7-29-1959Minutes of a Special Meeting PARK BOARD OF Village of Golden Valley July 29, 1959 7:15 P.M. The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at a special meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, July 29, at 7:15 P.M. Present were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Recreation Director Reed and Recording Secretary Sullivan. Also present were Sorensen and Ulstad6 WELLS: Mr. Sorensen stated the State Board of Health has okehed our Wells, and submitted a proposed contract covering the construction of Wells, along with a letter from Stan Kane. The Board signed this contract, TENNIS COURTS AT SEF40 PARK: There was a general discussion regarding the completion of these courts in time for the grand opening on August 5. We Sorensen advised that the contractors will repair any damage to top soil in this park. FENCES: Mr. Hlady has some 8' high used fencing that he will sell to the 7;arF Board for '$1000. A similar quantity of new fencing would cost $3200. The price quoted by 14r. Hlady includes installation. The Board held a general discussion, and feels it has no need for 8' fencing at this time. GLENVIEW TERRACE: Mr. Stockman will contact Mr. Dhainin regarding a report. LION'S CLUB SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: Mr. Vic Snyder representing this organization gave a wry thorough presentation on the possibilities of a municipal Swimming Pool in Golden Valley. The following is Mr. Snyder's report: "Back in 1958, the Lion's Club assigned me the responsibility of formu- lating plans for. a Swimming Pool for Golden Valley. They warted to relieve the Park Board and Village of the responsibility of making it municipal tax property. They thought of it in terns of a private corporation that might be organized under the Lion's club charter. My committee made a study of swimming pools, and of operating; one as a Lion's Club Pool. It was found that legally it was not feasible, so we acquired information about municipal pools, and the possibility of making it a strictly muni- cipal deal. We made investigations in the United States and into Canada. Our greatest enthusiasm came from Canada. The conclusion we reached was that if we were to have any kind of a pool at all it would have to be a municipal pool. At this point, the Zion's Club Board of Directors agreed to let us go ahead with our investigation, and with the plan which you see before you. This plan, for some reason, is called "Rendering." We did research on locations of a pool. Not because Lion's Park belongs to the Lion's Club, but it was decided this area or the area adjacent to it were the best. V1e would need a pool the size of an olympic pool which could be used for swimming meets and national events. Our drawing covers 13,000 square feet of pool. This would be enough to fulfill all re- quirements of Golden Valley up to 8 years. This pool would cost between $2501A and $300M,with a bath house. Finances were investigated. Most other pools are not completely self-supporting. y$150M could come from industry, and that would leave 1501A for the Park Board. The Lion's Club Board of Directors has agreed to give complete support to the Park Board. We do not know if the center of Harold Park is su-itable. Vie do not know if this area would support a pool. The Lion's Club would have to know, and so would the Park Board before this area could be considered. The July 29, 1959, Minutes Continued Lion's Clab would like to think that the Park Board or Village could make drillings to determine if this area would be suitable• I.f the Village or Park Board does not have funds to drill, perhaps the Lion's Club would spend some money. If the area is alright, and if the Park Board is in favor, we have the, blessing of the Board of Directors of Lion's Club to support a Pool Bond Issue. The Lion's Club would do the work, but here they would stop. We have to know if the Park Board is interested. It would be one of the biggest things in Golden Valley in Recreation. The Lion's Club believes this could be successful if it were on a tax free basis. Other pools do not charge enough. We cannot restrict our Village residents. We can offer a season membership to residents of Golden Valley for X # of. $25* a year for a family membership. Daily fee should not be too low - 10� for children and 35� for adults would be too low. Non-residents should pay 75¢ for children and $1.25 for adults. We may be able to :Hake some arrangements with New Hope by giving them resident memberships. Golden Valley has 13M people today. 71M or 8M from New Hope would help support it. The Lion's Club doesn't have all the answers, but if the Park Board wants this project, they will have the backing of the Lion's Club. The Lionts Club could put additional money into research, the University of Minnesota would make pool information available. The Lion's Club would get together all figures to enable the Park Board to make a decision. The Park Board would have the full work support of the Lion's Club to put this over to the voters. Mr. Stockman complimented Mr. Snyder and the Lion's Club on the very thorough preparation and presentation. The Board and Mr. Snyder held a general dis- cussion. Mr. Snyder was told of the Park Board's urgent need for land acquisition. Mr. Snyder was told that the Park Board will investigate this project. We will secure information from the Minneapolis Park Board and from the University of Minnesota. The Village Engineering Department will check to see if the suggested pool will fit in Lionts Park, and will prepare a layout of this pool on a map of Lion's Park which will be sent to Mr. Snyder. Mr. Marty Poquette, President of Lionts Club, was introduced, and the Board, again, complimented the Lion's Club on its work. GOLDEN VALLEY RECREATION ASSOCIATION: Mr. Stan Anderson, Mr. Dan Okrup and Mr. Tohn Ferguson representing this group were present at our meeting. Mr. Stockman explained to them that the Board is not ready to hire a full time Director, but that it would like to extend its 8 week recreation program, and asked for suggestions from the Association. The Board and the Association held a general discussion. A motion was made that the Park Board take over the responsibilities of Football and Hockey this fall and winter. The motion was seconded and carried. A motion was made that we coordinate with the Golden Valley Recreation Association in Basketball and Volleyball for both boys and girls starting in November, 1959. The motion was seconded and carried. The Board suggested that perhaps $1000. could be budgeted from its 1960 budget for the Golden Valley Recreation Association swimming program. The Association met this suggestion with great enthusiasm. The Board thanked the Association for coming, and the Association thanked the Park Board for cooperation over and above anything done in the past. The Association will send a representative to future Board Meetings. BUDGET; Mr. Denzin will be invited to our next meeting to discuss park labor. M.r. Reed was asked to have a suggested 1960 Recreation Budget ready for the next meeting. Records show that to date we have spent $16,600 plus of our 1959 ;29,700. budget, and $71,950 plus of our $97,000 Bond Issue. July 29, 1959, Minutes Continued RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Reed submitted a detailed Recreation Report. The Board ander. Reed discussed rule and regulation signs for Tennis Courts, the Bob Richardts Day Program and the fact that the JC's may be interested in promoting this Program - Dr. Petersen will contact the JCts, and salaries to be paid the Sumner staff. Mr. Stockman made a motion that Glen Reed be retained during the year of 1960 as Recreation Director of the Summer Program, and, also, on a consulting basis for the remainder of this year. His salary will be determined upon acceptance of our Park Budget by the Council. The motion was seconded and carried. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:15. The motion was seconded and carried. Attest: 1