2-10-19531 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR. MEETING PARK BOARD ILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY FEB. 10th. 1953 The Park Board of the Village of Golden Vulley met for their regular monthly meeting at the residence of J.Gorden Boyer, 6500 Phoenix Street. All members were present with rir.Leonard Bies, President presiding. 14inutes of the Jan. 14th meeting were read and approved. Earl Carlstrom, C.L.Corneaby and Floyd Arms representing nine home owners on Bryd Avenue facing park property presented a petitibc, urginf- that the park property skirting Bryd Avenue be planted with state nursery coniferous trees. In order to give all possible cooperation they pledged all help needed in the project. The Park Board decided on the following action: (1)lo apply to the Director, Division of Forestry for 1400 Norway Pines and 500 Jack Pines. (2)To have road foreman for Village estimate cost of doing lulldozine, and find out if and when the work could be done. (3)Mot on by J.Gorden Boyer to stand cost of bulldozin`; up to but not tc exceed $100.00 if necessary to have job done by other then Village. irotion seconded and passed. (4)Renuest survey of area concerned by county. (5)The part of petition c,,ncerning vacating street "Glen Lane" to be presented to Planning Cormaission and Village Council by persons presenting petion. The same in the case of the request concerning the spillway. Notion to pay two men for cleaning of snow on ice skating rink located at Phoenix and Florida was seconded and passed. Secretary was directed to answer letter concerning basketball standards from the Oak Knoll P.T.x. 'Meeting adjourned at 10:30 ?M? cretary rresident 119 ROLL CALL ?MINUTES GLEXVIEYJ TERRACE SKATING RINK