,j July 13, 1949
The park Boardof the Village of Golden Valley met
for their regular monthly meeting at the Village T -?all
at 8:00 p.m. on July 13, 1949. The meeting; was at- ROLL CALL
tended by lo -r. goes, president, Mrs. Arras, Vice-
president, and yr. Boyer, secretary.
1,1inutes of the June 8 meeting were read and a.pnroved. MITUTTS
It was suggested by yr. ',foes that information and
costs on park benches be obtained for Belmont park BENCHES
It was agreed that seeding; of Belmont park would be
postponed for this season, and the natural growth SE -?'DING
would be cultivated and the bare spots filled in
during the spring of 1950.
The subject of planting trees and building a barbecue
fireplace was discussed and was to be taken up again PLANTIYG
at the August 10 meeting.
A letter was written by the Secretary to the Vinneapolis
park Board in regard to the blacernent of playground
equipment in Valley View park in Glenview Terrace. VALLEY V7117
Information was received in a letter from the EQUIP!"ENT
Minneapolis nark Board dated July 7 that we could go
ahead and install playground equipment subject to
r.'inneapolis park Board regulations.
Motion was made by J,rr. 'roes and seconded by Irrs. Arms
to ditch the west side of Belmont park and culvert
under Brookview Avenue direct to the creek. This DRAINAGE
would serve as a drain for the low corner, meaning
the sout'-1west corner, of Belmont park, eliminating;
further possibility of a mud hole.
Yotion was made by ?,yrs. Arras and seconded by IFr. Boyer
to have a sign made and installed on the PTo. 38 com-
bination set with the inscription "Donated by the
Com;. ercial Club," showing dates, etc. It was also
suggested that this sign ma.y be made up at the time
the,street signs were being made by the Lyle Sign Co.
aa -tion a*as made by j;r-rs. Arras and seconded by yr. Boyer
that the ri,eetinr, adjourn at 10:30 n.m.