10-8-19521 1 u MINUTES OF REGULATOR MEETING PARK B04RD VILI AGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY OCT. 8th .1952. The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley ROLL CALL, met for their regular meeting at the Village Hall at 8- P. M. Oct. 8th. 1952. Allmembers were present Mr. Moes president presiding. Minutes of the Sep't. 10t . meeting were read and approved. NINITTES. Mr. Ries suggested the possibility of the Park Board acouiring the Village Fordson tractor FORDSON for Park Board work exclusively. In addition we might purchase a blade that could re attached for cleaning skating rinks. cord was received through Mr. Denzen and secondly throu Mr. Bies that a sizeable amount of fill will be VALDERS FILL hauled to Valders Pakk form the Sand Pit top soil. It was supgested that the Park Board trees be moved from The Bies property to Harold Ave bark and PARK TREES. be cultivated in the Spring. There beeing no further buainess the meeting was adjourned at 10:00. secretary. i X11=��---=�---- Pres ident.