11-18-1959Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
November 18, 1959 7:00 P.M.
The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly
meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, November 18, at 7:00 P.M. Present
were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Reed, Snetsinger, Ulstad and Sullivan.
The minutes of the October 21 regular meeting were read and approved with
one correction. The minutes of the November 11 special meeting were read
and approved with one correction.
Correction to the October 21 minutes - the Edina Swimming Pool cost $220M.
Correction to the November 11 minutes - this meeting was held on Nov. 10.
BENCHES: Dr. Petersen stated that the JC's are interested in furnishing
benches for the parks, and introduced Mr. Gene Altman of the JC's. Mr.
Altman would like to know what type of bench the Park Board is interested
in before he investigates further. He stated this could be a work pro-
ject for the JC's during the winter months. The Board and Mr. Altman
held a general discussion. Mr. Altman was advised that the Board has an
approved sketch of a table and bench combination, and he will secure
information on concrete benches - both plain and with backs - for our next
W. BILL CAVANAUGH: The Board and Mr. Cavanaugh held a general discussion
of the 14.4 acres including streets of tax delinquent property near Culver
Road. The Park Board is interested in acquiring 4.9 acres of this pro-
perty for Park purposes. A rough estimate of the cost to the Park Board
is $7804. in assessments plus the cost of the storm sewer, and the Park
Board would have to pay between $4M and $5M immediately. Mr. Stockman
made a motion that the Park Board wants acquisition of proposed lots 1-2-
3-4-5-12-13-14-15-16-17-18 of block 1 of proposed Reg. Land Survey #512
with revision of straightening Triton Drive, if the necessary arrangements
can be established regarding delayed assessments on this parcel. Dr.
Petersen seconded the motion. The motion carried. Mr. Ulstad will double
check the tax delinquent figures, and give his opinion within the next few
LIONS CLUB SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: Interested persons present at our meeting
were Mr. Paul Lohman of the Lions Club, Mr. Clarence Scherer and Mr. Cliff
Teresi of the Council, Mr. Paul Enghauser, and Dr. Huesner of the University.
Mr. Stockman introduced the group, and told that several months ago the Lions
Club had presented the Park Board with a sketch and prices of a proposed
pool for Golden Valley. He stated the Summer Program questionnaires showed
great interest in a pool. He told of the public use of Mr. Enghauser's
private pool by Golden Valley children. He told of Dr. Huesner's great
interest and knowledge of pools. He stated that the Park Board feels Golden
Valley is ready for a pool. Dr. Huesner was asked to take over the meeting.
Dr. Huesner feels the Lions Club proposal is too high. He stated that because
of the following facts, it would seem logical that Golden Valley would be able
to support 13,500 sq. ft. of pool area in the future:
1. Golden Valley is 11 sq. miles.
2. It has a population distribution that is young.
3. Its education level is high.
4. Its average income is high.
5. Its present population is 12M to 13M.
6. Its maximum future population is estimated at 27M.
November 18, 1959, Minutes Continued
A school pool will come, and 2500 sq. ft. of pool would be adequate for a
school the size of Golden Valley High School. This leaves 11M sq. ft, of
pool needed. We can build this size pool now, but it would be twice as
much pool as we need right naw. Our immediate needs could be taken care
of with 6M sq. ft. of pool. This group must decide which size pool it
wants. An 1111 sq. ft. pool would cost about :$200M, and a smaller 6M sq.
ft. pool would cost between $110M and :$115. The Edina pool cost
$202,110.40 plus $1014 for land. A smaller pool would have the advantage
of not placing a large tax strain at one time, and pools could be placed
in two different locations in the community. However, with two pools we
would never have an plympic pool. His recommendation is that we.try to
get one large pool, if it would go over with the people. However, he
would rather see us with one pool now, and another one in several years,
than to go without any pool. He recommenda a L shape rather than a S
shape. An 11M sq* ft. pool with 22M sq* ft. of deck area, 6M sq* ft* of
bath house and 80M sq. ft. of parking area would need 4 to 5 acres of. land.
The land behind the Village Hall was discussed, and Dr. Y.uesner approved
this location for a pool site. Mr, Stockman mentioned that if we can use
land already owned by the Village, it would reduce the cost of the pool.
