APRIL 12, 1950
The Golden Valley Park Board met for its tegular monthly
meeting at the Village Hall, Mrs. Floyd Armes, President
presiding. All members were present] and the meeting ROLL CALL
was called to order Est 8:15 Py -
Minutes of the regular meting held March 15th, 1950
sere read and approved. MINUTES.
The secrete.ry was instructed to confirm by letter,
the phone order placed by Mrs. Armes Frith the Crowley GLENVIEW
Fence Co. for one #36 playground set manufactured by TERRACE
the Porter Co. to be delivered to the village hell PLAYGROUND
to be used by Vie- Glenview Terrace, price to be $265.fl0 EnUIP,.ENT
delivered. Said set is to be equipped with stainless
steel slide.
The secretary was instructed to order one special
hitch for the new grass mo- er from tha Minnerp olis MLOTING
Toro Co., to be delivered to the village hall for E"UIP'T
approxi�stely $65.00. HITCH
Mr. Tirzich gave a. report to the board upon the
progress being made in filling the Harold Ave. HAROLD
property with ashes and rubbish. It is apparent AVENUE
that dumping at this location will have to continue PROJECT
another year before enough ground will have beer, leveled
off tics accommodate a regulation ball diamond and
parking space for same.
The secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Tirzich to BELMIONT
have the village employees of the road cras to install PARK PLAY -
the swings and trapezes upon the Belmont Park playground GROT7
equipment, and to install the brass plate on same Enlu. LENT
stating that equipment was donated by the Golder.•. Valley
Commercial Club.
Board discussed the advisability of tiling west side TILING
of Belmont Park to relieve flooding in the southwest BEL_1IONT
corner of the park. No definite action was taken, PARK
as it was the concensus of opinion thvt this was the
road department's responsibil�y. If it is to be done
this ye -r, it should be taken care of before seeding
Belmont Park.
There being no further business, the meeting was a.d-
j ourned at 9:40 P.I11.
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Approved C1 1 _ Pres. i _ Secy.