3-11-19521 1 1 121 rrINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING PARK BOARD VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY `-AR.11th. 1953 The park board of the Tillage of Golden Valley met for ROLL CALL their regular meetin- at the Village Hall. All members were present with ".r. Leonard Bies, President, presiding. Minutes of the Feb. 10th meeting were read and approved. r4INUTES George Swenson, 'frs Carl Johnson and TTrs Ann Akins GLENVIEW TERRACE representing Glenview Terrace presented the views of that area. They would like to have the Park Board investigate the possibilty of a baseball field on the property of the Tinneapoiis. Park,�Foard in their area. Mr. Swenson and Ray Stocl-man to see Minneapolis Park Board for permission to level off place for such a project. The same cornrzitee for Glenview Terrace complained about WEED COI;?PLAINT the weeds growin; on the 7.inneapolis Park Board's property. It was suggested that when ,,"r. Swenson and Ray Stockman meet with the representive of the Vinneapolis Park Board they should mention this complaint to them. The estimate of Crowley Fence Company to furnish basketball backstops was not accepted. It was decided that Agr.Boyer would -et backboards made and installed. The Woodlawn Park Association by letter requested the Park WOODLKGIP PARK Board to investigate the possibility of a playground,' in their area. It was decided that they should be advised to meet with Pbrk Board and advise what they would be willing to do to make such a park possible. Also, to find out if there is any property designated as Park Property in their area. r^eeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. President Se etary