7-12-1950MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF `IHE GOLDEN VALLEY PARK BOARD JULY 12, 1950 The regular monthly of the Goldin Valley Park Board convened at the village hall at 8:13 P. M., July 12th, ROLL CALL. 1950, Pres. Leonard Bies presiding. All members were present. Minutes were read and approved. MINUTES. A letter from Mr. Floyd Arens , dated June 30, eras reed, in which the Glenview Terrace Association offered to donate a four swing play set, and a small Merry -Go -Round to the Golden Valley Park Board with the underste.nding thF,t this equipment was to be erected in the Glenview Terrace district. The equipment was made by the GLENVIEW Porter Co. of Ottowa, Ill. and is very good quality. TERr:ACE Motion was made by Mr. Boyer and seconded by Mr. Moes GIFT OF that this equipment be accepted, and the secretary PLAYGOUND was instructed to write Mr. Arms and thank hien and the EQUIPMENT Glenview Terrace Assn. for this gift. ACCEPTED. Mr. Irvin L. Houseman, 3227 - 26th Ave. North requested the board to grant their permission for him to cut down two large cottonwood trees in front of his house and -which are located upon village property. This re- quest was granted with the understanding that Mr. House- man will grub out stumps and re.move all debris from PERMIT TO J#. -,he boulevard. Board also discussed with Mr. Houseman CUT DOWYN the possibilities of planting trees all along 26th TREES ON Ave. North so as to have a uniform looking job. 26th AV. N. Mr. does reported that the fire department was still fighting the dump fire upon the Harold Av. property DUMP FIRE. which was in all probability set on fire on the night Of July 111h It was well under control at this time. The secretary was instructed to write to Mr. Ivor Stangar, Pres. of the Golden Valley Commercial Club advising him that we have on oraer 1 - #38 Playground set, SaL a as the one located upon Belmont Park, to be used for the Glenview Terrace neighborhood, and ask if it is still the intentions of of the G. V. Com'1. Club to donate this set for this 1:urpose. Mr. Moss advised that he had viewed the place where the Glenview Terrace group wish to have their play- ground equipment installed which is upon Mpls. Park Board property, with Mr. Dhanens and Mr. Johnson of the Mple. Park Board, and the location was apfcroved by them. Secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Tarzich to have the grass on the boulevard upon Mch air Drive out whenever necessary; also to remind him to carry out the requests of our previous letter with respect to i-cems Nos. 2 - 3 - 5 - 6. In addition to this, ask him to have the gift playground equip Lent installed in Glenview Terrace as outlined above. 61 #38 - PLAY- GROUND SET ON ORDER FOR G. V. COM'L. CLUB. PROPOSED LO- CATION O- CATION OF PLAY- GROUND ECUIP'T APPROVED BY MPLS. PARK BD. REQUEST MR. TERZICH TO HA WJE MEN DO NEEDED WORK. There being no further business, meeting adjour e at 9:45 P• M• Approved 4":4..Pras. .� Sec. Y