3-15-195053 MINUTES OF REGULATOR MEFTING PARK BOARD VILLAGF OF GOLDrN VALLEY MAR.15'TH. 1950. The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley net for their regular meetinr, each month at the residence of Yre Floyd Armes at her residence 2434 T'yrd Ave. at 8 ?'. Y. Yar. 15th. 1950. The meeting was atten- POLL CALL ded by Mfrs Floyd B. Armes Pres. and Yr. J. G. Royer Vice Pres. Yr. ivinslow Toes was out of the city. Yinutes of the Feb 8th. meeting were read and app- MINUTES roved as read. On Feb 16t!. Yr. Stanley a representative of the Yoble *rove Ass. called asking permission to cut down greeds in the area of Little 7apose Lake to lessen ITOBLE GPOVE the mosquito nuisance which comes on each summer. Permission given by Arms and Boyer.17ork to be done by members of the Assn. no charge back to Park Board. Suggestion by Yrs Arms to write the Commercial Club ^cknowledgeinq Yr. Stanle-.- vane's recent letter to the Village Council officialli• turning over the Held Pond pocky rick to the Village. It was agreed that RFrs firms was to order the 2n� . " 38 FEI.P plata- ground set throe the Crowlel- Fence Co. Confirming POT''' letter to follow. PTIX Boyer and "'rs Arms also acreed to " 0. K. " a 6 65.00 bill covering electrical work and sore hardware materials which was all that this project Bost the :'ark "oard the remainder of the expense bein- born -17e the Commercial Club. There being no further business the meeting- was adjourned at 9-T'. V. Sec. J. G. Poyer Aetin�- Sec. 1