10-9-1957Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
October 91, 1957 7:30 P.M.
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its
regular monthly meeting at the temporary City Hall, Wednesday,
October 9., 1957, at 7:30 P.M. Present were Ostroot, Stockman
and Consultant Bob Corwine.
It was with deep regret we accepted the resignation of
Edwin P. Chapman. His resignation was due to his appointment
as Commissioner to the Hennepin County Park Board. The Park
Board would like to go on record as wishing Edwin P. Chapman
every success, and to thank him for his contribution to our
Park Board.
The Park Board discussed skating rinks for the entire Village,
and detailed Bob Corwine to make a study and recommendations
for the next meeting.
The Park Board accepted and approved the budget of $31,000. for
the year 1958.
The Park Board also discussed the Metropolitan -Suburban County
Park Boards' meeting of which Golden Valley was to be host,
and it was decided to extend invitations on a date to be ,
decided. In general it was decided the agenda would include:
1. Recognition of the County Park system.
2. To have C. David Loeks, Director of Metropolitan
Planning Commission, as guest speaker.
3. If possible, to discuss finances in relationship
to Park acquisition and development.
In the relationship to acquisition of a civic and recreational
center, it was suggested we appoint a citizen's cpmmittee to
study such proposals. Ray B. Stockman was directed to write
a letter to the Council, requesting their participation in such
an appointment.
There being no further business, the mee g djour d.
Acti Secretary
Attest: ,A