Village of Golden Valley
June 3, 1957
A special meeting of the Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley
was held at the call of the Preseident at 215 Foshay Tower at 11 a.m.
Present were Ostroot, Stockman, Chapman and Architect Corwine.
The matter of early development and cooperation with the new High
School for the park at that area was discussed, but in Ihn view of
the loss of the referendum on bonds, the means of proceeding with
this development are not available, but it was deemed desirable to
seek the continued cooperation of the School Board for the future*
for ordinary maintenance
Discussion was had concerning the urgency of a millage levy/for the
coming. year , the need for a new bond election for acquisition and
developm-nt, and a consideration of the small balance remmining for the
current year's work.
Corwine discussed a program and time schedub& for the balance of the
year. Cooperation or contact with the various croups in the village
was fully discussed to dgtermine the views of the public and the
true feeling of the citizens relating to the need of a bond issue for
the future of Golden Valley's Park and Playground Program.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was unanimously resolved
to open the next reguVlar meeting of the Board, to be held June 12,
at 8 PM at the village hall, to a full public discussion of the
above problem as to fu£ure bond issue election, and to determine if
the Park Program is necessary, and how best to accomplish it successfully
if it is so decided. All public and civic organizations and all
citizens are to be notified and invited to attend through the Suburban
Press notice or news item.
Stockman stated he had a call from r7olden Oask about building a backstop
for the 9 and 10 yr old children. Discussion revealed this had neer been
considered at this location, and if done properly, it, would require
perhaps $500 for temporary grade work. The area was meant for a small
playground not boll field. Corwine s4ated if the material were installed
it would ultimately have to come out to fit the program. Chapman felt it
inconsistent to put in improvement and later rip it out, when funds are
not available. Ostroot that it wise to install as a temporary expedient,
now, and tear it out later. Stockman moved that Denzin be advised to
put up a temporary backstop at about $50 but if there is any grading it
is not to be done at the cost of the Park Board, except the Beard would
pay the time of the man, but not equipment. Seconded by Ostr000t, and
adopted by all on above conditions.
The invo ice of Crowley Fence Co for repait of backstop at Lillian Seeman
in the sum of 341.80 was approved for payment, the job well donee promptl;
The President filed the let+er and schedule of the Star Baseball Clinic
for June 27 in the village, and the Sberk placed same on file.
The secretary called the attention of the Park Board to what is claimed
to be a stock -piling of several thousand feet of black -top and gr��vel
road building material in a Park known as Tyrol Park. Discussion XX
revealed that there had been no request of the Park board or its members
nor any authorization by the Board for -such non -park use of park property,
1 r) 8
The discussion disclosed further that various residents around or
near the Park invotted had inquired of the Secretary if the Board
had authorized it9h use, and if not authorized, whit was the Board
going to do about it. Discussion considered the possibility of
claimed economy for the street and sewer departments in so stock-
piling tte material, ar_d also the possibility of other nor. -park
property fur such stock -piling, -as well as considering what to
tell interested pefsons with regard to this and future uses. It was
concluded to have a meeting with Ralph Frederickson, village engineer,
to disauss this matter, if possible, at 7:30 PM at the hall, prior
to the Regular meeting, the secretary to call the Engineer, and
notify the board -members z±xxXxKKxJftx as to time and place. The
problem appearing to be one of cooperation between the village
departments, and the park board, and for informational purposes for
the residents affected and the taxpayers in generals as well as
seeking cooperation for the purpose of repairing or replacing the
park in suitable condition to its prior state after the stock -piling
has been removed.
No further bus'ness appearing, the meeting adjourne
Attest: Secretary
Pres dent.
VILL:kr,F OF GOLDEN V,,LLLY June 12, 1957
The regu]aur monthly meeting of the Park Board of the village of golden
Valley was held on June 12, 1957 at the Village Hall.
Present. were Ostroot, Stockman and Chapman. also present were a
number of citizens representing various civic organizations for
purposes of discussing park problems, acquisition and financing.
The meeting was called to Order by Mr. Ostroot at 8 P.M.
Motion by Stockman, seconded and carried that the reading of the
last meeting minutes be dispensed with.
Brief discussion was had re7ardin7 what can or should be done for parks.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the mee mng was adjourned
so that free discussion could be had with i mens and s_,roups
Sec I Y.
P es.