5-6-1959Minutes of a Special Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
May 6, 1959 7:00 P.M.
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at a special meeting at
the temporary Village Hall, Wednesday, May 6, at 7:00 P.M. Present were
Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Recreation Director Reed and Recording Secretary
Sullivan. Also present were Ulstad, Sorensen, Snetsinger and Denzin.
OPENING OF BIDS: Mr. Ulstad opened the bids on two tennis courts for Seeman
Park, and three Hard Surface Play Areas at Seeman, Golden Oaks and Lions Club
Parks. The bids are as follows:
Carlson -Lavine, St. Louis Park, Minn. $21,261.08
Northland Constructors, Inc., Mpls., Minn. 21,779.48
Skrainka Construction Co., St., Louis, Mo. 19,959.61
Mr. Ulstad suggested the bids be tabled for one week to enable the Engineering
Department to check the costs. Mr. Stockman made a motion that the bids be
turned over to the Engineering Department to inspect them as to specifications,
and to prepare a report for the letting of the bids at a special Board meeting
on May 13. Mr. Byrnes seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
that the Village
PAPOOSE AND GOLDEN OAKS PARKS: Mr. Denzin stated/can take care of the work on
these two parks. A motion was made that the Village, under the direction of
the Engineering Department and Mr. Denzin, bring Papoose and Golden Oaks Parks
up to grade as soon as possible. The motion was seconded and carried. When
this work is completed, Mr. Denzin will give the Board his recommendations
regarding sod.
SHELTERS: Mr. Stockman read a letter from Mr. Norman C. Nagle of Graffunder,
Nagle and Associates, Mpls., which introduced Mr. Nagle as an architect. Mr.
Reed told of Dr. Fitzgerald's suggestion to contact Felix Dhainin for shelter
information. It was decided that Mr. Reed will take Mr. Scherer's sketches
to Mr. Dhainin, and have a report ready for the next Board meeting. Mr.
Nagle's letter will be discussed again after Mr. Reed's report.
that Dr. Fitzgerald's opinion is that it isnot legal for a Park Board to build
any facilities on school property. The Board held a general discussion. Mr.
Stockman will write to Stan Kane regarding the Bond Issue ballot and his
opinion of a contract. This matter will be tabled until the next Board meet-
ing. The Park Board will gather the necessary information, but will wait
until it is approached by the School Board. The Park Board and the School
Board had their special meeting April 28.
GLENVIEN TERRACE: This matter was tabled until Mr. Snetsinger is able to
complete the sketches.
RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Byrnes will find out for Mr. Reed if a person under 18
needs a working permit. It was decided that the Park Board will not ask for
the Enghauser pool, but will try to secure the Lincoln Junior High pool. Mr.
Reed will charge $3.00 per child for the swimming program. Mr. Reed told of
the possibility of securing University recreation students for "field work"
in Golden Valley this summer. Mr. Reed thanked the Board on behalf of the
Summer Staff for the dinner -meeting of April 29.
BALL DIAMONDS: There was a general discussion. New prices from Crowley Fence
were submitted.
May 6, 1959, Minutes Continued
PARK BOARD DONATION TO VILLAGE HALL: Motion was made that we appropriate
an amount not to exceed 41000. from our 1959 budget to be used towards
furnishing the new Village Hall. The motion was seconded and carried.
Mr. Stockman will advise Mr. Ulstad of this donation, by letter, and,
also, state that the Park Board will require two desks and two chairs
in the new Village Hall.
There being no further business, motion was made to adjourn th3 meeting
" at 9:30. The motion was seconded and carried.
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