8-9-19501 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR FETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLrY PARK BOARD AUG. 9til 1950 The regular monthly meeting of the Golden Valley Park Board convened. at the Village Hall at 8:25 p.Y., August 9, 1950. President Leonard Ries was absent '.BOLL CALL and Vice President J. G. Boyer presided. Minutes were MINTTTTS read and annroved. Mr. Moes reported that Vr. Houseman had cut down the two cottonwood trees in front of his home on 26th TRTV. Avenue N., but had not grubbed out the stumps. RrWOVAL Mr. Moes also reported that he had shown Pnt LoA.ney, road fore-nan, where to install the playground equip- PLAYGROUND went donated by the Glenview Terrace Association for'QUIP:"^NT erection in the Glenview Terrace area. Discussion was held on the possibility of hirinq? HIRING someone to finish some of the Park Board's unfinished OUTSIOE work, such as hauling black dirt, cutting down dead HELP trees, and seeding. The secretary was instructed to contact Crowley Fence Company to see if the Park Board can hire a man to erect playground equipment. Letters to Mr. Terzich and 'yrs. Arms were read and CORR'IS- placed on file. PONDEUTCE Cdr. Boyer reported that the Harold Avenue dump is progressing satisfactorily, but that it will not be DUMP completely filled until at least some time next spring. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.Y. f� Annroved : ✓' -lam Vice President 11 l/ V4. SeCretar t y