7-15-19531 1 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR 2 FETING PARI{ BOARD VILLAGE Off' GOLDEN VALLEY JULY 15,1953 The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met for their regular .nonthly meeting at the home of J.Gordon Boyer. All members were present. Road Foreman Arnie Den?en to provide growing dirt of 100 loads for the Peppouse Lake Park - the Park Board will drag it. The basketball standard was erected in the Belmont Park. The Park Board to investigate the possibility of a well at Pappouse Lake Park for the purpose of flooding a skating rink. The Park Board snould get Golden Oaks tiled and filled with black dirt so that it could be seeded in the fall. :aeeting adjourned at 1.0:00 P,�,. c 1 � ",CC -President ecreta,ry 129 Roll. Call Pappouse Lake Belmont Perk Pappouse Lake Golden Oaks