Village of Golden Valley
January - 1955
On January 12, 1955, the Golden Valley Park Poard met in regular session.
Present were Ray B. Stockman and Sheldon 11. Ostroot.
J. Gordon Poyer, retiring member, spent considerable time before the
meeting discussing the status of problems that were under way, and was
very helpful. in briefing the Board. It should be noted that 11'r.Bover
has served the village very faithfully ever since the establishment
of the Board, and vie commend him for his long and faithful service.
The most pressing problem for immediate action is the matter of wells
for flooding skating: rinks and for summer watering purposes. Mr -
agreed to discuss the matter with the firm of Bergerson-Caswell, and
arrange a meeting as soon as possible to take action so we can take
advantage of lower costs available during their off season.
°.lso demanding immediate action is the matter of acquiring additional
park -dedicated lands, especially one or two larger sites, and a Lake-
shore site. The Secretary was instructed to write a letter to the
council requesting the procurement of lake -shore property and the
President, Mr. Stockman, agreed to attend the next meeting of the
Planning Commission and request their cooperation in the matter of
securing additional lands as plats are made available, and in other
situations when possible.
It was also decided to secure the services of a competent architect
to make suCgestions and plans for the best possible utilization of
our present park property, and to help us in our planning for -future
property utilization. The secretary was instructed to proceed with
the selection and have as much accomplished as possible prior to the
next meeting.
The use of warming houses and consideration of plans for a roller-
skating rink to be donated by the Lions Club was tabled until an"
over-all plan could be secured from competent counsel.
The next ren, -.lar meeting will be held on February 9, 1955•
Sheldon M. Ostroot, Secretary
Ra,,,Stockman, President