10-21-1959Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden. Valley
October 21, 1959 7:00 P,Me
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly
meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, October 21, at 7:00 P.M. Present
were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Reed, Snetsinger and Sullivan. The
minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Stockman reported that thank you letters have been written to Golden
Valley Schools and to Mr. Armstrong of the University of Minnesota for
their help in our Summer Program.
on the model for Scheid Park was not present. Mr. John Richie represented
the University group working on the model for Natchez Park at our meeting.
He questioned the Board on what it desires for this Park. He was advised
to include the following in his model: Ball fields, an area for skating,
a shelter, a hard surface area, and the Park Board suggested his model
cover the portion of the school land that includes the tennis court and
backstop. The Board and Mr. Richie held a general discussion, and Mr.
Richie was advised that the Park Board will call special meetings to
meet with his group.
Pair. Stockman made a motion that we authorize the Recreational Leadership
Department of the University of Minnesota to proceed in providing finished
plans for Natchez Park and Scheid Park, the cost of this authorized
expenditure to be assumed by the Park Board up to the amount of $75.00.
The motion was seconded and carried.
LR. DILL: Mr. Snetsinger advised that Mr. Dillts fence problem has been
investigated, and that it is not a Park Board matter. Mr. Dill has been
so advised by the Engineering Department.
GO CARTS: Mr. Reed will gather legal information, and Mr. Stockman will
write a letter to Yr. Gaudette.
SKATING: Mr. Reed reported that Mr. Denzin is working on all locations.
GOLDEN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS: Mr. Stockman read a letter from
Bruce McNeil covering the motion made by his School Board to enter into a
joint venture on tennis courts with the Park Board. A working agreement
will be discussed between the two Boards.
P.ECRFATION: Mr. Reed's report is attached. The Golden Valley Recreation
Association is in need of $160. to provide a swimming instructor. The
Board held a general discussion. Mr. Stockman made a motion that we
employ one swimming instructor at a cost of $160.00. The motion was seconded
and carried.
A motion was made that we authorize Glen Reed to spend $400. for Recreational
equipment. The motion was seconded and carried.
Mr. Reed advised that Dick Siebert has not been paid for the Baseball Clinic
he held in Golden Valley last summer. This Clinic was arranged by Mr.
John Sullivan of the Little League, but it, also, benefited the Recreation
Program. The bill is $90.00. Mr. Reed talked by phone to Mr. Sullivan
October 21, 1959, Minutes Continued
during our meeting, and Mr. Sullivan stated that one-half of this bill
will be paid by the Little League. Mr. Stockman made a motion that we
pay Dick Siebert $45.00, which is one-half of his $90.00 charge for
services rendered to the Recreation Program Baseball Clinic on June 22.
The Little League to pay the balance of $45.00. The motion was seconded
and carried. Mr. Reed will secure a bill from Mr. Siebert.
BUDGET: Any additional spending for this year will be discussed at our
next meeting.
LIONS CLUB SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: Dr. Bill Huesner of the University of
Minnesota was present at our meeting. The Board and Dr. Huesner held a
general discussion. Dr. Huesner advised the Board that the pool sug-
gested by the Lions Club is not an olympic size pool. An olympic pool
must be 50 meters. He further stated that 6000 sq* ft. of pool would
handle our present population of 12000, and 14000 sqo ft. of pool would
handle our maximum population of 28000 in 20 years. The Lions Club pool
covers 13000 sq. ft. Dr. Huesner stated that the Golden Valley High School
perhaps would install a pool within the next 20 years, and that 3000 sq.
ft. would fill its needs. That would leave 11000 sqo fto to be supplied
by the Village, and it could be put into one or more pools. He suggested
one 5 or 6000 sq. ft. pool at this time which would cost about 60M plus
a bath house. He suggested the use pf sprayed concrete called ganite. The
12000 sq. ft. Edina pool cost $90M including bath house. The location
hehind the Village Hall has his approval. A pool, bath house and parking
area would cover 9/10's of an acre. He recommends indoor pools only in
schools. The Board ask -.d Dr. Huesner if he would work as a paid
consultant. Dr. Huesner said no, but that he would be willing to follow
the Board through a Pool Bond Issue. Dr. Huesner will attend our next
regular meeting on November 18. The Board will invite the Lions Club, a
member of the Council, a member of the Planning Commission and Mr. Ulstad
to attend this meeting.
Mr. Stockman discussed the private pool belonging to Mr. Paul Enghauser
with Dr. Huesner and the Board. Mr. Enghauser would like the -Board to
provide leadership for his pool. The Board will meet with Mr. Enghauser.
