ✓� � „� � Address: � � (�-. ��.,...��>�{� .��5 ��� U� . ,,,.,,,, .o_ r Name: e'�— � 'Z� � J Address: � .0� �. . �; �'�'� � Name: ���'�L��l�-' � ,��� � ��� Address: C ���1i;�,� �"' GGLj' �'�� ����� �'�-�'����' ����`���. �� � .. Name: ; C'� , _. w � � I • �/ � v. Address: 4' �'� G�c' � : Name: � t , � . , Adtiress: �� _ � .. � Name: (�L�� ,�t � � Address: ��, G �/ t.! Q � �- �, � � �/� ?''�`��.S��f Z.6 — � � �' � m","�_ , Name: ` Address: ' �'.� � ' <�� � ; /�, , � '�. ' - �, �ti�� �� �� `�� J C/ � �e. Name: , ,`...� �- fi' �r � � � Address: ���� r �' -z �i . ��.�.� ,,/ ��k'.� �..,`� ✓� �F/.-!�r � r- '&.-J �� �-. �, e Name: ` �JYv�� _ �: _--�-�''�-/�..--,�` Address: �1��� �t�.�v�f���«�-�i�. L�� t�.�'-c-�� ��lf'� 1�'LtLZ� ��f��� �. SCHULLERS RESTA URANT AND BAR 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempti�g to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: �a��.. �'�.4'��.��,�1<'�� Address: ����� P�' �'�� t- A I���< ,'V� Name: �� �/a/.a�'�-�"���-e� �— t , Address: � '�/ ,�`` .��t'�.�..� 1 � �:�"(�-�/12s�f��-+�.r Name: �. d,�r c Address: �� �'a '�., � u��'�i��-.� .a� Name: '�..-��,.`� °���'—�„ �---t7 ,�` � Address: C� C �I �� � � C.-r2l /��. 't1.C"� ���� Name: ����/1_�-��'-' �C�L� �`��'1 Address: �� �� I �c��'�G` �..('x.4L�- � �'� �LL�,4'ti1,5���, � � Name: y Address: t�'�� ,�n/� �',�+'�� ����� ��"'�- �ti'�t� Name: ��-��� � o � , . Address: � � �') '��V r��r-�1� -t,�-� � � �` ��`'__ Name: � Address: �''��� � �- � � Name: �� �'���''�� Address: �� �' .���-�-�- " � ���_ Name: . ��� �� �-- �t Address: f 5 � �t ��� � . � ` � SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR . 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. � , o � Name: ' �`� Address: �C �,, �Q �� � ' " Name: �..� � _;�` `°�`v'Vt�7 � ,.�.,,.�� Address: r ���;� ( t�C�C�,�'� � C��--�:-r�` ��L� ����t�,,,� n�����'��s-:��� (� � � Name: a c-e `���' yv\a�.^ Address: � q 0 5 � I � ��..� �� �� ,'VI G K�. I7� ,��/ Name: �l Y1�t,,�i �z.,➢ de� Address: �/v � ���,,, „�„q Name: ��� �� ��1-,�L�/',S'� � /�,���'���/� Address: � �^' `C�t�-�.,. Name: Q�r'l r� 1 , Address: �d � a �1.. . Q IV �s� 7 Name: ���i('� ��ft�f���-.,� S� � �— � Address: (� .� �C y� j � �1/s'�,i �j��'/ � � T Name: �l t�?�'� 1�� � Address: � � � ,� 1...���a��C��� ��+� � , ,� �``� .�..� Name: �' Address: �� �� �� ��1.� C�G� ��.-'�. ����, � 'T� � � � Name: �/c� �+r �-3 T�� Address: �� � I �G � t.c � � �r-rs �...i�t-�1 �E� �c��d�,r� ��I @ 5��'� � � ' SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR . 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. / � ' Name: ✓ )�`.� ����''c .,� Address: ����` ��<�>��. �� Name: � C�� fl/� c �C..� Address:_��'f Z�i �- ���� ,�+: t�a�� - .`��f>� �i�11'1�'�`���IS, �v`���" � Name:_ ��-�!L/� �f..v��St'-�t Address: �r'�-�� /���-k�u �'-i..�.� � �, �,�.�c�i�r�s j�1� ���l Name: ��7�,/L�l,'� � C..S�r'�; � � n , c �.. Address: � �l r-C ,''7` � � �"LI/�l► �.S� ..---�` Name: ��-� �� �j ZS�.�} � Address: ���� ��C�.�Lv✓ �� � `�'� t� �'1�/ Name: s �U.S . �- / f ���� Address: \��� � ���r � s�, � Q��,�.,� � ����,� �� Name: � �;��-v C�c��,� -�t ��- . � Address: ��e�� �� ��r � � �70�d�..� c�,�. �t� �,� , ,; Name: Address: � c • Name: �v�� � � v�c.