10-12-194941 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PARK BOARD VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY Oct. I2th 1949 The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met for their regular monthley meeting at the village hall at 8:00 p.m. on Oct. 12,1949. The meeting was attended ROLL CALL by Mr. Moes, President, Mrs. Arms,Vice-President, and Mr. Boyer, Secretary. Minutes of the Sent. 14th meetinu were read and approved. MINUTES. Mrs. ,Arms advised that the plate earring the inscription " DON".TED BY THE GOL?'FN VALLEY COYMEPCIAL CLUB " were ordered at an anproximate cost of 1 5.00. The size to be 3x8 inches in.)bronze. This plate will '-e nermanitely attached to the sv ing standards. Mr. Boyer advised that Air. Engle of the Hoyt Nursery called advising that the Belmont planting_ Yill start betwean Oct. 25 and Nov 1. His call came on Oct. 9. HOYT NURSERY Mr. Moes presented our propossed budget for 1950 in the amount of :2166.00 to the Council at their Oct. 4 meeting and was advised that the amount had already been s6t by the Council at 1 1000.00 the same amount BUDGET. allowed in 1949. Ameetin7 was arranged by Air. Moes for Oct. 14th for the Park Board to meet with the Sanitary Desposal Co. of Minneapolis to make a survey and HAROLD _AVE obtain information on the possibility of DU110P. opening a dump at Harold Ave. and there -by fill the low areas to road level. Mr. Boyer to check with Northrup wing again on seed prices this Fall as against next Spring. He also was to obtain prices on second hand park ben$hes from the P,'p's Park Board. They were advertised for `2.00 each. Meeting was adjourned at 10.00. M. OSecretar