Village of Golden Valley
March - 1956
On March lig, 1956 the Golden Valley Park Board met in regular
session in the council chambers of the village hall. present
were Stockman, Gustafson and Ostroot.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
ll"SC that we recommend to the council that the village not acquire
the tax delinquent lots indicated as being available at the present
time. Due consideration indicates that none of the lots are large
enough or located in such a way as to be suitable for park or for
neighborhood playground development.
Y SC that, we purchase the swing set for Scheid Park on the bid from
Crowley Fence Company, having waited 3 months for a bid from Steve
YSC that we purchase bases for the three parks scheduled for infield
improvement, namely Lions Club Park, Lillian Seeman Park and Papoose
PSC that we accept Dundee Iursery bid for sodding and completing the
infield at Lillian Seeman Park and Papoose Park and the Homedale
Nursery bid for the same work at Lions Club Park.
The next regular meeting will be held on April 11, 1956.
Peeting adjourned
Ray B//Stockman - President
Sheldon Y. Ostroot - Secretary
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