Village of Golden Valley
February — 1955
On February 9th, the Golden Valley Park Board met in regular session.
Present were Stockman and Ostroot.
The Park Board files were installed in the Village :call. A suitable
lock will be provided, as requested.
It was decided to accept Bergerson—Caswell's offer to drill a six—inch
well at Papoose Park. Bergerson—Caswell_ will allow us credit as possible
for the"3—inch test cell and a refund of part of the rental charge on the
pump they supplied. The 6—inch well will provide a minimum of 30 gallons
per minute. The type of pump to be used will be decided upon after com—
pletion of the well. A meeting will be held with representatives of
Bergerson—Caswell at the Park to determine the location of the new well.
A letter was received from the village attorney, advising us that the Vil—
lage Council had instructed him to begin condemnation proceedings to
secure the land at the north end of Sweeney Lake which we requested be
secured for future nark development, if possible.
It was reported that Norris L. Ogard, Village Engineer, and his staff,
had given full cooperation to Arnold D. Andreasen, the architect secured
to make sugestions and plans for the best possible utilization of our
present park property, and to help us in our planning for f uture.property
and utilization. L"r. Andreasen, in addition, has made a field survey of
Harold Park, and has discussed preliminary sketches and ideas preparatory
to having suggested plan to submit for consideration at the Mlarch meeting
of the Board.
The extreme vandalism at Belmont Park i,:as discussed, and the matter 7was
called to the attention of the Golden Valley Police Department, who said
they were previously aware of the situation. They agreed to keep a close
check on t.e situation in an effort to prevent further damage and de—
An automatic gas space heater donated by the Lions Club has been installed
in Belmont Park warming house, complete except for final connection. This
will be finished and put in use upon receipt of a reportby the Golden Valley
Fire Department, indicating the type of connections and safety devices needed.
A Golden Valley member of the Suburban Recreation Association, John Mariucci,
offered to introduce members of the Park Board to his associate at the University
who is in charge of courses on Park Planning, and make preliminary arran,,Te—
ments for the classes to assist us with the problems of planning maximum use
of recreation facilities.
The Park ?3oard has been asked to furnish S.R.A. with a list of equipment avail—
able to_,them for programs at the various parks. This li , is being prepared
and will be submitted when completed.
4� V L �::
.aei on Ostroot, Secretary
oc Baan, President