Vill&ge of Golden Valley
i,:ay - 1956
On May 9, 1956 the Golden Valley Park Board met in regular
session in the village hall. Present were Stockman,
Gustafson and Ostroot.
yinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
vSC to issue purchase order to Homedale Nursery to provide
the necessary grade for the pitchers mound in Lions Park.
In the original plans, the village crew was to use village
eq iaipment and do this grading. It now develops that this
is not possible so arrangements will have to be made to have
this grading done by the sodding contrwetor.
MSC to grade and seed the park area in Glenview Terrace in
accordance with the request of the residents and their
agreement to provide custodial service.
Reports were received that work is progressing on the
ball diamonds, play -ground equipment repairs and play-graund
equipment installations.
The next regular meeting will be held on June 13, 1956.
Meeting adjourned.
Sheldon M. Ostruo - Secretary
ockman - Prevident