7-15-1959Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
July 15, 1959 7:10 P,Me
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly
meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, July 15, at 7:10 PeYo Present were
Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Recreation Director Reed and Recording Secretary
Sullivan. Also present were Snetsinger and Denzin. The minutes of the
June 17 regular meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the
June 24 special meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the July 8
special meeting were read and approved as corrected.
WELLS: This portion of the July 8 minutes was corrected to read: We are
waiting for an okeh on Wells from the State Board of Health.
PARK LABOR: The Board and Mr. Denzin held a general discussion regarding
park labor for 1960. Mr. Denzin stated he could not do the required amount
of work with the manpower he now has, and suggested one man in the winter
and two men in the summer* The Board and Mr. Denzin discussed the hiring
of one additional man with recreation experience to work only during the
Summer Recreation Program. When hiring future park labor, the Board will
consider a marts Recreation experience, and, also, his knowledge of land
preparation. Mr. Denzin was asked to make definite suggestions to the
Board for its 1960 budget.
PARK EQUIPMENT: The Board asked Mr. Denzin to recommend whatever new
equipment is needed. Mr. Denzin suggested the purchase of a heavy duty
24" power lawn mower. He stated that perhaps the Village would pay for one-
half of it. Mr. Denzin and Mr. Sorensen will check on a mower. Mr. Denzin
will secure an estimate on new hose, and he stated seed will be needed for
next spring. The Board suggested purchase of a small infield roller.
GENERAL DISCUSSION ON PARKS: This fall Mr. Denzin will repair land around
Seeman tennis courts. He will, also, remove certain trees from Natchez
Park. Backstop benches were discussed with Mr. Denzin. He was told that
the Board has purchased and installed 3 sets because of the heavy main-
tenance schedule this summer, but if additional benches are purchased
this fall, they perhaps can be installed by the park man. Mr. Reed sub-
mitted a price of x$13.52 per bench not installed from Clarence Scherer.
There was a general discussion of elevation of tennis courts at Seeman.
Mr. Snetsinger will contact Crowley Fence regarding Natchez backstop.
MINUTES: The Board and Mrs. Sullivan held a discussion on the length of
Park Board minutes. The Board feels the minutes are legal public records
of Park Board activities, and should continue to be as detailed as they
have been in the past.
A motion was made to allow Glen Reed to spend an additional $200. for
clerical services. The motion was seconded and carried.
reported on the School Board Meeting. The School' suggested the placement
be brought closer to the road, and, therefore, closer to the School.. From
an engineering viewpoint Mr. Snetsinger approved this move. Elevation was
also discussed. The courts will drain into the creek. The School Board
expressed interest in the installation of lights to allow dancing on. the
courts. The School Board will pay :$5000* toward this project with payment
July 15, 1959, Minutes Continued
to be made to the Park Board in 1960.
MAINTENANCE: The School Board will take care of year-round maintenance, and
the Park Board.will take care of major repairs. Mr. Snetsinger will secure
a description, and the Park Board will draw up a contract.
USAGE: There was a general discussion. The Board feels these courts should
be open to the public during the summer after 6:00 P.M. each week day, and
all weekends. The Board will discuss the School's tennis team's needs
with the School athletic department. Also permits for special events were
Pyr. Stockman read a letter from Don Sorensen recommending that the bid be
awarded to the low bidder, Northland Constructors, Inc., Mpls., for Tennis
Courts to be constructed at the Golden Valley High School in the amount of
Pr. Petersen made a motion that we accept the bid from Northland Constructors,
Inc., Mpls.9 for double Tennis Courts to be placed at Golden Valley High
School in the amount of $11,672.79, this amount to be paid out of Bond Issue
funds in 1959, with subsequent reimbursement for $5000* from the Golden
Valley School Board in one ,year. Mr. Stockman seconded the motion. The
motion carried.
SHELTERS: Thpl•e was a general discussion of the shelter at Golden Valley
Golf Course, and of the shelter in Columbia Heights. Northland Constructors
is the contractor for the Columbia Heights shelter, and Mr. Snetsinger will
investigate price.
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BASKETBALL GOALS: There was a general discussion of the poor installation
job d,oie on the baslmtball goal at Seeman Park. Crowley Fence will
investigate, and make any corrections necessary to move it off the hard
surface area. Crowley Fence will be notified to stop work on the basket-
ball goals for Golden Oaks and Lions until the one at Seeman Park has
been corrected*
There was a genera]. discussion on the addition of a penalty clause on
future bids. Mr. Byrnes feels this clause should be included. Mr.
Snetsinger stated this would automatically raise the price.
1960 BUDGET: The Board held a general discussion regarding the preparation
oI� ots 1960 budget, and this matter was tabled until the next meeting.
Mr. Reed stated he has been approached by the Golden Valley Recreation
Association with the request that the Park Board take on some of the
winter activities. Mr. Stan Anderson will be invited to the next meeting.
RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Reed submitted a detailed report of the Sumner
Recxee �fl`on a-c-'Evities.
report far the next meetio.g - __._ �. �..
WELLS: Mr. Sorensen advised the Board it will cost no more money to tivait
July 15, 19590 Minutes Continued
to install un.dergroand discharges than it would to install them now.
Mr. Stockman made a motion that we accept the suggestion of the Engineering
Department regarding underground discharges and not add them now. The motion was
seconded and carried.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at
9:30. The motion was seconded and carried.
Attest: L'
Pres' t
USAGE: see correction made on September 16, 1959, minutes.