Mr. Enghauser stated that money for the Village Hall was secured as follows:
1/3 general obligation bonds
1A private funds
1A businesses who wanted to invest or donate
The Edina pool came from General obligation bonds. It operating expenses for
one year come to $26,430., but this is high. This pool could be operated
for $13M to $18M.
A Bond Issue electicn was discussed. We cannot move immediately. Mr.
Stockman stated that Dr. Huesner will work with us, if we do not rush into
it, but wait until December of 1960 to ge before the people. It would be
wise to wait for our regular election in December, and not call a special
The group gave their individual opinions. Mr. Teresi feels the Council would
be behind it 100/. Mr. Scherer likes the plan. Mr. Enghauser would get
behind it. Dr. Huesner would like to see one large pool. Mr. Cavanaugh
expressed interest in one large pool that would not be outgrown.
Dr. Huesner recommended that the following steps be taken:
1. Hold a formal program to form a pool committee. The Committee would need
authorization to spend money.
2. Dr. Huesner will collect more data.
3. Select a pool site in the very near future.
4. Prepare an estimated budget for rough plans.
5. Contact the Village Council in a formal manner.
6. If Council agrees, schedule a date for bond election.
7. Start promoting and soliciting funds and pledges before bond issue.
8. Hire an engineer on a contingency basis according to rough information
committee has given him.
9. Dr. Huesner would check plans that come back from architect.
The entire group and the Board held a general discussion. Dr. Huesner stated
it would cost between $300 and $1000 to put on such a campaign. The Park Board
will ask to be put on the Lions Club Board of Directors' meeting agenda, and
November 18, 1959, Minutes Continued
will meet with other Golden Valley organization. The Park Board will then go
to the Council, and ask the Mayor to appoint a Swimming Pool Bond Issue Chair-
man. The Chairman will then compile a list of persons for his committee.
This list will be submitted to the Mayor for his final committee selection.
Dr. Petersen brought up the Park Board's problem of land acquisition, and
suggested that both land and pool might be included on the Bond Issue vote.
The group and the Board held a general discussion, and no decision was
12. PAUL ENGHAUSER: Mr. Enghauser stated that he has opened his pool to
the youth of Golden Valley for the purpose of furnishing Golden Valley with
a swimming teen.. Mr. Enghauser would like to secure help from the Park Board
with regard to paying an instructor. The Board and Mr. Enghauser held a gen-
eral discussion. Mr. Enghauser was_ asked if his pool was open to all children
in Golden Valley, and not just a select few. Mr. Enghauser said it was open
to all, but that the ability of some would not allow them to qualify. The
Park Board will advise Mr. Enghauser of its decision.
WARMING HOUSE: The Board and Mr. Snetsinger held a general discussion on the
Pease Dome Shelter. The Board will write to a distributor of this shelter for
additional facts and information.
LIGHTS AT NATCHEZ PARK: The Board and Mr. Snetsinger held a general discussion.
It was agreed that the Board should install lights at every pump location. Mr.
Stockman made a motion that we install lights at Natchez Park on the Park Board's
pole at the pump. Dr. Petersen seconded the motion. The motion carried.
be brought up at the December Park Board meeting.
SCHIED PARK: Mr. Ulstad advised that the Park Board will not be reimbursed
for land taken because of road construction, but assured us of fill.
RECREATION: Mr. Reed's recreation report is attached. Mr. Reed would like to
know the Park Board's policy fcr flooding of rinks on private property. Mr.
Stockman advised that in the past we have flooded private rinks only in areas
where the Board cannot provide adequate facilities. Each request, as it comes,
will be turned over -b. Mr. Denzin. Mr. Reed advised that Mics. Griffin from the
NN corner of the Village wants a rink on the General Mills property. Mr.
Denzin will be told, and Mrs. Griffin will be advised of his decision.
The Board will write a letter to Mr. Dick Siebert regarding the Baseball Clinic
payment misunderstanding.
SKATING: There was a general discussion of hockey boards on only one rink at
TENNIS COURT BELCHES: The benches will not be installed until next spring.
BUDGET: Mr. Byrnes submitted a report of bond issue expenditures from Mr.
Murphy. The Board held a general discussion on the publishing of these figures
in the Village News Letter. The matter will be tabled until the December
The Board and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion on total budget expenditures
for the year, and on money returned to Village by Summer Recreation Program.