TENNIS COURT BENCHES: A price of $16.00 each was submitted by Crowley
Fence for tennis court bench posts for Seeman Park. Dr. Petersen made a
motion that we order the 10 bench standards at '$16.00 each for the benches
at the tennis court entrance at Seeman Park from Crowley Fence Company.
The motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Stockman will order.
A motion was made that we authorize the Village to complete and install
benches at the gate of the tennis court at Seeman Park. The motion was
seconded and carried.
WARMING HOUSES: The Board held a general discussion regarding the shelter
offered by the Pease Woodwork Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Mr. Stockman made a
motion that we refer the geodesic plan to the Engineering Department for
suggestions and comments as to how practical it might be. We will, also,
want their suggestions on placement and treatment of base area. If
the Engineering Department recommends it, we will place a purchase order,
and buy it. The motion was seconded and carried. Dr. Petersen stated
that Mr. Iry Malen, architect, cannot work as a Board Consultant, but
that he wo uld be happy to meet with us on occasion.
attended GVRA meeting; last week. They are starting on their adult niter
at Ibble and Neill Schools. (MAnday - Wednesdays) Alan, they have swimming
class®$ at Lincoln Jr. High Pool (19d. Girls 10-15) & (Fri, Boys 10-15)
They reed money for a second instructor (h0 kids one teacher now) and we
can help them out with 1160.00 for that purpose. They also have 6 c .&ices
scheduled throughout the village. They were enraged bdesuse our 1960 bulget
was cut by the Council. They are mudh in favor or our current prngrams,
and the feeling between our two groups is excellent,,
2, We have started plans for the basketball and hockey seasons in Gnlden Valleyā€˛
`the basketball staff is set, ars now oltaining the permission of schnolso
Jnhn Kundla will start the season off with a clinic on November 14th for
all interested boys 9-18. John N rigcni is sending free hockey help from
his hockey cthsa at the U, but we need two full time met here to run the
program - Hub Felson is also working with mao A clinic by ?^hronsh will
start the hockey alro.
jo Rev. Bob Richards is all booked up through June, so we must select a dpts
in July for his visit. The JC's want a Saturday - any ideas?
4. `.t'he Recreation Student committees wnrcing on NRtchez and Sheid are made t
of top people. and I hope we will give them full cooperation in getting;
goad Kadels built, (financial assistance needed for materials)
5- As a matter of background an Bill Hu.esneYro He is a top authority in his
field. Grad of Northwestern, was aa Olympic swimmer for the US in 194S.
Has a Ph.D. degtae, and cached in several top Ubiver°sities before comm
to Minnesota has boosted swirming in our stato Promandously.
6, mould Zile the Board to vote an OK on braying one of the geodesic structures
that we have the plans for. This one would be for Glenview Terrace.
7, Football progr am rw ill end this weekend, It has been s uccessfull and yell'
attended by the boys every wet and cold Saturday morning, One problem
was an over-anxious father - named F.iicCarthy, Otherwise, a 2l is fine.
8. We are getting alittle free help from the U Recreation Dept. boys who
do field work out here, 151e have one in football now, may get one or trate
for the basketball/hockey.
9. Some ideas for expenditure of remaining funds in 59 budgets
$16o for GVNA swimmin
ra Contribution to GVRA I'll explain)
Buy athletic equipment for next s ummer, also craft materials
Pay basketball, hockey, and rink staff in advance
Siebert Clinic -- he lost $90 in Golden Valley
Another set of hockey boards
10. Talked with Cheif of Police Ev Franzen, and he said that they git calls
frequently about the nuisance that "Go Carts" are making. He thinks that
using parking lots on Suddays is a terrific iada, for there they don't need
license, or drivers license either. This is being done in Edina at Southdale
quite sucessfully,
October 21, 1959, Minutes Continued
SPRINKLING AT LIOP?S CLUB PARK: Mr. Snetsinger submitted a sketch. Plastic
will be investigated before we decide on galvanized. The matter was
TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTY: Dr. Petersen has discussed this matter with
Mr. Ulstad who is checking with Stan Kane. Dr. Petersen will follow
the matter through.
LIGHTS AT LIONS PARK: Dr* Petersen advised that lights in this park
are always one. He will advise the police to turn lights on only on
Dr. Petersen suggested that the Park Board might improve its public
relations job. He has been approached by JC members who want to know
how Bond Issue money has been spent. The Board held a general dis-
cussion. An article might be sent out with the Village News Letter.
An expenditure report will be prepared for discussion at the next
'_"here being no f urther business, a motion was made to adjourn the
meeting at 11:25. The motion was seconded and carried.
;cre ary
LIONS CLUB SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: Please note correction in minutes
of November 18, 1959.