6-8-1955MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIN3 PARK BOARD Village of Golden Valley June - 1955 On June 8 the Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met in regular session. Present were Stockman, Gustafson and Ostroot. A report was made on the SRA program. Plans for the summer activities were outlined. They requested that volley -hall courts be construebed in several parks if possible and it was decided to install them at Belmont, Glendale and Harold parks and equip them with nets. The Fire Dept. has volunteered to construct redwood bulletin boards in the various parks And their offer was accepted. A standard picnic table design was submitted by our architect. It was studied and accepted as the standard design for all Golden Valley parks to be constructed by any neighborhood grou0s that wished to provide tables for actwitied in their own areas. The kits to build the tables will be available in properly treated wood from G. 1. Stewart Lumber Co. at a considerable saving. It was decided to purchase and assemble one table as a sample. GLENDALE - Swing sets are up, some of the sod is in and the work is progressipE,. HAROLD - Have agreements from all neighbors aid the villaEe engineer has been instructed to k;+p�6ceed. a GOLDEN OAKS - Seeding completed and the neighbors are delighted with the progress and are interested in in a skating rink for the winter. Sources o£ water are being investigated. The next regular meeting will be held on July 13, 1955 Sheldon M. Ostroot, Secretary . stoczman, Freshen 1 1 1