8-12-19531 r:INUTES OF THE REGULAR l,GEETING PARK BOARD VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY AUGUST 12, 1953 The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met for their regular monthly meeting at the home of J.Gordon Boyer. All members present. The Tyrol Hill Park to be leveled and trees removed and seeded wnen the work can be done. The Park Board prepared a letter on the subject of budget end the secretary directed to forward it to Royce Owens. ROLL CALL TYROL HILL BUDGET Two hundred loads of fill was dumped on Pappouse hake PAPPOUSE Park. Also, a, shalldw reservior for water was considered being 15 feet deep and E feet acxoss. This being placed away from tile. The mee ting adjourned at 10:00 Pk. �� - President Secretary 131