��� �2� ��.;��.,,fis� c�-c, �.� � l��-(J���{t �(,v� .�-���� Z Address: �"� �- � �� � Name:__?1°��z ! Address: ���� �c l�t'-+� �{���j �� ��e�. �� ��� ' SCHULLERS RESTA�RANT AND BAR . 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valdey, MN. SS427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attemptin�to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly a,ffects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: _ /�,01�1 �t,r'Ia4 �j � �/ f�la � Address: �J�OB y� Ye ,�r� Nek/ � Name: Address: �.Q,�i�. 5�.� Name: a.YVI �Y�e��l � Address: �Z- � � � � � Name: 1�C3 V1 � Ir �11 Address:��5 � � p ' �� �S �'�`,� Name: Address:�3ZOJ K.t���P„�.I� CS�• N� [,��n ��0 ds ,�) ��`Y�� Name: ��'J �`�'f iZ. Address: ��SO veXriov� �v�c., �• ���J ����R� �1� �S`�'3�0 Name: �OW Q. .S�fl a�1�- � Address: 0�Zy 'dl t,�. �,l�, �,q ��G^� U A, ���Z� ' Name: Address: _ � i � Name: e� S h,�� a�✓� Address: _ ��-- �/l.i . � � 11►` 1V Nam Address: `� � � � ' , `—°" + r SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR . 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eill other restaurants in Golden Valley have a patio which greatly affects aur business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. Name: � . � . ,-a�� ' �t./�f�� �+f��� �� � . „�✓ � • �7 Address: � t �. , ��� / Name: � Address:�.X ° ^ �(.J �� (UI �J � • , �„'� �j Name: .�� ��� 0 Address: v ���� �. �-� .� ����.J � �����C� l Name: �,�.�������.,�:� �.�`�`Z:,�`j��s��'.�.. Address: " ���� \ ���� �� � G���: Name: �: : � a,`�%�t,r-' Address: �� �� -(�� L�i'7U�. Qt�! ,`�� � , � �` .�-�-� Name: �n �,V� r � �j Address: t� �� � � � �`�l. ��� �� ; r.� �"t �� r Name: , � Address: b � ` �- � � Name: 1 ��� Address: �� � V'� :.�� uY ' l�� ' Z, Name: Eii�i� °l,f� �r1�� ��' � ' < Address: � � �e f 1� 7 !r°� � � ��L�� , � Name: l G�v4 L' ����� Address: ��� �'�9� � �e � ; �1�-�-`� �� � ��f�� C.- � � + SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR . 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Yadley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side ofthe building. it will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Valley approve of Schullers having such a patio. __.--- , ��--� � Name: Address: ��- � . d t> C' i'"�i ��,'� � Name:/`� f�"`� ��-t C� �� I Address:`Z Z� � J G F'�,� �-t�t� r�L�' ��' '4�L,L .- Name:.� `�t..�.t�.k'�� � t�%�.l��s:� ' � �'/j �r_�`��� {� , �,�S Address: �L� " ,�� ' �;� ' l`�� , J`t'�:�'"j � ,� Name: � ` ! Address: �t 2-� �' �� � ,e!�`,�,� �� ;� :� � Name: � �� Y►�, � Address: Name: �— ' �I Address: � � � ����-�d�(� C.U' � . � �, �. � � ���..��_ � � Name: �LI-U �l � Address: �, °� Tr✓"�.. `�l.- ,��s�►�` �'l�-� .�, .. Name: .. � ;' '����>� �J r �-c}�' ' �'a--_ � � �' "`� `` " . '',.� �..._. Address: :�,� �... ` _,� �.xy .��-�R� iL� /��: r��.-� -e zti,� �--�. Name: Address: � � ;, � ,, �o I(����:�� � Name: Address: ' SCHULLERS RESTAURANT AND BAR . 