12-14-194945 Minutes Of Regular Meeting PARK BOARD VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY 12/14/49. The Park Roard of the Village of Golden Valley met for their regular meeting each month at the village hall at 8:00 P. M. on Dec. l#th. 1949. The meeting was att- ROLL: CALL ended by Mr. Moes, Pres., Mr. Boyer, Sec. and Mrs Armes Vice -Pres. Minutes of theNov. 9th. meeting were read and approved. YTYTTTFS Mr. Moes suggested that an order for the (3 gang) mower 3 GANG be placed with Minn. Toro co at once. The motion was MOV['ER. seconded by Mrs. Armes and Mr, Boyer. The complaint by phone to Mr. Boyer b- Mr. Ren Stewart against the new Harold Ave. dump was taken up. Mr. DTTMP Stewart was asked b7 Mr. Bover to attend the next COMPLAIFTS Park Boadd meeting on 12/14%49. Ne did not attend. The Board could not give him thstr willing coop- eration. It was agreed that the file laid in Farold ^.ve . 'ark should be undesturbed and the filling,process should be continued as a drainage dick will be left along both edges of nark proaert#. 7R ^ IP TILE The question of returning Park property ba^k to the doner was discussed. The question brought up bi- ?ark T'oArd Mrs Armes. The State law will be checked however PPOPERTY it was the opinion of all members that Park Board 1)01TATTOY property once donated, always Park Board Property. MR. SHFRER. Stanger, Iver, Pres.of Golden Valley Commercial Club attended this meeting and was vert* des ire ous of being in- strumental in putting the G. V. CommerciAl Club Central on record as promoting a number of skating rinks SKATING RINK. for this winter season. Mr. Stanger advised that the Commercial Club will eauip an- maintain a central rink at Exeelslep ""ayzata Mvd.and the Pelt Line to include warming house ,kick boards for standard size hockr rink and lighting plus E e. s ervision. oye r Secretary,