10-15-1958Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
October 15, 1958 7:45 P,Y,
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly
meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, October 15,.at 7:45 P.M. Present
were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Recreational Director Reed and Recording
Secretary Sullivan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and
The following three members of the Chester Bird American Legion Post met
with the Board: George A. Brenna 1521 Zealand Ave. No. LI 5-9700
Dean F. Argast 5316 Bernard Ave. KE 7-7805
Bob Loomis 6677 Olson Hwy. LI 5-4659
The group is contemplating donating a portion of their land, which joins
the Natchez area, to the Park Board for the benefit of the Village, and
will take the Park Boardts thinking on this matter back to the members of
their Post. The following information was given to the Park Board:
1. The land consists of 19.8 acres with a creek running through it.
2. The Legion is in the process of filling in this land, and will
continue until the job is completed. A portion of the hill on
this property belongs to the Legion, and perhaps can be used for fill.
3. The Legion wins the 1 acre of land being used by the Little League.
4. The property was sold to the Legion with the understanding that
Frank Slavin be contacted for approval, if the land is to be dis-
posed of by the Legion.
5. It would be entirely up to the discretion of Park Board to decide
the type of park. The Legion would not in any way interfere, after
the land is deeded.
6. Meadowbrook School abutts on the other side of the highway. An
underpass could be made for these children.
7. Assessments consist of main trunk line sewer and lateral tax.
8. If land is donated to Park Board, Legion will sell beer to members
The Park Board is very much interested in this additional land, andwill
investigate. Dr. Petersen made the motion that the Park Board investigate
the proposal of accepting the donation of land from Chester Bird Post, that
tyre check on the tax situation, the cooperation of the Golden Valley High
School Board, and, also, secure a recommendation from our Park Consultant.
Mr. Byrnes seconded the motion. The motion passed. Dr. Petersen will dis-
cuss the tax situation with Finance Officer, and discuss possibility of
Highway Department putting in a sewer road with Village Engineer. The
Board will discuss cooperation from Golden Valley High School with 111r.
Mert Dresser. Dr. Petersen made a motion that we contact Mr. Corwin for
a preliminary sketch regarding possible use of the Legion Area as to the
best usage of this property. as. Byrnes seconded the motion. The motion
Mr. Stockman advised the Board of the possibility of purchasing two areas
of land. The Board will meet Monday, October 20, to investigate these areas.
Mr. Ulstad and the Village Engineer will be invited.
MEADOWBROOK SCHOOL DISTRICT: 1112r. Mert Dresser reported that his Board is
very impressed with the preliminary investigation of the cooperative tennis
court project, and would like to go ahead next Spring. Mr. Reed submitted
the following Crystal low bid on two Laykold, colored tennis courts:
October 15, 1958, Minutes Continued
Fence $2933.
Court 7119. Total $10,052.
The Board will investigate Crystal and Edina tennis courts, and salesman from
L. N. Syckles Company, St. Paul, will be invited to attend future Park Board
meeting. Bids will be let out late in 7dinter. The Park Board will meet with
the School Board after the December Bond Issue vote.
Board then brought IMr. Dresser up to date on the Legion proposal of donation
of land. Mr. Dresser will inform his Board, and advise the Park Board.
Mr. Reed will furnish the Meadowbrook School Board with a detailed report of
his recreational requirements for next Sumner in this school.
The Board held a general discussion on what portion of tennis court cost it
should be responsible for. 11r. Bill Pinch will be contacted.
BUDGET: Mr. Byrnes report the budget is in very bad shape. 1 -le are $841.
in the hole for the third quarter. Mr. Byrnes will discuss the j2500. Scheid
property tax with Mr. Ulstad.
The Board held a general discussion regarding its relationship with Mr, Dob
Corwine. A decision on direction we will go with consultant's services will
be reached at November meeting.
SKATING AREA: No report, as 11r. Denzin is out of town.
BOND ISSUE: The Board will go before the Council October 21, to secure its
okey for a December 2 vote. The Jaycees will help on the publicity.
RECREATIONAL REPORT: 'VLr. Reed advised Board he met with John Sullivan on the
Jitgi.nr Hockey Winter program, met- with the SRA and discussed their plans over
period of next few months, met with Dr. Fitzgerald and discussed our pending
Bond Issue.
`Phe Hennepin County Park Board meeting was announced. The Park Board plans
to attend.
Dr. Petersen advised Board of a garden club's desire to plant in Golden Oaks
Park. Board advised Dr. Petersen to invite this club to a future Park Board
'there being no further business, motion un,as made to adjourn the meeting at
11:00. The motion was seconded and carried.
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