8-10-19491 1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PARK BOARD VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALL7Y August 10, 1949 The park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met for their regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall at 8:00 p.m. on August 10, 1949. The meeting was at- ROLL CALL tended by her. ?Foes, President, yrs. Arms, Vice- president, and ?,{r. Boyer, Secretary. Minutes of the July 13 meeting were read and annroved. MINUTES It was moved and seconded that vrs. Arms contact the Hoyt Nursery for information on the planting of trees TREES FOR for Belmont park. lyrs. Arms also suggested that she BE'LMONT make an app ,ointment for August 23 or 24 with the Hoyt PARK Nursery and the Golden Valley park Board to estimate costs and planting procedure for early fall. The subject of delivery of the playground equipment which has not yet been received from the J. porter company was discussed. No bill of lading had been EQUIPMENT received up until August 10, the date of this meeting. ON The secretary, SFr. Boyer, is to write asking if the ORDER equipment was shipped and be very firm in pressing for the delivery of this equipment at once, or cancel the order. Mr. woes moved to have the county road equipment deA_artment contacted for bulldozer work for this fall HAROLD AV. at Harold Avenue park to finish leveling for the ball PARK diamond. meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.