10-12-1955170 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR 11EETING PARK BOAR Village of Golden Valley Ocbober - 1955 On October 121 1955, the Golden Valley Park Board met in regular session in the council chambers of the Village Hall. Present were Stockman, Gustafson and Ostroct. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. RISC that we accept the offer of Arno Tenzin to maintain the skating rinks in the village, in view of the fact that we now have an extra man on the payroll full time, This will make it unnecessary for us to attempt to secure the services of a part- time man for this purpose. LIOrr'S CLUB PARK - our No.l priority for 1956 will be installation of back -stop for baseball and sodding the infield so a good playing surface can be maintained. The Lion's Club funds will be used for this purpose, if agreeable with their .hoard of Directors. In addition, a combination set and a merry -j -p -round will be installed. It was decided to explore the possibilities of using the second building now at the park as an equipment building, moving; it on to a permanent foundation and covering it with shingles or some other attractive material. It is hoped the 1956 budget will permit completion of grading and a start on landscaping. LILLIA11 SEAIi PARK - Necessary repairs to the back -stop were discussed. It was decided to have repairs made on this back -stop when the crew is out to install the back -stop at Lion's Club Park. One of the teeter-totters has been destroyed and the hardware will be delivered to the manufacturer so the complete unit can be installed. PAPOOSE PARK - Northern States Power has apr.roved a temporary location of the meter for the pump so installation can be completed. The skatin rink 1,L ll be graded and ready for flooding; in ti::_e for use as soon as the weather permits. SHEID PARK - Clay fill has been completed and the skating rink has been graded so is ready for flooding. NATCHEZ PARK - It was discovered that a combination set was incomplete so 2 chain swin„s with belt seats have been delivered and installed. The skating area is ready for flooding. Board Member Custafson designed and made special brackets for our park signs used on the combination concrete and steel street sign posts. 7'e cannot refrain from expressing our appreciation and admiration of his ingenuity and skill. The next regular meeting will be held on November 9, 1955- Sheldon 955• ckmar., President die don K. Ostroot, Secretary