7345 Country Cluh Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Est. 1929 Schullers is attempting to open a patio on the west side of the building. it will be open from 11:40 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All other restaurants in Golden Va11ey have a patio which greatly affects our business. We the undersigned residents of Golden Va11ey approve of Schullers having such a patio. �- � , ,,/ Name: 1.. �" r Address: �� � �� �� Name: � �-t�°���'��1 Address: �1���� � � C�'� ,,! V' r�! : �,� i� i� 7`�,�a ,�--� Name: �� � � � � Address: � _. U 2 �1,' � �„ ` � �'� s,, /� 6 �L � Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: - Address: Name: Address: � Name: Address: Name: Address: Cl�� C)� ' A mi i r ti il C�t�y � n st a •n/C�unc 763-593-3991 /?63-593-8109 tfax) �..���.� .����� �. ... _ Executive Summary For Action Golden Valley City Council Meeting August 8, 2012 Agenda Item 6. B. Mayor and Council Communications - Recent Meetings/Contacts Prepared By Shep Harris, Mayor Summary The following is a list of recent meetings or contacts I have made with people and/or organizations regarding City of Golden Valley business July 11 - Minneapolis Park & Rec Board Meeting, offering support of Wirth Park CAC recommendations for a Golden Valley dog park July 12 - PRISM Food Challenge Event July 13 -Golden Valley Human Services Fund Annual Golf Event July 14 - Kelly Drive Pumpkin Growers Summer Cook-Out luly 15 - Email message to Pat Layton re: S. Tyrol Hills Summer Picnic July 15-18 - Business Trip July 19 - Ed Silberman dedication ceremony at Schaper Park luly 20- Rose McGee press conference- offered support to GV resident whose house may have been targeted due to foreclosure July 21-29- Family Vacation July 30-Arts Meeting with individuals from GV Days, GV Community Foundation, General Mills, Perpich Center, Stuart Pimsler Dance Theater, GV Community Orchestra July 30- Meeting with Hopkins School Superintendent, Meadowbrook Principal, School Baard Director Betsy Anderson, Council Member Paula Pentel August 1 - Re-opening of the City DMV with DPS Commissioner Rona Dohman, state legislators, and Council Members August 2 - Invited to meet with active living neighborhood group re: Greenways proposal, biking and walking issues August 5 - Invited to staff a "Meet the Mayor" table at Market in the Valley on a monthly basis August 6- Meeting with US Rep. Keith Ellison staff to discuss city needs (Ellison staff requested meeting) August 7 - MN Night to Unite August 9- GV Human Rights Task Force August 10- Minneapolis Crisis Nursery rededication event August 14- Meeting with Robbinsdale Schools Superintendent, SEA School Principal, Council Member DeDe Scanlon. School Board Directors Johnson and Bassett should be invited. August 17 - Meeting with Three Rivers Park Board Member Joan Peters. Upcoming meetings/outreach - UnitedHealth, Mortenson, Allianz, General Mills (Sept. 27), Arts Group, MN Timberwolves, Nordic Ski Foundation, GV churches, Surly Brewing, GV Shopping Mall owner, Vertical Endeavors (Indoor rock climbing company), etc. Neighborhood Meetings: September 20- Mibs Pearson (8115 Plymouth) September 27 -Jeanne/Iver Iverson (1437 Orkla) Vallee D'Or-TBD Interviews with KSTP-Channel 5 and NWTV-Channel 12. Communication with Hennepin County Commissioners regarding 911 Dispatch, proposed Bottineau light rail line, etc.