5-13-1953IIIPaUTES OF THE REGULAR 'FsETI TG PARK BOARD VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY I AY 13,1953 The Park Board of the Villase of Golden tialley met for their ROLL CALL regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall. J.Gordon Boyer and Leonard Bies present. Minutes of the April 8th neeting were read and approved. MINUTES Play round equipment installed at Pappouse Lake Park E(�IIIFMEN T consisting of one combination swim; set. The same was installed at Golden Oaks Park. One merry-go-rcund to be installed in Belmont Park in the next few days. One basketball standard was delivered for installation at Belmont Park. Tvro combination picnic tables and combin8tion sets for Belmont Park were received and installed. Six 6 foot benches were received - five to be used at Belmont Park and one at Golden Oaks Park. ','eeting adjourned at 10:00. President 1 ecretary