5-7-1952MINUTES OF REGULAR PARK BOARD VILLaG^ OF GOLDEN May 7th. 1952. MEETING VALLEY The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley mtt for their regular monthley meeting at the ROLL CALL village hall on may 7th. 1952. All members were present. Mr. bioes presiding. Minutes of the April 9th. meeting were read and approved. MINUTES Mr. noes brought op a request by the Meadow Brook P. T. A. for play ground equipment for RRILADOW Meadow Brook pupils. BROOK P.T.A. Mr. Moes presented the names of two likely swimming instructors Boe the comming summer Park Board swimming classes. These names are SWIWING Mr. Sloth Red Cross instructor of the"Uof M" INSTRUCTOR and Mr.Lillibert teacher at Whittier school. It was suggested by mr. Moes that a flat charge per pupil be made with no rebate, Three dollars for one and five for two comping from the same family. REGISTRATION FEES. It was mored and seconded that Johnson Bros. well drillers of Golden Valley drill a 31 BELMONT ?TELL well in Belmont Park for wattering purposes. The well pit cover was donated by Nor. goes. It was moved by Yr. Boyer and seconded by Nr. Dies that foot ball standards and a basket aDDITIONAL and back board for basket ball practice be in- BELMONT stalled at Delmont Park. One or two park E!;UIPMENT. benches were also in this order of the day. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. ------------ retary President.