10-11-19501 1 1 MINUTTS OF THF REGULAR ME''TING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PARK BOARD OCTOBER 11th, 1950 The regular monthly meeting of the Golden Valley park Board was held at the home of J. G. Royer, Vice Presi- dent, 6500 Phoenix Street, at 8:00 n.m. October 11, 1950, President Leonard Ries presiding. ?rr. 'does, ROLL CALL secretary, was absent. Minutes of the September 13th MINUTES meeting were read and approved. Mr. Ries suggested that the Golden Valley Park Roard PARK use a portion of Harold Avenue Park nronerty to plant BOARD seedlings for future evergreen and elm tree needs. NURSTRY Mr. Ries also suggested an extensive skating rink SFAT7T?G program for the 1950-1951 season. RINKS Yr. 9o7er advised on progress of Glenview Terrace PLAYGRO[TND playground equirment and harts which were re -ordered rQTTIPY'TNT because of loss during shipment. Mr. Boyer also reported on Progress of the Harold Avenue duan project and the grass at Belmont Park. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ADnroved: President r