3-2-1957I MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING PARK BOARD Village of Golden Valley March 2, 1957 8:30 A.M. On March 2, 1957 the Park Board met in special session at the f}enwood Hills Hospital Conference Room with Royce Owens, Administator at 8:30 a.m. Present were Messrs. Ostroot, Stockman, Chapman, Gustafson of the Board and Owens of the Village, and Robt Corwine, landscape ,architect and consultant. The meeting was called at the suggestion of :1r. Owans for the purpose of considering a policy which the Park Board may adopt and recommend to the Village Coflncil in dealing with area acquisition or allotment out of Plat areas tendered to the Village for approval by developers. The present state enabling law permits the village to arrange for an agreeable area to be set aside from each plat for parks. Owens reviewed various ideas, such as claiming 5% of the plat area to be dedicated to parks, taking marginal lands which the developers cannot use, etc., and indicated that, a flexible negotiation system or long term option plan might be more desireAble than a rigid flat demand. As an example, if a developer offers a plat, and examination reteals that an area in it is desire.ble or necessary for Parks, assuming the lot price to the public is 45000, it was sugnested an option might be secured from the developer for an agreed period of time, up to 2 years, say, more or less, which could recite that if the desired lot or area for parks were taken by the village, the platter would be relieved of paying the sewer and water assessments per footage involved on that lot or area since it would become village property; assuming these assessments were $1500 and Q"500 respectively, the platter would still have a ; 3000 equity unrecovered in the lot area, and perhaps this balance could be negotiated with him for less as a purchase price to be paid to him or otherwise worked out with h1m. Owens suggested that perhaps even the usual % of interest on this amount could be paid him while working out the details of acquisition, On split areas, these factors could be pro -rated or negotiated, or some plan could be proposed and used calling for pre -payment to assure equal protection and cooperation. Corwine mentioned the Michigan plan of dollar and cents payment by the developer at the cuttomary a, ratherjK than taking 5% in land which is the usual pattern. Under this method, 5% of the value of the Plat area would be paid by the developer to the Park system for park purposes or acquisition. Discussion included consideration of the Mpls Elwell law of special benefits at the core or close to influence center, and decreasing cost factor at a dist�.nce, ass well as the question of legality of assessments for park maintenance and improvements, but not for acquisition generally. As to the question of urgency for some policy at this time, Owens stated it was desireable, but no plats were pending before the Village Council at this time, It was suggested th9t the members study the matter, and come up with some plan at a reasonable time in the future so that the Village and Council would have a fair plan to present to the developers, having also in mind the village interests. It was mentioned that since the Village has not had a fixed policy of seeking a certain % in the past from the platters, altho we urgently need park area, it does not seem equitable to make the few remaining areas or plats which may be brought in to bear the brunt of such past neglect, but that some reasonable plan might be worked out after study, as a watch -dog for the fu' ure growth of the village. The meeting ad ourned to join a joint meet' wpillage Hall Constr'n Committee a he same place at 9 o'clock S cretary Attest: president. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING PARK BOARD Village of Golden Valley March 2, 1957 9:15 a.m. The Park Board (following the meeting with rioyce Owens above) met with the villa7e hall buildinr, co -"mission at the Glenwood Hills Hosp. Conference Room. Present were Ostroot, Stockman, Chapman, Gustafson of the Park Board, and Robt Corwine, Park architect. Of the Hall Commission present were Rahn, Van Hauer, Mrs. Haluska, Owens, Flannery; also Cliff Teresi of the Village Council, Ralph Fredrickson, villaL7e engineer, and Walter Murray of the architects firm hired by the village for the hall. RahncqLlled the meeting to order, and asked for a report on the Park program survey progress. Stockman reported the survey was completed and the Park Board was ready to present the matter to the public but needed aid in securing help of citizens groups who would desire to help or support the survey program. He stated the Park prouram calls for 2 phases, First: $400,000 for acquisition and partial development, and SECOYDLY: $800,000 estimated for future devel6pment, equipment, recreation and full recreational programmin7 with a director for the village. Since we cannot acquire lands from levy sources, it appears we need a Bond Issue with perhaps several referenda as needs arise for portions of the above amounts from time to time in the future. Corwine discussed the need for future developments under this program. He stated factors included the feeling of the people, ability of the village to pay, future increases in assessed valuation, effect of other bond issues on the total indebtedness --such as school bonds, sewer bonds, village hall bonds, etc. lifter 3 61 4 years the Park Board should take another look at its then needs. Owens suggested that if park funds for development can be raised by levy and assessment, 80% could be 20 raised for park's by special assessment and the rest by ad valorem. It appeared proper to raise the acquistion and development funds as a general oblination of the village. On an ad valorem baiis, industry can pay a larger share. Discussion was had as +o timing the public hearings on parks, and priority of interest and publicity, if any, as between the two groups. Both nroups are arranuing to pr -sent their proposals to the Village Planning Commission and then the pillage Council shortly, so the entire Village official family has the information and plans in mind, seeking the cooperation in presenting the referendums to the voters. Stockman 'hen pointed out the Park Board has an interest in the Village Hall, for storage of its equipment, and for an office space for its Supt or Director of Recreation in the future, and similar needs. At this point, Van Hauer reviewed the Hall's plans, the site at the Holsapfel property, and the Architects drawings and sketches for the Hall. He stated that. about $150,000 has been promised by donations, and about $450,000 additional would have to be raised by bond issue for the new Village Hall as planned. it was concluded that both groups would work for the issues on a cooperative view, and that at all meetings of either body, the other would be invited to have a representative present. It was indicated that all felt one ballot was preferred at one election for both bond requests, except Chapman doubted if they could be lumped under ore vote, but that nevertheless one eleetion would be more economical than two, and to take the matters up with the Council for election setting. Discussion was had on public relations, literature, and brochure 9nd seeking approval of citizen groups, and both to be represented at public hearings, for informational purposes. The city attorney would determine whether both issues would be consolidated for one vote or if two votes were requited, one for X450,000 for the ball, and one for :400,000 for Parks.