11r. Ulstad will ask Mr. Murphy to furnish Board with a report of October and
Tie basketball prograw at four schools starts this Saturday moaning:- at four schools,
the men handling the coaching and directi n of the program Are excellent. Wayne
Fix the "U" freshman coach is "in charge" and will help me with publicity, press
releases, notices to schools etc. The schools and men at each aras
Golden Valley IIigh - Chuck Agneel (former Laker star)
soh Lockwood (G.V. high basket' all coach)
Loble Elementary - Wayne Fix (U player and now coach)
.3ob rrigley (played at Mankato - local resid--;nt)
Oak ('wove School - Doug Rossi (Ele i. principle, former UND bb Capt.)
Frank Demberio (Jr. High teacher - formerly of tryst))
Westview School - Bill 3orrer (:5ic,iigan State star - lives in G.V.)
Jim Boltz (1.4anka>bo player, norr Jr. High teacher)
2. The basket all blinic at the highi;ehool last Saturday morning was excellent, and
John Kundla enjoying putting it on. We over 150 participants, and many Dad's were
there also, A real treat for the yo -ngsters the e,
3. The Recreation students medel are being built, and will be completed by Dec. 17th.
They have all checked Tfith me periodically' and have no major pro',leias - are happy
with the work they're doing, and cope they will satisfy our requests about them,
4. Ordered some equipment from Al Aldritt Spt, goods company. Six basketballs for
onr current proL,raaa, and some needed eq ipment for next summer - - will nut
exceed the *400.00 stipulated in the last meeting.
5. The SRA sai.mming proxam is drawing very w6ll at Lirclbin Poul. Sr. Stan Anderson
reports the girls have 40 every 1,ed. and the boys have 138 every Friday. he said
too that PaiLl Enghauser has aquired use of the pool on Friday nights for his grim
team in (,.V. and has paid for the rental in advance for the re t of the winter. This
means he is all set... and is using the GVRA "name" for aquiring it,
6. The GVRA had a Jr. High dance last Friday and had 250 in a';tendance... so they are
pleased. The arrangement we now have (Pk. dd. taking the Basketi�all over) is fine
ti.th them, because they can concentrate on fever projects such as this dance and
do a good job with it.
7. Hockey will start wit in the next two -three weeks. I'ie need our boards, flooding
etc, so will check with Arnie about it.
8. !'e should have a policy about the flooding of private property skating rinks. I
have had a couple of calls already and we should resolve with Arnie where to
draw the line. Mrs. Griffin from the W" corner of the villa .e wants a rink on
the General Mills property that will be a park soon. (5 acres they are donating)
There is a pond there, and the kids have dut all the weeds, but it needs water to
iron out the "humps" on the durrent ice,
B A S K E T B A L L N 0 T I C E
The Golden Valley Park Board will conduct a free basketball program for
all boys between the ages of 9 and 17. Every Saturday morning starting
November 21st, prominent basketball coaches will direct a basketball
program in four schools within the Village of Golden Valley. Such men
as Chuck Mencel, Wayne Fix and Glen Reed will be handling the Saturday
sessions. There will be two coaches at each of the following schools:
Golden Valley High
Oak Grove
9:00-10:30 A.M.
Boys 9-12
it it
it it
10:X? -12:00 P.M.
Boys 13-17
rt n
rr tt
Pr tt
You can register for this program the first Saturday morning that you
attend. Bring tennis shoes, towel, and lots of enthusiasm. After Christ-
mas vacation, there will also be a Saturday program at Carl Sandburg Junior
High School.
KUNDLA CLINIC - November 1_4th
John Kundla, Head Basketball Coach at Minnesota (former 'tLakor" coach),
will conduct a free basketball clinic 9:00 A.M., Saturday, Novmber 14th
at the new Golden Valley High School. The Park Board basketball staff
will assist Coach Kundla in this three hour clinic that will be highly
beneficial to a11.
Bring your basketball shoes to the clinic --all boys and Dads will be wel-
"me. We encourage you to come and bring your friends with you. We
expect everyone who will participate in the program to be present on
November 14th.
November 18, 1959, Minutes Continued
November expenditures.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting
at 11:05. The motion was seconded and carried.
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