12-17-1958Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
December 17, 1958 7:45 Poll.
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly
meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, December 17, at 7:45 P.M. Present
were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Recreational Director Reed and Recording
Secretary Sullivan. Also present were Denzin, Ulstad, Loomis, Corwin and
Ostroot. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with corrections.
LEGION PROPERTY - YR. CORWINE'S ROUGH SKETCH: Mr. Corwin submitted a rough
sketch of how the Legion property could be used for park purposes. The Board
stated it is in favor of acquiring the Legion land, and requested the Legion
furnish a specific proposal to the Park Board.. The Park Board will, in turn,
present this proposal to the Council, Planning Commission, and, also, the
Meadowbrook School Board. Mr. Bob Loomis will take the rough sketch back to
his group. He will, also, ask that the Legion draw up this proposal for
presentation to the Park Board at its January meeting. The Park Board was
asked to attend the Legion meeting on January 6. Mr. Ulstad informed Board
the tax assessment of $499. per acre on approximately 10 acres could be paid
over a 20 year period. Acquisition with interest would cost approximately
$10000. over this period. Mr. Ulstad will check with Stan Kane on the Legion
SKATING RINKS: Mr. Denzin informed Board that because of hard frost this
year, the 16 rinks in Village are in good shape. A list of the 16 rinks is
REPORT FROM ARNIE DENZIN: Mr. Denzin advised Board he will need 350 feet of
hose. Mr. Stockman made motion that Mr. Denzin be given the authority to
purchase 350 feet of 2 inch hose at the best price. Mr. Byrnes seconded the
motion. The motion passed. Billing will be put through in January. The
Park Board stated it had given Mr. Denzin authority to acquire fill for
maintenance of Park Properties, especially where it can be acquired at a
reasonable cost. Mr. Denzin was asked to supply the Board with his
recommendations on the spending of the Bond Issue money for initial
development. His recommendations will include the placement of wells. Mr.
Denzin was given the authority to hire a full-time Park employee, at the
Village rate, for park maintenance, starting January 1, 1959. Mr. John
Murphy will be notified. Mr. Byrnes made a motion to increase Mr. Denzin's
compensation from $75.00 to $100.00 per month, commencing January, 1959, in
his capacity as Park Supervisor. Mr. Stockman seconded the motion. The
motion passed. This is agreeable with Mr. Denzin, and Mr. Murphy will be
notified. Mr. Denzin was complimented by Board on his job.
MR. GEORGE PATCHIN AND FILL: Dr. Petersen stated he has been approached by
Mr. Patchin regarding the leveling off of the fill donated to him by the Park
Board for property ajoining Golden Oaks Park. When this fill was donated,
Air. Patchin agreed to level and maintain it. He will be advised.
MR. CORWINE, POSSIBLE WORKING AGREEMENT: There was a general discussion
between the Board and Roger Ulstad regarding the hiring of a consultant to
recommend how Bond Issue money should be allocated. The Park Board decided
not to contract with any landscape architect regarding the expenditure of
the $97,000 Bond Issue. The Board decided it would hire a consultant, when
necessary, on a $6.00 an hour basis. Mr. Corwine will be invited to a future
meeting for discussion of such a working arrangement.
maintained by
Westview School - (County Road ,'f'18) 1
Lions Club - (Harold Avenue) 2
Glenwood Avenue 6500 Block 2
Golden Valley High School 1
Natchez Avenue Park - (200 Block North) 1
100 Block Ardmore Drive North Z
Meadou lane South 500 Block 1
Meadowland South 700 Block 1
7lestzaood Drive South 800 Block 1
Toledo Avenue North 1500 Block 1
Papoose Park - (Major Avenue North 3200 Block)l
Scheid Park - (Regent Avenue North 1800 Block)l
Westbrook Road 5800 Block 1
Lillian Seeman Park - (Florida Avenue 1300
Block) 2
Golden Oaks Park - (Valders Avenue North
1100 Block 1
Sumter Avenue North 1500 Block l
Arno Denzin
December 17, 1958, Minutes Continued
BOND ISSUE: Mr. Ulstad pledged the help of the entire Village staff to
The Park Board. Mr. Reed and Mr. Ulstad will meet on December 29, to
devise a basic plan for the spending of the Bond Issue. This plan will
be submitted to the Park Board. The plan will be approved or changed by
the Board, and then presented to the Council. Mr. Ulstad would like to
sell Park Bonds at the same time the Village Hall bonds are sold. The
Board and Mire Ulstad held a general discussion regarding bids. The Park
Board expressed its desire to exercise control as to letting of bids with
the assistance of Mr. Ulstad and his staff. The majority of acknowledgments
to persons and organizations who helped promote the Bond Issue have been
sent. A few more are to be taken care of.
RECREATIONAL REPORT: Liability Insurance lbr Recreational Staff - Mr. Ulstad
will question Village insurance man regarding liability coverage, and will
give Board a letter. Warming House Attendant - Dr. Petersen made a motion
that we hire a part-time attendant for Lyon's Club rink at a salary not to
exceed $1.25 per hour - hours to be set by Mr. Reed. Termination of
employment to be determined by Mr. Reed, Mr. Byrnes seconded the motion, and
the motion passed. Mr. Reed advised that Dr. Giles of the University of
Minnesota will send a 4 man committee to Golden Valley next Fall for the
purpose of building a model for an area of Board's choosing. Board will
advise Dr. Giles by letter that we want this service. Mr. Reed submitted
a fileri Bond Issue articles for Park Board files. Mr. Reed has started
interviewing Summer Recreation employees.
APPOINTMENT OF 1959 PARK BOARD PRESIDENT: This will be taken up at next
P. B. OLSON PROPERTY: Mr. Ulstad agreed with Board that nothing should be
done about this property at the present time.
There being no further business, motion was made to adjourn the meeting at
11.30. The motion was seconded and carriedo
Attest: �
Pres' ent